48 research outputs found

    Energy-efficient house: economic, ecological and social justification in Ukrainian conditions

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    The main goal of the article is the efficiency justification of energy-efficient house (EEH) from the different points of view: economic, ecological and social. In this case, the EEH under the green economy context was considered by the authors. In addition, according to the Ukrainian ongoing condition, the key preconditions of EEH implementation among the Ukrainian households were allocated. Besides, the main approaches to define EEH are analyzed and systematized by the authors. On this basis, the main bullet points and features of EEH were indicated. The authors determined the EEH opportunities for spreading among the Ukrainian households. It should be noted, that the lack of awareness among the civil society provokes the slow temp of the EEH enlarging in Ukraine. At the same time, the European experience showed that the huge part of their households can be characterized as energy-effective. With the purpose of understand the efficiency of EEH, the authors had estimated the economic benefits of installed solar collector in the household as one of the parts of EEH. According to the results, the authors allocate the restraining factors of the EEH spreading in Ukraine. Thus, the great payback period is one of them. In addition, the high level of the currency rate has negative impact on the payback period. From the other side the continuously increasing of the utility bills have been indicated as a negative stimulate factor. In order to increase the awareness of the EEH benefits under the Ukrainian civil society, the main economic, ecological and social benefits of EEH were systematized by the authors

    Customer Loyalty to Bank Services: The Bibliometric Analysis

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    Systematisation of literary sources on and approaches to solving the problem of enhancing customer loyalty indicated that scholars had contributed significantly to enriching the scientific research aimed at ensuring the effective long-term consumer interaction. Accordingly, the current paper aims at conducting the bibliometric analysis of publications on customer loyalty to banks institutions. The object of research is the scientific documents published in the biggest abstract database Scopus. The paper follows in the next logical sequence. Firstly, the authors search scientific studies indexed by Scopus database from 2000 to 2019 in the domain of customer loyalty. The document search was conducted in the following areas: the article title, abstract and keywords. Herewith, the combinations of keywords included: bank and customer; bank and loyalty, bank reputation and loyalty; bank confidence and loyalty; bank trust and loyalty; bank and customer; bank and communication strategy. With the irrelevant documents excepted and the duplicate ones eliminated, the determinate sample of documents investigated amounted for 2752 items. Secondly, the selected papers were visualised with VOSviewer software to build the network maps displaying the relationships among the keywords. Thus, the obtained results allowed describing the main directions in the scientific treatise on customer loyalty to banking as well as highlighting the scientific schools interested in exploring the investigated theme. The authors noted that the findings might be the base for future investigation on developing the communication strategies to increase customer loyalty to bank institutions

    Customer Loyalty to Bank Services: The Bibliometric Analysis

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    Systematisation of literary sources on and approaches to solving the problem of enhancing customer loyalty indicated that scholars had contributed significantly to enriching the scientific research aimed at ensuring the effective long-term consumer interaction. Accordingly, the current paper aims at conducting the bibliometric analysis of publications on customer loyalty to banks institutions. The object of research is the scientific documents published in the biggest abstract database Scopus. The paper follows in the next logical sequence. Firstly, the authors search scientific studies indexed by Scopus database from 2000 to 2019 in the domain of customer loyalty. The document search was conducted in the following areas: the article title, abstract and keywords. Herewith, the combinations of keywords included: bank and customer; bank and loyalty, bank reputation and loyalty; bank confidence and loyalty; bank trust and loyalty; bank and customer; bank and communication strategy. With the irrelevant documents excepted and the duplicate ones eliminated, the determinate sample of documents investigated amounted for 2752 items. Secondly, the selected papers were visualised with VOSviewer software to build the network maps displaying the relationships among the keywords. Thus, the obtained results allowed describing the main directions in the scientific treatise on customer loyalty to banking as well as highlighting the scientific schools interested in exploring the investigated theme. The authors noted that the findings might be the base for future investigation on developing the communication strategies to increase customer loyalty to bank institutions

    Sustainable growth and country green brand: visualization and analysis of mapping knowledge

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    The current paper deals with the bibliometric analysis of the scientific studies indexed by the Web of Science database on linking sustainable growth and green brand. In the conditions of high competition and increasing issues on sustainable development, the countries should formulate and promote their green brands on the international market. However, a review of online requests indicated the absence of unique definitions to express an environmentallyfriendly policy of brands. Internet users could indicate different adjectives as follow as green, eco, environmental, ecological, or sustainable. The primary purpose of this research is to analyze the dynamic of the leading scientific background and visualize the clusters on the investigations of sustainable growth and green brand. In the frame of this paper, the authors analyzed 108 studies selected on the base of the limitations as follows as: published from 2000 to 2019, the keywords of documents – sustainable or sustainability with green, eco, environmental, ecological, or sustainable brand. To achieve the goals of this study, the authors used the Google Trends, Web of Science, and VOSviewer tools. Google Trend tool allowed indicating the most popular definition to promote environmentally-friendly brands. Given that, the finding proved that the definition of «green brand» is the most popular used to promote environmentally-friendly countries' brands. The Web of Science scientific tool enabled analyzing the articles on the base of the quantity, authors, research areas, number of citations, journals, etc. Furthermore, the authors found the increasing interest in investigations on linking between sustainable growth and green brand. In turn, VOSviewer allowed visualizing five main scientific clusters. The first cluster focused on studies in sustainability, the second – green performance, the third – consumption and consumer satisfaction, the fourth – products and green branding, the fifth – corporate social responsibility and sustainable brands. The current bibliometric analysis indicated that the investigation of green brands tightly linked with sustainable growth. The obtained results provided the background for future researchers on promoting green brand of country

    Green Financing for Carbon-Free Growth: Role of Banks Marketing Strategy

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    Nowadays, the climate change problems are on the international agenda, while increasing attention is paid to the role of green finance and bank activity in developing a climate-neutral future. This paper aims to investigate the scientific background devoted to bank marketing to determine the role of green finance in carbon-free economic growth and identify the potential research directions under this issue

    Green transformations in the healthcare system: the covid-19 impact

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    This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the healthcare systems’ transformations towards sustainability, considering COVID-19 pandemic. The paper aims to forecast changes in the healthcare sector’s greenhouse gas emissions of the EU countries. For gaining that purpose, the authors carried out the study in the following logical sequence

    Green Brand For Sustainable Business: Bibliometric Analysis

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    Systematization and summarization of the scientific researches indicated the absence of the unique and generally acknowledged term to define the essence of the green brand of the companies. Furthermore, companies are in dark about which term is better in order to attract the consumers, while ones perceive and search the green brands by using different adjectives describing the environmentally friendly company policy. Branding and image are concepts related to reputation, and they are also associated with culture and organizational identity. The area of the brand is important for various aspects of the organization such as sustainable development. As a result, the absence of a unique definition prevents the effective promotion of environmentally friendly activity and increases the level of distrust in society. Thuswise, the following definitions such as «green brand», «sustainable brand», «eco-brand», «sustainability brand» could be used to describe the environmental policy of the company. However, the authors have indicated, the better companies understand the consumer perception of green brands and their web-search requests, the more popular and reliable they are for them. In view of this, this study is aimed to provide the bibliometric analysis investigating the scientific research papers related to the green branding issues in order to contribute to the theoretical development in this field and popularize green brands among the academic community and online users. Thereby, the authors have formulated a hypothesis that for promoting green company policy green brands positioning is more effective than sustainable brands, eco-brands or sustainability brands. To develop formulated hypothesis, Google Trends analysis, Google Ngram Viewer overview, Scopus and VOSviewer bibliometric analyses were used. The current study involved data from 214 papers investigating the issues on green brands published in 7 languages conducted from 2001 to 2019. The findings from VOSviewer identified 45 items gathered into 9 clusters of papers with 124 links (the total link strenghts was 178) where green brands were investigated from the different points of views. The first biggest cluster merged the paper which consisted of the following keywords such as: brand credibility, brand equity, brand image, communications, corporate branding, identity, image, strategy. The second one included such items as follows: brand extension, branding, brands, consumer behavior, environmental sustainability, green marketing and trust. The third biggest cluster was formulated with the following keywords: brand loyalty, green brand, green brand loyalty, green perceived risk, green perceived value, social media. Such tendency allowed to make conclusion, that green brand positioning is a part of green marketing and investigated from the different subject areas. Thus, the obtained results of this study have proved the formulated hypothesis that green brand positioning considered to be more popular in the scientific papers provided in the Scopus database. Moreover, according to the trend analysis by Google Trends tool, it justified that green brands’ web-search requests were the most popular when online users look for information to increase their awareness level on environmentally friendly issues. Furthermore, the authors found out the outstanding research interest to green brands was in 2017, while the USA was most of all interested in this issue. Finally, this study provided directions for future researches in order to popularize green brand positioning

    The impact of energy efficiency policy on Ukraine’s green brand: a bibliometrics analysis

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    This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the impact of energy-efficient development on promoting the national green brand. The primary purpose of the research is to provide an overview of the scientific background devoted to the relationship between the energy efficiency policy and the country’s green brand to identify the potential research gaps and highlight the prospects for particular research directions. The systematization of scientific publications presented in the Scopus database showed a rapid tendency for publication activity on the investigated theme from 2000 to 2020. However, there has remained a deficiency in investigating the role of energy efficiency policy in formulating the country’s green brand. Therefore, it is appropriate to screen out the relevant publications to detect the future research directions in boosting energy efficiency for strengthening Ukraine’s green brand. To obtain the objectives of this study, the paper is presented in the following logical sequence: determining the keywords to find the relevant publications; searching the publications; conducting the evaluation analysis by specific metrics; applying the bibliometric analysis for the investigation of keywords and their co-occurrence. The co-occurrence analysis was performed using the VOSviewer software tools. The study sample consists of 3090 publications indexed in the Scopus database. The study involved documents published from 2000 to 2020. The research identified the most productive authors, prestigious scientific journals, and the most contributing countries and institutions. The publications were clustered into five thematic groups, which indicate the main research directions. The authors specified the prosperous lines for future research

    Energy efficiency profiles in developing the free-carbon economy: on the example of Ukraine and the V4 countries

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    This paper summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on developing the free-carbon economy in Ukraine. The main purpose of the paper is elaborating the energy efficiency profile of Ukraine to assure the development of the free-carbon economy. To achieve this purpose, the authors carried out an investigation in the following logical sequence. Firstly, the bibliometric analysis of 4674 of the most cited articles indexed by the Scopus database was conducted. The obtained findings indicated that the green economy transformation depended on the main factors such as economic performance, corruption, macroeconomic stability, social welfare, shadow economy etc. As a result, the forecast of the final energy consumption to 2030 was performed. The methodological tool of this research is based on the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. This study involved data of the Visegrad countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and Hungary) and Ukraine from 2000 to 2018. The base of data is Eurostat, the EU statistical service. Based on the obtained results of analyzing the green economic transformation in the Visegrad countries and Ukraine, the authors intimated the existence of the significant energy-efficient gap in Ukraine compared to the analyzed countries. In reliance on the experience of the Visegrad countries and the forecast results, the authors provided the main recommendations for providing the green transforming in Ukraine. The authors highlighted that the obtained results of this paper were considered to be the base for future investigations considering the influence of endogenous and exogenous factors on developing the free-carbon economy in Ukraine

    Стратегії маркетингу "зелених" інвестицій: основні положення та особливості

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    Дослідження теоретичних і практичних аспектів «зеленого» маркетингу зумовлено стрімким підвищенням рівня екологічної свідомості споживачів та їх зацікавленості у придбанні екологічно чистих та безпечних товарів і послуг. У цьому контексті проаналізовано роль екологічного фактора у підвищенні конкурентних переваг компанії. Зроблено висновок, що зростання рівня конкурентоспроможності компанії підвищує рівень зацікавленості потенційного інвестора в екологізації її діяльності. Визначено мету систематизувати конкурентні стратегії «зеленого» маркетингу для залучення «зелених» інвестицій. Окреслено, що основою маркетингу «зелених» інвестицій є не лише аналіз інвестиційної активності, розкриття потенціалу певного інвестиційного проекту, а й чітке обґрунтування прийняття рішення при розробці та реалізації екологічно спрямованих інвестиційних проектів, які сприяють передусім зменшенню викидів CO2 і рівня забруднення навколишнього природного середовища (НПС), підвищенню ефективності використання енергії та ресурсів, збереженню біорізноманіття й ін. На основі узагальнених результатів наукових праць розглянуто «зелені» інвестиції як традиційні інвестиційні заходи, в яких базові компанії певною мірою залучені до операцій, спрямованих на покращення НПС. На основі аналізу наукового доробку з окресленої тематики виокремлено основні конкурентні стратегії «зеленого» маркетингу з метою залучення «зелених» інвестицій. Зокрема, зроблено висновок, що у сучасному світі існують гендерні стереотипи, які значно впливають на поведінку споживачів, у результаті чого популяризація «зеленого» образу може по-різному сприйматися чоловіками та жінками. Встановлено, що за більш ефективного використання ресурсів деякі компанії мають можливість окупити «зелені» інвестиції, тоді як для інших створення еко-бренда є найкращим способом отримання довгострокових конкурентних переваг. За результатами дослідження стверджується, що компаніям доцільно формувати «зелену» стратегію, базуючись на гендерні стереотипи та орієнтуючись більшою мірою на гендерно нейтральну візуалізацію «зелених» товарів. Очікується, що отримані результати сприятимуть подальшому дослідженню особливостей стратегій «зеленого» маркетингу з метою залучення «зелених» інвестицій та перетворення їх у джерела конкурентних переваг