270 research outputs found

    A study on the aspects of epidemiology of urinary and intestinal schistosomiasis In Bauchi State, Nigeria

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    A twelve-month epidemio-ecological study on the prevalence of schistosomiasis was conducted in Bauchi State, from January to December, 2016. Two thousand 2000 samples each of faeces and urine were collected and examined microscopically for schistosome eggs. The urine samples were examined using sedimentation method while the faecal samples were examined using formol-ether concentration technique. Twenty eight 28 (1.40%) of the entire volunteers urine samples collected had eggs of S.haematobium 3(0.15%) had eggs of S. mansoni in their faecal samples. The infection rates in different month by S.mansoni species, infection rate in different sexes and infection rate in individuals from different senatorial zone by schistosomiasis were not statistically significant while the infection rates in different month by S.heamatobium species, infection rate in different age groups, infection rate in individuals using different water source, infection rate in individuals using different types of toilet facilities and the infection rate in individuals in different occupational groups were all statistically significant at (p<0.05). Though there was low prevalence of the disease in the study area, there is need to intensified integrated control measures to reduce or complete eradicate the disease.Keywords: Epidemiology, Urinary/Intestinal Schistosomiasis, Bauchi State, Nigeri

    Effects of some physico-chemical parameters on prevalence of intermediate host of animal trematodes in Bauchi State, Nigeria

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    The effect of physicochemical parameters on the prevalence, distribution and vector aspects of snail borne diseases was conducted in Bauchi State, from January to December, 2016. Nine (9) of the twenty (20) Local Governments Areas, three (3) from each senatorial zone and two (2) water bodies in each selected Local Government Area were randomly selected for the study. Standard keys were used to identify the snail vectors. Three physicochemical parameters of the water were measured temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen. Temperature and pH were measured using Hanna instrument temperature tester-H198311 and pH tester-H198107 respectively while dissolved oxygen of the water was measured using Winkler method in the laboratory. One thousand six hundred and five (1605) snails were collected and identified which include 1581 Bulinus globosus and 24 Biomphalaria pfeifferi. Out of this, only 59(3.7 %) of the Bulinus globosus shed cercariae in the water with low temperature and pH value and high dissolved oxygen. The snail abundant varied significantly. Therefore effective snails control programme as well as public awareness on the role of snails in transmitting animal trematode in the area is recommended.Keywords: Physico-chemical parameters, Snail, Animal trematode, Bauchi State, Nigeri

    Phytoplankton population in relation to physicochemical parameters of Gwaigwaye Reservoir Katsina State, Nigeria

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    The study on phytoplankton population in relation to physicochemical parameters of Gwaigwaye reservoir, Katsina state was carried out from May 2013 to April 2014to establish physical, chemical, and biological parameters (Phytoplankton) of Gwaigwaye reservoir. Four sampling stations were chosen; the physicochemical andbiological parameters were determined using standard methods and procedures. The result revealed that; Water temperature (25.02 ± 0.170C), pH (7.54 ± 0.03), Alkalinity (3.69±0.09), Conductivity (129.43 ± 5.15μЅ/cm), Total Dissolved Solids (50.54 ± 0.57mg/L) Nitrate-nitrogen (0.21 ± 0.04mg/L), Water hardness (134.44 ± 3.06mg/LCaCO3), Dissolved Oxygen (3.98 ± 0.10mg/L), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (2.53 ± 0.08mg/L), Phosphate-phosphorus (0.19 ± 0.02mg/L), Chloride (5.09 ± 0.15mg/L), Sulphor-sulphate (0.21± 0.01) and Calcium (2.97±0.06mg/L) varied with months and seasons. Analysis of variance indicated significant difference between seasons (P < 0.05); but no significant difference in phytoplankton distribution and abundance among the four stations (P>0.05). The result indicated phytoplankton percentage composition as; Chlorophyta (57.66%), Bacillariophyta (25.70%), Cyanophyta (14.73%), and Dinophyta (1.91%). Water quality of the reservoir is influenced by anthropogenic activities, the reservoir water is suitable for irrigational and domestic purposes from the results of most of the physicochemical and biological parameters obtained. Hence, there is need for an effective anthropogenic inputs control programme in the reservoir.Keywords: Gwaigwaye; Physicochemical; Phytoplankton; Reservoi

    Occurrence of multi-drug resistant Enterobacteriaceae in cultured Clarias gariepinus (African catfish) in Kano metropolis, Nigeria

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    Multi-drug resistant Enterobacteriaceae were isolated from cultured African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) from ten different fish farms located in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria using conventional methods of bacterial isolation, phenotypic characterization and antimicrobial susceptibility test. This study seeks to document the occurrence of Enterobacteriaceae isolates in cultured African catfish from ten registered fish farms, determine possible resistance to some antimicrobials and the fish safety for human consumption. Isolation and identification of microorganisms were carried out based on the standard procedures and antimicrobial susceptibility to 8 commonly used antimicrobials were conducted using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method. Out of the 400 fish liver sampled, 370 (92.5%) were positive for Enterobacteriaceae isolates, these included 277 (69.25%) E. coli, 13 (3.25%) Salmonella spp, 36 (9%) Klebsiella spp, 21 (5.25%) Proteus spp and 23 (5.75%) Enterobacter spp. The prevalence of the multi-drug resistance was 97.5% for E. coli, 100% for Salmonella spp, 100% for Klebsiella spp, 90.5% for Proteus spp and 82.6% for Enterobacter spp. This study establishes the presence of some Enterobacteriaceae and the development of multi-drug resistance by these microorganisms. More studies like molecular characterization need to be carried out to determine the resistant genes in these organisms, also to assess antimicrobial use among fish farmers and the drug residue levels in the edible tissues of cultured African catfish in Kano Metropolis, Nigeria

    Analysis of adoption of cashew management techniques by cashew farmers in Zone B Agro-ecological zone of Kogi state

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    Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) is a crop of commerce of which both domestic and international demand has risen lately. It thrives well in the guinea savanna region of Nigeria particularly Kogi State that is known for producing quality cashew nuts. Hence, this study investigated the adoption of cashew farm management techniques by cashew farmers in Zone B agro-ecological zone of Kogi State. A total of 120 respondents were selected and administered questionnaire using a combination of both purposive and random sampling techniques. Data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Result showed that Majority (74.2%) of the respondent were married with average household size of 7 persons per household. The mean age of respondents was 49 years. The result also showed that pruning (98.3%) and fire tracing (97.5%) were the most adopted cashew farm management techniques by cashew farmers in the study area. The study recommended that farmers should be trained on good agricultural practices on cashew production to improve its management

    Influence of Moringa oleifera l. and Adansonia digitata l. leaf meals on performance and egg quality characteristics of Amok layers

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    twelve-week trial was conducted to assess the influence of dietary inclusion of Moringa oleifera and Adansonia digitata (Baobab) leaf meals on laying performance and egg quality characteristics of Amok layers. A total of 84, point of lay birds were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments namely; T1, control diet without leaf meal; T2, diet containing 2.5% Moringa oleifera Leaf Meal (MOLM), T3, diet containing 2.5% Baobab Leaf Meal (BLM) and T4, diet containing 2.5% MOLM+2.5% BLM. Each treatment had seven replicates with three birds per replicate. Feed intake in T1 and T3 birds did not differ (p>0.05) but was lower (p<0.05) than those of T2 and T4 birds. Diet had no effect (p>0.05) on feed conversion ratio in layers. Body weight gain was higher (p<0.05) in the T1 birds than in the T4 birds. Hen day production was higher (p<0.05) in T3 birds compared with those fed other diets. The T1 birds had lower (p<0.05) hen day production than that of birds fed other diets. Proximate composition of egg did not differ (p>0.05) between the treatments. Dietary inclusion of MOLM, and BLM influenced (p<0.05) the external and internal egg quality traits except egg length and Haugh unit. These results suggest that the inclusion of 2.5% MOLM, 2.5% BLM, and a combination of 2.5% MOLM and 2.5% BLM could be utilized in the diet of layers, without deleterious effects on laying performance and egg quality traits. In this respect, the inclusion of 2.5% BLM seemed to be the best

    Preliminary study of Hepatitis B surface antigen on mental health care workers at federal neuropsychiatric hospital Barnawa, Kaduna Nigeria

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    Background: This study was designed to determine retrospectively, HBsAg status, marker of HBV infection, among Mental Health Care Workers (MHCWs) at Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospital (FNPH), Barnawa Kaduna, North West, Nigeria. Two hundred and fifty one, apparently healthy HBV vaccine naïve, MHCWs, who voluntarily participate prior to HBV-vaccination. Materials and Methods: The screening was carried out using atlas latex haemagglutination test kit, between the months of December, 2000 through March, 2001. The MHCWs were categorized into senior and junior staff. Their ages, years of service, occupation, and department were obtained from year 2000 staff nominal roll. Prior to the study ethical approval was obtained from the hospital ethical committee. Two hundred and fifty one, participant were tested for HBsAg in a pre-HBV-vaccination exercise. Results: The number and percentages of participants by gender were 127 (50.6%) males and 124 (49.4%) females, respectively. The age range was 19-60 years with a mean age of 37 ± 2 years. The Number and percentages of junior and senior staff were 163 (65.0%) and 88 (35.0%), respectively. The incidence of HBsAg was 72 (28.7%). Incidence rates was highest among the males 41 (32.3%) compared to females 31(25.0%) and51-60yrs (50.0%), the incidence among Junior Staff was 52 (31.9%), while in Senior staff was 20 (22.7%) respectively. MHCWs who served between 26-30 years were 2 (66.7%) and those within 21-25 years were 6 (26.1%). Medical Record Staff were 3 (60.0%) and staff from other departments were Pharmacy 3 (50.0%), Artisans 7 (46.7%), Security 15(42.9%), Occupational Therapy Staff 2 (40.0%), Account Staff 6 (30.0%), Social Welfare 1 (25.0%), Hospital Maids 14 (23.7%), Administration Staff 11 (23.4%), Nurses 8 (17.0%), Medical Laboratory Staff 0 (0.0%), respectively. Statistical analysis obtained using Chisquare (x2) test showed no statistically significant association (p >0.05) between incidence of HBV-infection and years of service, Sex, Age, Cadre and Occupation. Conclusions: Due to a high prevalence of HbsAg, a marker of HBV infection, among MHCWs, Pre-vaccination screening should be instituted in Nigeria’s mental health facilities for early detection of HBV-infection and selective treatment. Key words: Hepatitis B virus; HbsAg; neuropsychiatric; vaccination; screening; Barnawa; Kaduna; Nigeria
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