5 research outputs found

    Ict Integration Processes In Turkish Schools: Using Activity Theory To Study Issues And Contradictions

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    This study used activity theory to examine complex pedagogical, social, and technological issues in ICT integration process at the classroom level. We identified and analysed the contradictions within the activity system and discussed potential effects, which Engestrom called 'expansive learning'. We conducted case studies and collected data through semi-structured interviews, video records and observations. Based on the results we concluded that, along with lack of technology and access, the organisational culture, the changing roles of teachers and students with regard to ICT, inflexible timetable curriculum, support of the school administration, the mediator role of ICT coordinator, and collaboration among the teachers were also imperatives that need to be taken into consideration in ICT integration processes.Wo

    An Analysis of Density And Degree-Centrality According To The Social Networking Structure Formed in An Online Learning Environment

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    In this study, we assessed the communication structure in an educational online learning environment using social network analysis (SNA). The communication structure was examined with respect to time, and instructors' participation. The course was implemented using ELGG, a network learning environment, blended with face-to-face sessions over a 14-week period. Data were collected from 114 undergraduate students who were enrolled in Instructional Technology and Material Design course. The program functions on the basis of a matrix; in this case a square matrix with rows and columns being the students' ID numbers. Density and centrality measures were visualized and interpreted. In terms of the density of the groups, it was found that the lowest density occurred during the first week. The highest density, on the other hand, occurred during the week when the instructor participated, in all the groups except for the third and sixth groups. The students placed in the center and those on the edges of the network differed on the basis of time as well as the instructor's participation. Other online learning environments could be assessed in a similar fashion using SNA in order to understand levels of participation and changes in interaction over time.Wo

    A Structural Equation Model For Ict Usage in Higher Education

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    This study focuses on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) usage, which is the indicator of diffusion. A model composed of the variables which can explain ICT usage in Turkish higher education is established and tested within the study. The two dimensions of ICT usage are considered: instructional and managerial. The data collected from 814 faculty members in Turkey were used to test the model by using LISREL 8.72; it explained 61% of the faculties ICT use, with a good model fit. The model supposes that the perceived attributes of ICT and ICT facilities in the universities predict the ICT use. The faculty members make use of ICT most as a means of communication and for searching for information about the course through the Internet; and the least, for publishing their lecture notes and the announcements concerning the course-assignments, projects-on WWW.Wo

    Logistic Regression Modeling For Predicting Task-Related Ict Use In Teaching

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    The main goal of this study is to estimate the extent to which perceived innovation characteristics are associated with the probability of task related ICT use among secondary school teachers. The tasks were categorized as teaching preparation, teaching delivery, and management. Four hundred and sixteen teachers from secondary schools in Turkey, completed a questionnaire, which was designed to determine the task-related usage and the perceptions of the teachers in regard to ICT. Logistic stepwise regression analysis showed that complexity or ease of use was found to be a common perceived innovation characteristic for teaching delivery, preparation and managerial tasks in schools. Another result of this survey lead one to conclude that observability is a perceived attribute in teaching delivery in some specific tasks performed during the class period whereas relative advantage and compatibility are for teaching preparation tasks.Wo