10 research outputs found

    Penerapan Teknologi Liofilisasi dan Radiasi Sinar γ pada Pembuatan Graf di Indonesia

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    Penggunaan graf di dunia kedokteran gigi termasuk di Indonesia sudah sejak lama dilakukan, terutama pada prosedur bedah dan perawatan periodontik. Banyak teknologi yang dapat diterapkan dalam pembuatan graf, yang paling populer adalah liofilisasi dan radiasi sinar γ. Liofilisasi atau pengeringan sublimasi adalah pengeringan dengan suhu antara -10oC sampai -40oC, sedangkan radiasi sinar γ adalah proses sterisasi menggunakan sinar γ pada dosis minimum 25 kGy, proses ini merupakan sterilisasi dingin yang tidak mengubah struktur jaringan, tidak meninggalkan residu, dan dapat membunuh mikroorganisme. Pembuatan graf dengan menerapkan kedua teknologi liofilisasi dan radiasi sinar γ ternyata telah dilakukan di Indonesia yaitu di Pusat Aplikasi. Teknologi Isotop dan Radiasi Badan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (Patir-Batan) dengan prosedur yang merujuk pada prosedur dari International Atomic Energi Agency (IAEA

    Potensi Damar Indonesia Sebagai Bahan Baku Material Kedokteran Gigi

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    One of the natural resins in the world market which is dominated by production from Indonesia is damar. Damar is a resin produced by the Shorea javanica tree. This resin is known to have the best quality compared to other types of resin. In Indonesia, this plant grows well in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Maluku, but is mainly produced in the Krui Coastal area of Lampung in an agroforest system known as Repong Damar. From the Shorea javanica tree, two types of resin are produced, namely damar mata kucing and damar batu. Damar mata kucing is obtained by tapping while rock resin is obtained by picking up resin which drips naturally onto the ground. The resin quality standard is stipulated in the Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 2900.1:2012 for  visual test and SNI 2900.2:2013 for for laboratory tests. Resin has properties in accordance with the requirements of dental materials, such as white to yellow colour, non-volatile, and insoluble in water. But it also has unsuitable properties such as brittle, sticky at room temperature, not heat resistant, flammable, and will change color when stored for a long time. It is concluded that resin modification has the potential to be used as raw material for dentistry, but it needs to be modified and its mechanical properties need to be tested

    Potensi Getah Perca Indonesia Sebagai Bahan Baku Getah Perca Kedokteran Gigi

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    Gutta percha is used for many functions in dentistry but the most popular is the root canal filler. This root canal filler is not a pure gutta percha but mixed with other materials, such as zinc oxide, wax, resi, and metal salts. The raw material of gutta percha dentistry is obtained from gutta percha tree (Palaquium gutta Baill) which in Indonesia has been cultivated in commercial scale since 1901 in Cipetir Sukabumi, in this location since 1921 is also equipped with its processing plant. This condition is very supportive if that gutta percha will be used as raw material of gutta percha dentistry. However, this material is a raw material that needs to be mixed with other materials in order to conform the standardization in dentistry, for that needed a series of research to be able to make gutta percha dentistry in Indonesia

    Perbedaan Karakterisasi Ftir Antara Getah Perca Indonesia Dengan Getah Perca Kedokteran Gigi

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    Getah perca or known as gutta percha is the most widely used for the root canal filling material. Indonesia has a big potency to product dental gutta percha, as it is the biggest country that has productions of natural gutta percha. Indonesia is conducting natural gutta percha at PT. Perkebunann Nusantara VIII Cipetir-Jawa Barat. Chemical composition and bond are very important to be found out before making the root canal filling material from natural gutta percha. This study purposed to know the chemical composition differences between natural gutta percha and dental gutta percha using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR) characterizations. The methode is descriptive study that studies the FTIR Characterization between natural gutta percha and dental gutta percha. The characterized samples, each consist 20 mg of natural gutta percha and 20 mg dental gutta percha.The IR results the difference of transmission between natural gutta percha and dental gutta percha. Both show the presence of hydroxyl groups in the material indicates that the process is oxidative, but the dental gutta percha contain pro oxidant that increase the oxidation. The conclusion of this study showed there is FTIR characterization difference between natural gutta percha and dental gutta percha

    Perbandingan Titik Lunak Resin Damar Mata Kucing dengan Resin Damar Batu

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    Resin is widely used in dentistry these days. But synthetic resin is mostly used, because natural resin production is considered expensive in western countries. Meanwhile Indonesia has potential natural resources and one of the world’s natural resin producers. Dammar resin is one of them, there are two kinds considered the best which is mata kucing dammar resin and batu dammar resin. There are different characteristics between the two resin because they came from different tree species. This research, Difference in Softening Point of Mata Kucing Dammar Resin and Batu Dammar Resin, aims to determine the difference  in the softening point of the two dammar resin so we can discover the use of dammar resin as one of the basic dental materials. Softening point test was done on 16 samples of mata kucing dammar resin and 16 samples of batu dammar resin using Ring and Ball Apparatus based on SNI 01-2900-1999. From the study results, it is obtained that the softening point of mata kucing dammar resin is 87-90°C, meanwhile batu dammar resin is 150-160°C.  Softening point is the temperature which when dammar resin starts to transform into semisolid. A high softening point temperature shows that the dammar resin has long hardened because the compound chemical bond is reduced as a result of oxidation reaction. Mata Kucing dammar resin is yellowish-clear is gotten by tapping directly into the Shorea javanica tree, meanwhile the batu dammar resin which is brownish-black is gotten by collecting the fossilized sap on the ground beneath the Shorea eximia tree. Therefore, the mata kucing dammar resin has less ash and dirt content. Mata kucing dammar resin and batu dammar resin have different softening point temperature

    <strong>Comparison of brittleness and flowability between Cipetir Gutta-Percha and commercial Gutta-Percha</strong>

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    Introduction: Gutta-Percha (GP) is a standard endodontic filling material found in pure form in the Cipetir area, Indonesia. However, a study comparing physical properties (brittleness and flowability) between pure GP and commercially used GP has not been found. Therefore, this study aims to test the brittleness and flowability of Cipetir GP compared to commercial GP. Methods: This study was quasi-experimental. Forty samples were prepared for each material and test, according to ANSI/ADA specification-GP cones-no 78 in 2006. The first step began by making a sample of Cipetir GP using moulds from a cuvette, commercial GP (Inline #80), and gypsum stone. The second step was to test the brittleness (Crease Recovery Tester) and flowability (according to ADA No. 78 of 2000) of Cipetir GP and commercial GP. Results: The brittleness test of Cipetir GP showed unbroken samples, and the commercial GP showed four broken samples. The Fisher's Exact test showed a p-value of 0.087, which means there was no significant difference in brittleness between Cipetir GP and commercial GP. At the same time, the average value of flowability of Cipetir GP and commercial GP were 6.46 mm and 0.19 mm, respectively. The unpaired t-test showed a p-value<0.05, which means there was a significant difference in the flowability between Cipetir GP and commercial GP. Conclusions: There is a brittleness similarity between Cipetir GP and commercial GP, while the flowability value of Cipetir GP is higher than commercial GP. Those initial findings showed that the Cipetir GP might become an excellent candidate to be an alternative endodontic filling

    <strong>Differences of Micro-CT evaluation of the obturation sealing capability between thermoplastic carrier-based condensing techniques and lateral heat condensation techniques</strong>

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    ABSTRACT  Introduction: Root canal filling is an important part of root canal treatment that aimed to seal the root canal system, to prevent bacterial penetration and their toxins into periradicular tissues and to provide favourable environment for periapical healing. Thermoplasticized technique were developed to produce filling with homogenous mass, to achieve optimal sealing ability and to increase the quality of root canal filling. The aim of this study is to analyzed differences of Micro-Computed Tomography (Micro-CT) evaluation of the obturation sealing capability between thermoplastic carrier-based condensing techniques and lateral heat condensation techniques. Methods: This study was conducted under an in-vitro quasi experimental methode to 36 specimens of maxillaris centralis incisivus which were divided to 3 groups, (A) thermoplasticized carrier-based technique (GuttaCore System), (B) warm lateral condensation technique (heat carrier SystemB), (C) cold lateral condensation as control group. Sealing ability is evaluated based on the measurement results of volume percentages of filling material and sealer, volume of void, and surface density, that which was calculated from the 3D volumetric image of Micro-CT device. Data were statistically analysed using Analisis of Variance (ANOVA) and t-test. Result: The result showed significant difference of percentage filling material and sealer volume in apical third (p0.05). Conclusion: Thermoplastized carrier-based technique is not better than warm lateral technique. Keywords: sealing ability; root canal filling; thermoplasticized carrier-based technique; warm lateral technique