4 research outputs found

    Penetrasi Bank Asing dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kompetisi Perbankan yang Diukur dengan Pendekatan Conjectural Variation di Indonesia

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    This study examines the effect of foreign bank penetration on banking competition in Indonesia. Penetration of foreign banks is measured by using the ratio between total assets, total loans and total deposits of foreign banks to total assets, total loans and total deposits of the banking industry in Indonesia, such as those used by Levy and Micco (2007). Bank concentration is measured by using Concentration Ratio (CR3 and CR5) and the Herfindahl index. Bank competition is measured by using the Conjectural Variation approach as used by Cetorelli Angelini (2003). By using panel regression method with SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regression) during 1998 to 2009, we found that the increase of foreign bank penetration will increase competition of banking in Indonesia through spillover effects on the domestic banking system. These results support the research of Jeon et al (2011)

    Tick Size dan Kualitas Pasar di Bursa Efek Jakarta

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of a tick size change announcement to capital market quality using data from firms listed in Bursa Effect Jakarta. Database classified firms by stock volume level and price level. Generally, there is no evidence to prove that a tick size change announcement have an influence to capital market quality, but for special case we can prove that a tick size change announcement tend to influence capital market quality: i.e for firm that have lower price stock, the reducing tick size announcement will decrease capital market quality and from regression result find that reducing tick size will also decrease capital market quality

    Keinformatifan Harga Saham dalam Kaitannya dengan Efisiensi Investasi

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    According to the Efficient Market Hypothesis, greater firm specific stock price variation reflects higher intensity firm specific information capitalization in stock price. In this study we propose that higher firm specific price variation maybe an indicator of greater functional-form market efficiency. We regress PER (Price to Earning Ratio) as a proxy of efficiency of investment as a function of Y (Firm Specific Stock Price Variation) as a proxy of firm specific information capitalization in stock price. We provide new evidence that Indonesian Capital Market does not efficient yet because the result at 2003 and 2004 does not consistent. With coefficient determination (IV) only 25.27% show that we should include another explanatory variable to explain about investment efficienc

    Pengaruh Tipe-tipe Struktur Kepemilikan dan Faktor-faktor Fundamental terhadap Kinerja Beberapa Bank "Bermasalah" di Indonesia: Observasi Tahun 19914997**

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    This research aims to analyze the effect of ownership types & fundamental factors toward bank performance in Indonesian case 1991-1997. The idea is derived from study of Rokhim (2006); which stated that banks with higher related lending will be more fragility. In that study, she identifies several fundamental factors such as Cost of Fund; Size and Net Open Position. Different with Rokhim (2006), we focus to the effect of ownership type toward bank performance. We argue that related lending couki be caused by ownership type. As we know from agency, theory, the more concentrated ownership the higher related lending. Three important findings of our research are as follow: 1) Ownership Type and Fundamental Factors have significant effect toward bank performance. It implies to support indirectly study of Rokhim (2006). 2) From eight variables of ownership type only family; foreign, Soeharto, Listed and Cross and three variables of Fundamental Factors, only cost respectively have a significant effect in level 5 % toward bank performance unless family. 3) Robustness test with GLS fixed effect has consistent result with OLS non data panel