9 research outputs found

    Unsettling Participation by Foregrounding More-than-Human Relations in Digital Forests

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    The question of who participates in making forest environments usually refers to human stakeholders. Yet forests are constituted through the participation of many other entities. At the same time, digital technologies are increasingly used in participatory projects to measure and monitor forest environments globally. However, such participatory initiatives are often limited to human involvement and overlook how more-than-human entities and relations shape digital and forest processes. To disrupt conventional anthropocentric understandings of participation, this text travels through three different processes of unsettling to show how more-than-human entities and relations disrupt, rework, and transform digital participation in and with forests. First, forest organisms as bioindicators signal environmental changes and contribute to the formation and operation of digital sensing technologies. Second, speculative blockchain infrastructures and decision-making algorithms raise questions about whether and how forests can own themselves. Third, Amerindian cosmologies redistribute subjectivities to change how digital technologies identify and monitor forests within Indigenous territories. Each of these examples shows how more-than-human participation can rework participatory processes and digital practices in forests. In a time when forests are rapidly disappearing, an unsettled and transformed understanding of participation that involves the world-making practices of more-than-human entities and relations can offer more pluralistic and expansive forest inhabitations and futures. © 2023 Michelle Westerlaken, Jennifer Gabrys, Danilo Urzedo, and Max Ritts

    Indigenous and local communities can boost seed supply in the UN decade on ecosystem restoration.

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    The UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration is poised to trigger the recovery of ecosystem services and transform structural injustices across the world in a way unparalleled in human history. The inclusion of diverse Indigenous and local communities to co-create robust native seed supply systems is the backbone to achieve the goals for the Decade. Here we show how community-based organizations have co-developed native seed supply strategies for landscape restoration from the bottom-up. We draw on the interconnections over two decades of seed networks in Brazil and the emerging Indigenous participation in native seed production in Australia. From an environmental justice perspective, we provide a participatory seed supply approach for local engagement, noting local geographical, social and cultural contexts. Meeting large-scale restoration goals requires the connection between local seed production and collaborative platforms to negotiate roles, rights and responsibilities between stakeholders. An enduring native seed supply must include a diversity of voices and autonomy of community groups that builds equitable participation in social, economic, and environmental benefits.Funder: European Research Council (ERC) Award number: 86600

    Seeding tropical ecosystems: Governance of landscape restoration in the Brazilian Amazon

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    Landscape restoration has evolved to recover large areas of degraded ecosystems through a globally coordinated governance system to connect economic development with local livelihood improvements. The Brazilian government set an ambitious target to restore 12 million hectares of degraded land by 2030. This thesis examines how stakeholders manage multi-scalar relations of governance and institutional systems for restoration in the Brazilian Amazon in order to explore how performance and outcomes are socially and geographically embedded in hybrid power dynamics. I demonstrate these processes across the diverse roles of state, market actors, communities, and individuals, through the application of global production networks, feminist political ecology, and forest landscape restoration frameworks to advance the environmental governance literature. As an empirical representation, the research focuses on case studies in the southeastern Amazon. The governance of the restoration network in Brazil is formed by a myriad of forces connecting disparate stakeholders, involving regulations, global funding, actor-specific decision-making, community participation, and technological developments. Formal institutions commonly take a highly technical approach, and excessive bureaucratization has decentralized responsibility, but not authority, from the governments. However, the dispersed nature of restoration networks across multiple stakeholders illustrates alternative levels of engagement, beyond the state’s power. Innovative seed supply and direct seeding have initiated approaches based on local knowledge in the Amazon. Diverse community groups are adapting local institutions for restoration with significant livelihood improvements, including indigenous and women's participation in seed collection. Community-based models are feasible for matching the plant material sources required to achieve Brazil's restoration pledge with considerable and positive socioeconomic outcomes

    Moving into resumption: Socioeconomic of forest seeds production in the Upper Xingu of the Brazilian Amazon

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    Recentemente, o mercado de sementes florestais têm se consolidado para atender demandas da restauração ecológica que são movidas por regulamentações. A produção de sementes se estabeleceu como um sistema de base comunitária e familiar com elevado potencial para promover um intrigante desafio, associar uso e conservação de ecossistemas com o desenvolvimento local. O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral avaliar a socioeconomia da produção de sementes florestais a partir das seguintes dimensões: (i) implicações das relações de cooperação no funcionamento da cadeia de valor; (ii) efeitos das técnicas de produção nos gargalos, inovações e custos financeiros; e (iii) impactos da participação no mercado de sementes nos meios de vida familiar. Para isso, a pesquisa envolveu como um estudo de caso a Rede de Sementes do Xingu na Amazônia brasileira. A coleta de dados foi conduzida por meio de observações participantes, entrevistas e oficinas com produtores de sementes de diferentes realidades socioculturais (indígenas, agricultores familiares e residentes urbanos) e técnicos que atuam na gestão da rede. O funcionamento da cadeia foi fortalecido pelas relações de cooperação entre os atores, principalmente em função do compartilhamento de valores. No entanto, os custos financeiros, a assistência técnica, a infraestrutura, os parâmetros técnicos e as legislações são os principais fatores que condicionam os processos da cadeia de sementes. Os atuais preços de comercialização das sementes seguem parâmetros empíricos que não dimensionam os reais custos de produção, demonstrando que os preços necessitam de reformulações. Por outro lado, as realidades socioculturais dos produtores exercem uma influencia direta nos sistemas de produção, o que promove a inovação de técnicas e tecnologias a partir de conhecimentos tradicionais e locais. Quanto à participação nos mercados, os grupos socioculturais estudados diferiram quanto às percepções sobre os impactos nos seus meios de vida familiar. As comunidades com algum grau prévio de organização foram mais susceptíveis ao fortalecimento do capital social, de tal forma que os grupos socioculturais menos integrados ao mercado apresentaram melhores resultados a partir da participação no mercado de sementes.Recently, the markets of forest seeds have been established to meet demands for ecology restoration which are driven by regulations. The seeds production was design as a production system of the community and family groups with high potential to promote an intriguing challenge, associate ecosystem usage and conservation within local development. The overall purpose of the present study was to evaluate the socioeconomics of forest seeds production from the following dimensions: (i) implications of cooperation in the value chain operations; (ii) effects of production techniques in bottlenecks, innovations, and financial costs; and (iii) impacts of seed market participation in the household livelihoods. This research involved a case study of Xingu Seeds Network in the Brazilian Amazon. Data collection was conducted through participant observation, interviews and workshops with different sociocultural groups of seed producers (indigenous groups, urban residents and settler farmers) and staffs who manage the network. The value chain operation was strengthened by the relationship between the actors, mainly due to the common values between the actors. However, financial costs, technical assistance, infrastructure, technical parameters and laws are the main factors which constrain the seeds value chain. Current prices for seed marketing follow empirical parameters which do not measure the real production costs, which is requiring prices reformulation. On the other hand, the producers\' socio-cultural realities have influenced on production systems, which has lead into a promoting innovation of techniques and technologies by traditional and local knowledge. Regarding to market participation, the sociocultural groups showed different perceptions about impacts on their household livelihoods. Communities which are already organized are most likely to strengthen their social capital through participation, thus socio-cultural groups less integrated with the market achieved better livelihood outcomes through participation in the seed market

    Seed Networks for Upscaling Forest Landscape Restoration: Is It Possible to Expand Native Plant Sources in Brazil?

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    In this paper, we explore how diverse community networks in Brazil have locally advanced seed production and institutional systems to enhance a restoration economy. By focusing on the experiences of the six major native seed suppliers in Amazonia, the Cerrado, and the Atlantic Forest, we estimate the capacity to scale-up community-based systems to meet a large-scale restoration target as a rural development strategy. Over one decade, 1016 collectors traded 416.91 tonnes of native seeds representing, on average, 31.41 kilos yearly and USD 256.5 as household income. Based on this well documented empirical evidence, we estimate that Brazil’s restoration goal would require from 3.6 to 15.6 thousand tonnes of native seeds depending on the share of each restoration method adopted with potential work opportunities for 13.2 to 57.1 thousand collectors yearly and total income from USD 34 to 146 million. We argue that community networks represent feasible arrangements for increasing the availability of plant material sources which provide high socio-economic benefits. For scaling up native seed sources, we suggest the following key strategies: (i) government incentives and subsidies; (ii) enforcement of ecosystem restoration; (iii) community participation; (iv) adaptation of the seed regulations; (v) technological development; and (vi) seed market diversification