16 research outputs found

    Circulation of the political elite by the example of 4-8 formulations of the Parliament of Ukraine

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    У статті пропонується аналіз проблематики циркуляції політичної еліти України на прикладах депутатів Верховної Ради України 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 скликань. Для позначення членів політичної еліти використовується позиційний підхід. У роботі досліджуються особливості процесу циркуляції еліт, описуються основні канали інкорпорації, знаходяться особливості ротації у політичній еліті і аналізується процес екскорпорації з еліти. Основним методом аналізу є біографічний метод.The article suggests an analysis of the problems of the circulation of the political elite of Ukraine on the examples of the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 convocations. To indicate the members of the political elite, the positional approach is used. The paper studies the features of the process of circulation of elites, describes the main channels of incorporation, features the rotation in the political elite, and analyzes the process of ex-corporation from the elite. The main method of analysis is the biographical method.B статье предлагается анализ проблематики циркуляции политической элиты Украины на примерах депутатов Верховной Ради Украины 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 созывов. Для обозначения членов политической элиты используется позиционный подход. В работе исследуются особенности процесса циркуляции элит, описываются основные каналы инкорпорации, находятся особенности ротации в политической элите и анализируется процесс экскорпорации из элиты. Основным методом анализа является биографический метод

    Effect of catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation on left and right atrial function

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    Aim. To evaluate the effect of catheter ablation on left (LA) and right atria (RA) function in patients with atrial fibrillation.Material and methods. The study included 28 patients (14 men and 14 women) aged 33 to 72 years (mean age, 57,7±9,9 years) with paroxysmal (n=23) and persistent AF (n=5). All patients underwent radiofrequency ablation (RFA) with pulmonary vein antrum isolation. Before ablation and 3 days after, transthoracic twodimensional echocardiography was performed in sinus rhythm with an assessment of LA reservoir, conduit and booster pump function and RA peak longitudinal strain.Results. In the studied patients, a significant decrease in the reservoir, conduit and booster pump function of the LA was revealed after RFA, while there was no significant change in RA peak longitudinal strain after catheter ablation. LA reservoir, conduit and booster pump function decreased by 6,45% (p<0,001), 3,59% (p<0,001), 2,85% (p<0,001), respectively, while RA peak longitudinal strain increased by 0,73% (p=0,43).Conclusion. Catheter ablation has a significant damaging effect on the LA tissue, inhibiting the reservoir, pumping and pipeline functions. At the same time, the contractility of the PP in the early postoperative period improves, but not significantly


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    The process of silicon nanocluster formation during annealing of single SiO layers and multilayer SiO2—SiO—SiO2 structures or after Si deposition on silicon dioxide substrate was studied. A kinetic Monte Carlo model of silicon nanocluster formation taking into account silicon monoxide formation and dissociation was suggested. Not only temperature and annealing time but also SiO layer thickness determined the nanocluster sizes when SiO2—SiO—SiO2 structures were annealed. Simulation demonstrated that silicon monoxide forming in the Si—SiO2 system at high temperatures plays an important role in the process of nanocluster formation. Silicon monoxide also accounts for some specific features of 3D silicon islands formation during silicon deposition on silicon dioxide surface.Изучен процесс формирования нанокластеров кремния при отжиге одиночных слоев состава SiO и слоистых структур SiO2—SiO—SiO2 и осаждении кремния на поверхность диоксида кремния. Предложена кинетическая Монте—Карло−модель формирования нанокластеров кремния при высокотемпературном отжиге слоев SiOx нестехиометрического состава, учитывающая процессы образования и распада монооксида кремния. Установлено, что при отжиге слоистых структур SiO2—SiO—SiO2 на размеры нанокластеров, помимо температуры и длительности отжига, влияла и толщина слоя SiO. С помощью моделирования показано, что важную роль в процессе формирования нанокластеров играет газообразный монооксид кремния, образующийся в системе Si—SiO2 при высоких температурах. Монооксид определяет и особенности формирования 3D−островков кремния при осаждении кремния на поверхность диоксида кремния


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    Aim. To estimate the efficacy of catheter ablation in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) present with atrial fibrillation and sick sinus syndrome (SSS) undergoing permanent pacemaker implantation.Methods. 56 patients (34 females) with persistent AF and SSS were enrolled in the study. The mean age of patients was 67.7±10.7 years. Dual chamber cardiac pacemaker with remote monitoring function were implanted in all patients. All the patients were assigned to two groups: Group 1 comprised 31 patients aged 67.3±9.6 years, and Group 2 comprised 25 patients aged 72.6±9.9 years, including 22 (39.2%) diabetic patients. 2-3 days after pacemaker implantation, group 1 patients underwent intracardiac electrophysiology study and RFA of the pulmonary vein ostia, mitral isthmus and the left atrial posterior wall. Group 2 patients received antiarrhythmic drug therapy. Results. 3 patients (9%) in Group 1 had recurrent AF within the 6-month follow-up. The efficacy of the RFA for AF was 55% (n = 17) 1 year after the indexed hospitalization. 8 patients had short paroxysmal attacks which gradually lessened and stopped after. 5 patients (21%) in Group 2 did not have any AF paroxysms within the 1-year follow-up (Х2 = 5.52, р = 0.02). All these patients received amiodarone as antiarrhythmic drug therapy, whereas the others had paroxysmal attacks. Frequent attacks in 10 patients (40%) led to a change in antiarrhythmic drug use. Hospital readmission rates for AF were 16% and 52%, respectively (Х2 = 4.15, р = 0.04). The impact of atrial and ventricular stimulation on the development of recurrent AF was statistically insignificant (atrial stimulation – X2 = 0.01, cc = 1, p = 0.90; ventricular stimulation – X2 = 0.15, cc = 1, p = 0.69). None paroxysmal attacks were recorded in 10 diabetic patients (45%) after the RFA within the 1-year follow-up.Conclusion. Catheter ablation for persistent AF and SSS treated with permanent pacemakers is highly effective and safe method. In addition, it is superior to pharmacological approach. The presence of T2D likely did not significantly affect the efficacy of RFA for persistent form of AF. Цель. Изучение эффективности катетерного лечения у пациентов с фибрилляцией предсердий (ФП), сахарным диабетом 2-го типа (СД) и синдромом слабости синусового узла (СССУ), корригированного электрокардиостимулятором (ЭКС).Материалы и методы. В исследование включено 56 пациентов с персистирующей формой ФП и СССУ, средний возраст 67,7±10,7 лет, из них 34 (60%) женщины. Всем пациентам был имплантирован двухкамерный ЭКС с функцией удаленного мониторинга. Пациенты разделены на две группы. В первую вошел 31 больной, средний возраст – 67,3±9,6 года, во вторую – 25, средний возраст – 72,6±9,9 года, 22 (39,2%) пациента – с СД 2-го типа. Пациентам первой группы через 2-3 дня после имплантации ЭКС проведено внутрисердечное электрофизиологическое исследование и РЧА устьев легочных вен, задней стенки, митрального истмуса. Во второй группе пациенты получали антиаритмическую терапию.Результаты. Рецидив ФП до 6 месяцев наблюдения у пациентов первой группы зарегистрирован в трех случаях (9%), а эффективность РЧА ФП после года составила 55% (n = 17). У четверти больных (n = 8) наблюдались короткие пароксизмы ФП, которые купировались самостоятельно и не ощущались пациентами. Во второй группе пароксизмы ФП отсутствовали в течение года у 5 пациентов (21%) (Х2 = 5,52, р = 0,02). В качестве антиаритмической терапии у них использовался амиодарон. У остальных зарегистрированы пароксизмы ФП и у 10 (40%) в связи с частыми приступами потребовалась смена препарата. Количество госпитализаций у пациентов обеих групп по поводу пароксизмов аритмии составило 16% и 52% соответственно (Х2 = 4,15, р = 0,04). Анализ влияния доли стимуляции предсердий и желудочков на развитие рецидива ФП не показал статистической достоверности (для стимуляции предсердий – Х2 = 0,01, сс = 1, p = 0,90, для желудочков – Х2 = 0,15, сс = 1, p = 0,69). У 10 пациентов (45%) с СД после РЧА в течение года наблюдения не зарегистрировано ни одного пароксизма ФП.Заключение. Полученные результаты катетерного лечения пациентов с персистирующей формой ФП в сочетании с СССУ, корригированного имплантацией ЭКС, и СД свидетельствуют о его высокой эффективности и безопасности, а также подтверждают его преимущество перед фармакологическим подходом

    Enforceability of ECtHR Judgements in Russia: Alternatives of Interaction Between Jurisdictions

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    Issues of enforceability of the European Court of Human Rights judgements in Russia are considered in the article. The authors infer the priority of the model, in which judgements can be unimplemented if they are contrary to the constitutional law of the country in accordance with comparative legal analysis. However, the state is ought to make everything possible in order to enforce the decision, even interpret the Constitution, if possible. The authors conclude that issues of correlation of sovereignty and regional consensus, subsidiarity principles and supranationality, interpretation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and fundamental freedoms have not obtained a response. The European Court of Human Rights should be more thorough with the aspects of the national legal systems, but rejection of the execution of its judgements is unacceptable. Relevant provisions are to be excluded from the FCL from 21.07.1994 N 1-FCL «The Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation»


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    Clinical course, prognosis and mechanisms of separate forms of heart rhythm disorders in children differ from those in adults. Especially, it refers to new-borns and infants whose conduction system differs by functional and morphologic immaturity. In connection with it, the assessment of natural history of heart rhythm disorders, occurred in a perinatal period, and determination of risk factors of arrhythmia appearance in infants are of some interest. 88 newborns took part in the study. The patients were involved by continuous sampling technique. Risk factors, occurred in a perinatal period and potentially influenced on development of heart rhythm disorders, were assessed. In our study we took biological, gynecologic and obstetric history, data of gestation and delivery course, early and late neonatal period, early infancy, Echo, neurosonography, Holter monitoring with determination of heart rhythm variability, and determined thyroid hormonal status. Maximum specific gravity had extrasystoles – 32.4% – in the structure of idiopathic arrhythmias in infants. Heart rhythm disorders with natural history were kept at six months of life only in 5,4% of children. Persistence of arrhythmias was marked during one year only for WPW syndrome. Heart rhythm disorders are often marked significantly in children whose mothers had acute respiratory disease during the pregnancy, or if the children were born from the first pregnancy, had the signs of central nervous system damage syndromes in an early perinatal period (arrest, intracranial hypertension, convulsive disorder). Disorders of autonomic imbalance of cardiac function and peculiarities of hemodynamics of pulmonary circulation contribute significantly into appearance and persistence of all types of arrhythmias. On the whole, the prognosis of heart rhythm disorders, occurred in the perinatal period, without organic and structural changes of myocardium is favorable. The exclusion can be made for congenital atrioventricular block and some types of supraventricular tachycardia which are not responded to treatment

    Advanced engines for non-conventional kinematic chains in agriculture

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    To intensify agricultural production in the market environment, it is necessary to reconstruct the whole economic mechanism considering energy efficiency. This calls for the search of new ideas for alternative designs and engine types that can raise the performance of heat engines to a new level while keeping their use in vehicles, machinery, and small energy facilities feasible. One of the options is the displaced shaft rotary engine. This article analyses the kinematic and dynamic metrics of the engines of this type and presents the calculations of these metrics for the prototype. Key advantages and disadvantages of this type of engine in terms of working process dynamics are set out. It is also compared to the reciprocal internal combustion engine of the same structural dimensions


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    Aim. To study clinical and hemodynamic parallels in preschool children with arrhythmias in different age groups.Material and methods. Totally 195 children studied with idiopathic arrhythmias at the age of 0 to 7 y. o. — 82 with WPW syndrome, 55 with atrial tachiarrhythmias, 7 with AVNRT, 13 — with ventricular tachis (VT), 38 with ventricular and supraventricular onsets (isolated, group and their combination). Age groups: 1 — children 1 y. o. (n=72; 37%); 2 — 1-3 y. o. (n=37; 19%); 3 — 3-7 y. o. (n=87; 44%). All patients underwent standart laboratory assessment, electrocardiography in 12 standard leads, Holter monitoring, echocardiography.Results. In analysis of tachicardias course variants there was prevalence of of paroxysmal tachicardia in children of 3 to 7 y. o. (p=0,001) and permanent tachicardia in children less than 1 y. o. (p<0,001). Frequency of episodes in paroxysmal tachicardias in 1 y. o. children was higher than in those from 1 to 3 y. o. (p=0,028) and 3-7 y. o. children (p<0,001). In assessment of echocardiography of arrhythmic children depended on age there was significant prevalence of ACMP in older children comparing to the younger (p=0,002). Signs of heart failure were more common in children of 1 y. o. comparing to those of 1-3 and 3-7 y. o. (F=44,117; p=<0,001).Conclusion. So the arrhythmogenic heart remodeling mostly common for the children of 3 to 7 y. o. In less 1 year infants with arrhythmias clinical signs of HF are followed by diastolic disorders that develop before ACMP development, that is traditionally regarded as systolic dysfunction. Into the factors that influence these hemodynamic relations we include high mean heartrate, tendency of tachicardias to recurrent and permanent course, high frequency of attacks in paroxysmal tachicardias in infants before 1 year old

    Thermodynamic calculation of a rotary engine with external heat supply based on the ideal rallis cycle

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    The design and kinematic scheme of the operation of a rotary external combustion engine with offset shafts have been developed. Expressions are obtained that make it possible to calculate the values of the increasing and decreasing functions of the working volume of the hot and cold cavities with a change in the angle of rotation of the rotor. An expression is obtained for calculating the compression ratio in the cold cavity of a rotary heat engine with an external heat supply. An expression has been determined that makes it possible to calculate the total torque of a rotary external combustion engine. A comparative analysis of the torque values of a rotary heat engine with an external heat supply and a Wankel engine is carried out. An assessment of the efficiency of an external combustion engine with offset shafts is carried out. Based on the thermodynamic calculations using ideal Erickson and Rallis cycles for a rotary external combustion engine, the processes occurring inside the hot and cold cavities of a heat engine are described. The thermodynamic condition parameters at the characteristic points of the cycle are determined and expressions are obtained that determine the thermal efficiency of the ideal Erickson and Rallis cycles in relation to the considered external combustion engine. A method for calculating the ideal cycle for an external combustion engine with offset shafts is presented