17 research outputs found

    In-memory check pointing in speculative parallel complex event processing

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    Parallel Complex Event Processing can be used to process high rate streams to get better latency. In order to handle out of order events, buffering and speculative processing techniques are discussed and analyzed. Another technique that merges both of them and adapts to the situation at runtime sounds promising. However, there are some inherent limitations of the technique due to which it doesn’t perform very well for parallel CEP systems. Our implementation is mainly based on this technique but we have done some optimizations to enhance the performance for parallel CEP systems. There are two major optimizations done in this technique. First of all, the internal recovery process is introduced which allows us to reduce communication overhead because we don’t forward the events to the operator instances again after recovery. Instead, we just send some messages containing commands to amend the windows, as required. This can help a lot, especially in the cases when the events contain some heavy data like high quality pictures or video clip etc. Secondly, we have divided the tasks to all the operator components, so that they can take checkpoints as well as recover back when required, irrespective of the other operator components. This allows them to run at their own pace instead of the consistency manager asking all of them to take checkpoint and send their respective states to the consistency manager. In this way, the waiting time of the consistency manager is avoided. Moreover, we have also introduced some minor optimizations like we can access the queues directly and add the out of order events to them, which avoids the recovery of the system, if possible. We have also introduced a high priority queue in the operator instance to allow the out of order events to bypass the normal queue and avoid recovery of the operator instance, if possible. Evaluations are done using synthetic data and the results show that our optimizations have increased the throughput as well as improved the latency in most of the cases

    Financing Decisions and the Role of CSR in Donation-Based Crowdfunding - Evidence from Pakistan and Indonesia

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    Donation-based crowdfunding and corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities have potential symbiotic ramifications to raise funds, but campaigners are confronted with challenges and competition to accomplish their charitable target. For instance, CSR activities could warrant the possibility of using crowdfunding to raise money. On the other hand, a company\u27s CSR objectives can be achieved by using crowdfunding to micro-fund various social initiatives. Current research investigates the relationship between fundraisers in donation-based crowdfunding activities, which become potential CSR activities. Exclusively, the study analyzes the correlation among the value raised at the end of fundraising activity, the amounts targeted by the fundraiser, and CSR-Type activities on the project\u27s success in donation-based crowdfunding. Based on this, a research taxonomy has been established for a comparative analysis between Pakistan and Indonesia. Secondary data is collected from donation-based platforms and analyzed through Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression and the models are validated using a robustness check. The outcomes show that a higher value raised (V) correlates more positively with project success in Pakistan (164) as compared with Indonesia (122). The Target fund (T) has a significant and negative association with the project\u27s success in the Pakistani market, however, the significant and negative effect on the project’s success in the Indonesian market. Lastly, CSR-related activities such as education, environment, community, and health have a positive relationship with project success in Pakistan, except for the product which has a negative, however significant relationship. In contrast, for Indonesia, CSR-type activities such as education, environment, community, product, and health have a positive and significant relationship with the project\u27s success. This study contributes to the donation-based crowdfunding literature to develop a vivid understanding of different CSR activities and their impact on the project\u27s success. The current study is one of the first to examine the significance of CSR activities and will enrich the body of knowledge regarding crowdfunding in diverse economies

    How do Venture Capital Firms Incorporate ESG (Environment Social and Governance) Criteria into Investment Decision Making

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    The leaders of all countries of each sector and level of society are compelled to work together to address [social and environmental] challenges by maintaining sustainable human development and ensuring that the benefits of globalization are shared more widely. It is in the interests of businesses that these benefits continue both for companies and for others in society.   The Venture Capital is a financial capital provided to the startup firms in their early stages which has a high potential for growth but also entail high risk. The Venture capital firms typically look for new and small businesses with a perceived long term growth potential that will result in a high payout for investors. Venture capital is a subset of private equity of the firms. On other hand, Private equity is an asset class consisting of equity securities, which are not quoted in the stock market. An investment in private equity most often involves either an investment of capital in a mature firms as well as buyout firms.             The purpose of this study is to explore the gap between UK and U.S venture capital and private equity firms on the base of ESG criteria into investment decision making process. To find a relationship between venture capital and private equity firms mainstream investment with ESG criteria and also highlight new trends and the issues, which are potential barrier of ESG criteria implementation in UK and US firms. The authors used different academic literature, previous studies to find a gap and a relationship of ESG criteria into mainstream investment decision making process in UK and U.S firms.   The research is based on both primary & secondary data under descriptive nature of study. A technique with the name of content analysis was used to collect the quantitative data from the U.K and U.S Venture Capital and Private Equity firms. These firms are further categorized in the sample size under the umbrella of clean tech and non-clean tech. Total sample size is 120 firms (60 VC & 60 PE), where 56 are clean tech and 64 are Non-clean tech firms. The find a relationship between variables regression analysis technique is used through SPSS for verifying the validity and variability of collected Data.   We found that, an ESG criterion is on development stage, and there is no such technique and standards that are developed by the venture capital and private equity firms. We found, that firms are mostly focusing on responsible investment strategy; it is somehow same like whole ESG for purpose of their investment screening process. We found that ESG consideration in some UK and U.S venture capital and private equity firms exist, but vary from firms to firms. Some firms are considering just one factor while some other firms consider more than one.  Large firms have more focus on ESG as compared to small firms; due to the nature of business and size, and number of employees, focus is only limited towards investment options and development of strategies for the firm. The result of this study interpret that the U.S firms are focusing more on investment returns, and pay less attention towards ESG as compared to U.K firms, Where UK Venture capital and private equity firms results shows that, they are more focused towards ESG and feel free to incorporate ESG criteria into their investment strategies without incurring any cost in terms of risk and returns.

    Does the Role of Media and Founder’s Past Success Mitigate the Problem of Information Asymmetry? Evidence from a UK Crowdfunding Platform

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    Crowdfunding is an innovative concept for a new start-ups seeking financial support for their distinctive and novel projects. Despite their popularity, crowdfunding platforms face several key challenges amongst which is information asymmetry between entrepreneurs and influential backers, where credible information must be disclosed by the founders (entrepreneurs) to the potential “backers„ in order to assess the potentiality of the project. In order to fill this gap, we developed and tested a model that examines the signaling interaction between the founder and a potential backer through media and the founders’ past success. This model also examines how these two signals (i.e., media and past success) interact so as to mitigate the problem of information asymmetry and to make the project successful. A total of 14,887 projects were extracted from a reward-based platform named Crowdfunder. The data was analyzed by performing Tobit and logistic regression and the model was validated by using the robustness technique. The results strongly mitigate the problem of information asymmetry which improves the rate of success in projects floated on the Crowdfunder platform. We believe that our study will significantly contribute to this nascent yet developing research area by probing for information mechanisms to succeed in crowdfunding

    Empirical analysis of software success rate forecasting during requirement engineering processes

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    Forecasting on success or failure of software has become an interesting and, in fact, an essential task in the software development industry. In order to explore the latest data on successes and failures, this research focused on certain questions such as is early phase of the software development life cycle better than later phases in predicting software success and avoiding high rework? What human factors contribute to success or failure of a software? What software practices are used by the industry practitioners to achieve high quality of software in their day-to-day work? In order to conduct this empirical analysis a total of 104 practitioners were recruited to determine how human factors, misinterpretation, and miscommunication of requirements and decision-making processes play their roles in software success forecasting. We discussed a potential relationship between forecasting of software success or failure and the development processes. We noticed that experienced participants had more confidence in their practices and responded to the questionnaire in this empirical study, and they were more likely to rate software success forecasting linking to the development processes. Our analysis also shows that cognitive bias is the central human factor that negatively affects forecasting of software success rate. The results of this empirical study also validated that requirements’ misinterpretation and miscommunication were the main causes behind software systems’ failure. It has been seen that reliable, relevant, and trustworthy sources of information help in decision-making to predict software systems’ success in the software industry. This empirical study highlights a need for other software practitioners to avoid such bias while working on software projects. Future investigation can be performed to identify the other human factors that may impact software systems’ success.</p

    What Factors Affect Patient Satisfaction in Public Sector Hospitals: Evidence from an Emerging Economy

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    Patient satisfaction can identify specific areas of improvement in public sector hospitals. However, the Pakistani healthcare system, and quality of service delivery is rarely assessed through the perspective of patient satisfaction. Our study demonstrated the performance of public healthcare systems in Pakistan by interacting with physical services (tangible and environmental), doctor&ndash;patient communication, and pharmacy and laboratory services based on patient satisfaction. Primary data were collected from the patients by using a random sampling method. Patients who participated in the study were visitors of public hospitals&rsquo; outpatient departments. A total of 554 questionnaires were circulated, and 445 were received. The confirmatory factor and multiple regression analyses were employed to analyze the collected data. The results revealed that laboratory, as well pharmacy services, had positive significant effects (p = 0.000) on patient satisfaction, while doctor&ndash;patient communication (p = 0.189) and physical facilities (p = 0.85) had an insignificant relationship with patient satisfaction. Therefore, it is suggested that a significant communication gap exists in the doctor&ndash;patient setting, and that Pakistan&rsquo;s healthcare system is deprived of physical facilities. Consequently, such services need further improvements

    The Effect and Impact of Signals on Investing Decisions in Reward-Based Crowdfunding: A Comparative Study of China and the United Kingdom

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    When traditional financial institutions faced difficulties in the task of assisting micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) with capital allocations, crowdfunding can upsurge as an innovative and vibrant vehicle that can support and assist the activity of such MSME&rsquo;s, by financing their activity and instrumenting the process of risk-sharing. Simultaneously with its enormous growth and popularity, crowdfunding is faced by several key challenges, one of biggest such challenges referring to the problem of information asymmetry that can exist between fundraisers and potential backers. Based on the signaling theory, a research taxonomy has been developed for a comparative analysis between China and the UK. This has been accomplished by retrieving secondary data from the following crowdfunding platforms: Dreamore (Chinese platform) and Crowdfunder (UK platform). The objective of the study is to investigate both the effect and the impact that signals (goal setting, project comments and updates) have upon mitigating the problem of information asymmetry, in order to make the project successful. We have thus deployed an Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression and validated the models through a robustness check. The findings reveal that signals actively mitigate the problem of information asymmetry in both countries, but this varies in the sense that higher goal setting has a more positive/impactful relationship with project success in the UK than it does in China. Project comments are more positively associated with project success in China as compared to the UK, whereas project updates are more negatively related to project success in China as compared to the UK. These findings demonstrate the importance that signals have upon successful crowdfunding activities/campaigns, highlighting the theoretical and practical influence and relevance for potential fundraisers in the two aforementioned economies

    Mapping and Scheduling of Dataflow Graphs - A Systematic Map

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    Dataflow is a natural way of modelling streaming applications, such as multimedia, networking and other signal processing applications. In order to cope with the computational and parallelism demands of such streaming applications, multiprocessor systems are replacing uniprocessor systems. Mapping and scheduling these applications on multiprocessor systems are crucial elements for efficient implementation in terms of latency, throughput, power and energy consumption etc. Performance of streaming applications running on multiprocessor systems may widely vary with mapping and scheduling strategy. This paper performs a systematic literature review of available research carried out in the area of mapping and scheduling of dataflow graphs