239 research outputs found

    Road safety investigation of the interaction between driver and cyclist

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    With growing global concern to reduce CO2 emissions, the transportation modal shift from car to bicycle is an encouraging alternative, which is getting more popular in Europe and North America, thanks to very low impact on the environment. On the other hand, the infrastructure for cyclist should be improved, since cyclists are vulnerable road users and with an increase in the number of cyclists the concern for their safety also gets increased. In this thesis, the analysis of accidents in which cyclists have been involved and understanding the reason for these accidents have been discussed, then the necessary requirements to design and implement a safe bicycle network is introduced. The study focuses on the drivers’ behavior in terms of interaction with cyclists when there is a presence of a cyclist crossing. Therefore the road safety investigation on cyclist infrastructure was made with observing drivers’interaction with cyclists. Then the time-based surrogacy measures used to investigate the safety level of the cylist, in particular PET (Post Encroachment Time) and TTC (Time to Collision) between driver and bicyclist were determing keeping in mind the right-angle collision. Furthermore we tried to find the reaction time of the drivers especially on signals and also with the presence of cyclist on the crossing to understand the time which is needed for the driver to stop the car. All of this data could be later useful for the reconstruction of the accidents. Understanding the instants at which driver applies the brakes was made possible by installing a V-Box device inside our test vehicle which also used to determine measures such as speed, distance and other important. Finally using mobile eye tracker the driver visual behavior when arriving the crossing point where observed and results showed that at number of situations driver’s gaze was distracted and only cyclist became an important focus only when he was at a considerable length from the crossing

    Ethnomedicinal Values of Legume Plants in Pakistan

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    The data on medicinal plants in the vegetation of Pakistan was studied and surveyed from September to November, 2018. Different ethnomedicinal species were recorded which are used by local inhabitants as a medicine, fodder, fuel, and for agricultural purpose. Many of the medicinal plants recorded are used for the treatment of two or more diseases by the local people. The family Fabaceae was dominant with respect to medicinal plants. The precious knowledge of medicinal flora is rapidly vanishing due to the illiteracy among the local people and also due to destruction of the medicinal plants. The present study was designed to convey the knowledge and importance of medicinal flora as well as traditional uses of such plants in daily life

    Fungal Biotic Stresses in Plants and Its Control Strategy

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    Vegetable and fruit are economically very important and valuable crops throughout the world. According to Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) the same report, Pakistan was the fifth largest exporter in the world, but according to there is continuous decline in the production of fruit and vegetable in Pakistan. The reasons for this reduction are various and many but the major threat in yield production is various pests and pathogens which cause considerable losses every year. Major insects which attack on crop fields are aphids, mites, thrips, etc.; besides pests, different pathogens also cause various diseases in field crop and reduce yield of the plant, for example, fungi, viruses, bacteria, and nematodes. Among other pathogens, the fungal diseases are more destructive than diseases cause by other pathogens


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    The objective of this study is to examine the impact ofperceived internal service quality and organizational culture onfaculty’s job satisfaction. A survey questionnaire was operationalizedbased on the dimensions proposed by Owlia and Aspinwall, Cameronand Freeman and Spector to the data collect from 348 medical facultymembers employed by12 medical schools of Pakistan. Our findingssuggest that hierarchal culture is the strongest contributor of facultyjob satisfaction lacking behind the other culture types. “Assuranceand empathy” contributes more to job satisfaction than any otherdimension of service quality. And, as a whole, service quality hasemerged as a stronger predictor of job satisfaction than organizationalculture. This paper has both practical and theoretical contributionsto improve the overall quality of higher education

    How much, the level and different streams of education, effects individual earnings and what could be its public policy implications for Pakistan

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Development Policy,2018A. INTRODUCTION B. LITERATURE REVIEW C. DATA & METHODOLOGY D. RESULTS & FINDINGS E. CONCLUSIONmasterpublishedUsman FAISAL

    Development of a User Centered Based user interface for building automation control

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    In recent years, the ïŹeld of smart buildings has generated much interest for indoor environment where people spent most of their time. Intense research has been focused on improving the building automation system (BAS) to incorporate smart tools and services in order to improve system efficiency and provide well responsive, safe and proactive indoor environment. However, little effort has been made in improving user building interaction that not only restricted the user’s ability to easily operate the system in fact it has also lowered down the user’s conïŹdence for the system. The ïŹrst objective of the thesis was to select a better option of user building interaction type by doing review of previous research work and comparative analysis of existing systems in the market based on evaluation parameters. From the comparative analysis, it was concluded that only voice user interface (VUI) exhibits complete system acceptability in addition to the flexibility, portability, remote accessibility, usability in comparison to other user building interaction types. Moreover, Amazon Alexa is used for development of VUI that is more system adaptable than other VUIs. The second objective of the thesis was to develop and implement a UI prototype based on selected user building interaction mode to determine its feasibility of integration with existing BAS. A system architecture is proposed and four skills were designed that not only determine the feasibility of control of devices using voice but also capable of performing non-productive tasks on behalf of users to save time for them. The Amazon Alexa and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are primarily used as the development platform for interaction model and backend services for a User Interface (UI). Whereas third party APIs are also used to execute tasks outside of AWS cloud. The developed skills were tested and deployed in the system where multiple users can access the skills from multiple room proïŹles


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    This research discusses the visual communication design contained in product advertisements from the Nucifera cafe by focusing on the shape, weight and presentation. The purpose of this research is to obtain information regarding Visual Communication Design in Nucifera Café Makassar Advertisements on Instagram Social Media. The object of this research is the advertising design at the Nucifera cafe which is handled by the marketing agency, Creanov. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique uses qualitative descriptive. The results of this research have four stages in the data collection process. The first stage is that the researcher collects data through observation, then interviews parties related to the research object and then documents the research object. The second stage is data reduction. After carrying out the first stage, data reduction is carried out and then supported by data collection, simplification and sorting. The third stage is data display, this data presentation is prepared after carrying out a series of stages, the form of data presentation is in the form of narrative text. The fourth stage is data conclusion, the final conclusion in the qualitative analysis process is carried out after the data has gone through several stages and then conclusions will be drawn


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    This article discusses the development of the study of the interpretation of the Qur'an. The pattern of interpretation of the Qur'an in several universities is one of the topics discussed in lectures. The data in this article were collected from library sources which were then reduced and analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method and using a study approach to the interpretation of the Qur'an. This article finds that the study of the pattern of interpretation of the Qur'an conducted by scholars does not show significant developments. The study of interpretive styles tends to be repetitive and boring because scholars do not expand the object of interpretation being studied.Artikel ini mengungkap perkembangan studi tentang corak penafsiran Alquran. Corak penafsiran Alquran di beberapa universitas menjadi salah satu topik yang didiskusikan dalam perkuliahan. Data dalam artikel ini dikumpulkan dari sumber kepustakaan yang kemudian direduksi dan dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan menggunakan pendekatan studi tafsir Alqur’an. Artikel ini menemukan bahwa studi corak penafsiran Alquran yang dilakukan oleh para sarjana tak menunjukkan perkembangan yang signifikan. Studi corak penafsiran cenderung mengulang dan membosankan karena para sarjana tak memperluas objek tafsir yang dikaji

    Sejarah pengaruh pelita terhadap kehidupan masyarakat pedesaan di daerah Jambi

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    Dua periode Pembangunan Lima Tahun (Pelita) telah dilampaui dan dalam kedua periode itu pula masyarakat di pedesaan telah dirangsang dan didorong oleh pemerintah melalui berbagai program untuk secara bersama-sama menggerakkan pembangunan. Pemimpin-pemimpin masyarakat, baik formal maupun non-formal diharapkan pengabdian dan partisipasinya, untuk sejauh mungkin dapat membangkitkan semangat pembangunan yang tinggi dalam melaksanakan pembangunan itu oleh rakyat atau penduduk di mana pun mereka berada. Buku ini memuat uraian tentang pelaksanaan Pelita dan pengaruhnya terhadap kehidupan masyarakat pedesaan di daerah Jambi terutama di bidang pemerintahan desa
