33 research outputs found

    Organising pneumonia and lung cancer - case report and review of the literature

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    Organizujące się zapalenie płuc jest chorobą wynikającą z reakcji płuc na szereg czynników uszkadzających, zarówno pochodzenia egzo-, jak i endogennego. Notowane są również przypadki o nieustalonej etiologii. Ogniska organizującego się zapalenia płuc mogą stosunkowo często towarzyszyć naciekom nowotworowym w płucach, w tym szczególnie rakowi płuca. Organizujące się zapalenie płuc u chorych na raka płuca może być indukowane również przez chemio- lub radioterapię. Autorzy pracy przedstawiają przypadek 65-letniego chorego przyjętego do Kliniki z powodu gorączki, suchego kaszlu, duszności wysiłkowej i stwierdzanych w obrazie radiologicznym klatki piersiowej zacienień w dolnym polu płuca prawego. W badaniu tomokomputerowym uwidoczniono naciek zapalny z powietrznym bronchogramem łączący się z wnęką. Bronchoskopowo stwierdzono obturację oskrzela segmentu 9. płuca prawego przez kalafiorowaty guz. W wycinkach stwierdzono utkanie raka płaskonabłonkowego płuca. Z wydzieliny oskrzelowej nie wyhodowano flory patogennej, nie wykryto również w surowicy przeciwciał w kierunku patogenów atypowych (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chalamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila). Chorego leczono operacyjnie, dokonując resekcji płata dolnego płuca prawego. W badaniu histologicznym specimenu pooperacyjnego wykryto w oskrzelu niewielkie ognisko nowotworu płuca oraz rozległe nacieki organizującego się zapalenia płuc. W opinii autorów pracy leczenie operacyjne było wystarczające zarówno w stosunku do raka płuca, jak i indukowanego nowotworem organizującego się zapalenia płuc. W 6 miesięcy po zabiegu stan chorego był bardzo dobry i nie stwierdzono wznowy opisywanych procesów chorobowych. Reasumując, autorzy przedstawiają przypadek chorego na raka płaskonabłonkowego płuca (T1N0M0) z towarzyszącym rozległym naciekiem organizującego się zapalenia płuc.Organising pneumonia (OP) is a distinct clinicopathological entity resulting from pulmonary reaction to noxious environmental or endogenous factors, but also idiopathic cases have been noted. Frequently, small foci of OP accompany lung cancer infiltrations. Also OP is sometimes a reaction to radio- or chemotherapy, but it is rarely a predominant lesion in the course of lung cancer. We present the case of 65-year-old patient who presented with fever, dry cough, exertional dyspnoea and pneumonic consolidation in the right lower lobe. Bronchoscopy revealed squamous carcinoma obstructing the right lower bronchi. He was surgically treated, and the right lower lobe was resected. Pathological examination of a specimen revealed only small infiltration of carcinoma cells in the wall of the bronchi and large confluent areas of organising pneumonia. Surgery was a sufficient treatment for both diseases. Six months later he was in good condition without any pulmonary infiltrations. To sum up, a case of endobronchial squamous cell carcinoma in stage T1N0M0 with predominant clinical and radiological signs of OP is presented

    „Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska” w latach 2010–2014

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    W związku ze zbliżającym się XXXIII Zjazdem Polskiego Towarzystwa Chorób Płuc [...

    Leukocyte redistribution as immunological biomarker of corticosteroid resistance in severe asthma

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    Background: Earlier studies have suggested that the leukocyte redistribution can be considered as an immunological marker of the clinical response to corticosteroids (CS), representing an easy measurable potential biomarker in severe asthma. Objective: The aim of this study was to determinate the utility of the leukocyte redistribution as a biomarker of disease heterogeneity in patients with severe asthma and as a bioindicator of potential CS resistance. Methods: We developed an unbiased clustering approach based on the clinical data and the flow cytometry results of peripheral blood leukocyte phenotypes of 142 patients with severe asthma before and after systemic CS administration. Results: Based on the differences in the blood count eosinophils, neutrophils and lymphocytes, together with the flow cytometry measurements of basic T cell, B cell and NK cell subpopulations before and after systemic CS administration, we identified two severe asthma clusters, which differed in the cell frequencies, response to CS and atopy status. Patients in cluster 1 had higher frequency of blood eosinophils at baseline, were sensitized to less allergens and had better steroid responsiveness, measured as the pronounced leukocyte redistribution after the administration of systemic CS. Patients in cluster 2 were determined by the higher frequency of B-cells and stronger IgE sensitization status to the multiple allergens. They also displayed higher steroid resistance, as the clinical correlate for the lower leukocyte redistribution after administration of systemic CS. Conclusion: The flow cytometry-based profiling of the basic populations of immune cells in the blood and its analysis before and after systemic corticosteroid administration could improve personalized treatment approaches in patients with severe asthma. Keywords: asthma phenotypes; biological therapy; corticosteroids resistance; leukocyte redistribution; severe asthma; treatment asthm

    Gut epithelial barrier damage caused by dishwasher detergents and rinse aids

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    Background: The increased prevalence of many chronic inflammatory diseases linked to gut epithelial barrier leakiness has prompted us to investigate the role of extensive use of dishwasher detergents, among other factors. Objective: We sought to investigate the effects of professional and household dishwashers, and rinse agents, on cytotoxicity, barrier function, transcriptome, and protein expression in gastrointestinal epithelial cells. Methods: Enterocytic liquid-liquid interfaces were established on permeable supports, and direct cellular cytotoxicity, transepithelial electrical resistance, paracellular flux, immunofluorescence staining, RNA-sequencing transcriptome, and targeted proteomics were performed. Results: The observed detergent toxicity was attributed to exposure to rinse aid in a dose-dependent manner up to 1:20,000 v/v dilution. A disrupted epithelial barrier, particularly by rinse aid, was observed in liquid-liquid interface cultures, organoids, and gut-on-a-chip, demonstrating decreased transepithelial electrical resistance, increased paracellular flux, and irregular and heterogeneous tight junction immunostaining. When individual components of the rinse aid were investigated separately, alcohol ethoxylates elicited a strong toxic and barrier-damaging effect. RNA-sequencing transcriptome and proteomics data revealed upregulation in cell death, signaling and communication, development, metabolism, proliferation, and immune and inflammatory responses of epithelial cells. Interestingly, detergent residue from professional dishwashers demonstrated the remnant of a significant amount of cytotoxic and epithelial barrier-damaging rinse aid remaining on washed and ready-to-use dishware. Conclusions: The expression of genes involved in cell survival, epithelial barrier, cytokine signaling, and metabolism was altered by rinse aid in concentrations used in professional dishwashers. The alcohol ethoxylates present in the rinse aid were identified as the culprit component causing the epithelial inflammation and barrier damage. Keywords: Alcohol ethoxylates; Caco-2; cytotoxicity; dishwasher detergents; epithelial barrier; inflammation; rinse aid

    Omics technologies in allergy and asthma research: An EAACI position paper

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    Allergic diseases and asthma are heterogenous chronic inflammatory conditions with several distinct complex endotypes. Both environmental and genetic factors can influence the development and progression of allergy. Complex pathogenetic pathways observed in allergic disorders present a challenge in patient management and successful targeted treatment strategies. The increasing availability of high-throughput omics technologies, such as genomics, epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics allows studying biochemical systems and pathophysiological processes underlying allergic responses. Additionally, omics techniques present clinical applicability by functional identification and validation of biomarkers. Therefore, finding molecules or patterns characteristic for distinct immune-inflammatory endotypes, can subsequently influence its development, progression, and treatment. There is a great potential to further increase the effectiveness of single omics approaches by integrating them with other omics, and nonomics data. Systems biology aims to simultaneously and longitudinally understand multiple layers of a complex and multifactorial disease, such as allergy, or asthma by integrating several, separated data sets and generating a complete molecular profile of the condition. With the use of sophisticated biostatistics and machine learning techniques, these approaches provide in-depth insight into individual biological systems and will allow efficient and customized healthcare approaches, called precision medicine. In this EAACI Position Paper, the Task Force “Omics technologies in allergic research” broadly reviewed current advances and applicability of omics techniques in allergic diseases and asthma research, with a focus on methodology and data analysis, aiming to provide researchers (basic and clinical) with a desk reference in the field. The potential of omics strategies in understanding disease pathophysiology and key tools to reach unmet needs in allergy precision medicine, such as successful patients’ stratification, accurate disease prognosis, and prediction of treatment efficacy and successful prevention measures are highlighted

    Rhinovirus-induced epithelial RIG-I inflammasome suppresses antiviral immunity and promotes inflammation in asthma and COVID-19.

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    Rhinoviruses and allergens, such as house dust mite are major agents responsible for asthma exacerbations. The influence of pre-existing airway inflammation on the infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is largely unknown. We analyse mechanisms of response to viral infection in experimental in vivo rhinovirus infection in healthy controls and patients with asthma, and in in vitro experiments with house dust mite, rhinovirus and SARS-CoV-2 in human primary airway epithelium. Here, we show that rhinovirus infection in patients with asthma leads to an excessive RIG-I inflammasome activation, which diminishes its accessibility for type I/III interferon responses, leading to their early functional impairment, delayed resolution, prolonged viral clearance and unresolved inflammation in vitro and in vivo. Pre-exposure to house dust mite augments this phenomenon by inflammasome priming and auxiliary inhibition of early type I/III interferon responses. Prior infection with rhinovirus followed by SARS-CoV-2 infection augments RIG-I inflammasome activation and epithelial inflammation. Timely inhibition of the epithelial RIG-I inflammasome may lead to more efficient viral clearance and lower the burden of rhinovirus and SARS-CoV-2 infections

    Organising Pneumonia and Lung Cancer—Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Organizujące się zapalenie płuc jest chorobą wynikającą z reakcji płuc na szereg czynników uszkadzających, zarówno pochodzenia egzo-, jak i endogennego. Notowane są również przypadki o nieustalonej etiologii. Ogniska organizującego się zapalenia płuc mogą stosunkowo często towarzyszyć naciekom nowotworowym w płucach, w tym szczególnie rakowi płuca. Organizujące się zapalenie płuc u chorych na raka płuca może być indukowane również przez chemio- lub radioterapię. Autorzy pracy przedstawiają przypadek 65-letniego chorego przyjętego do Kliniki z powodu gorączki, suchego kaszlu, duszności wysiłkowej i stwierdzanych w obrazie radiologicznym klatki piersiowej zacienień w dolnym polu płuca prawego. W badaniu tomokomputerowym uwidoczniono naciek zapalny z powietrznym bronchogramem łączący się z wnęką. Bronchoskopowo stwierdzono obturację oskrzela segmentu 9. płuca prawego przez kalafiorowaty guz. W wycinkach stwierdzono utkanie raka płaskonabłonkowego płuca. Z wydzieliny oskrzelowej nie wyhodowano flory patogennej, nie wykryto również w surowicy przeciwciał w kierunku patogenów atypowych (Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chalamydia pneumoniae, Legionella pneumophila). Chorego leczono operacyjnie, dokonując resekcji płata dolnego płuca prawego. W badaniu histologicznym specimenu pooperacyjnego wykryto w oskrzelu niewielkie ognisko nowotworu płuca oraz rozległe nacieki organizującego się zapalenia płuc. W opinii autorów pracy leczenie operacyjne było wystarczające zarówno w stosunku do raka płuca, jak i indukowanego nowotworem organizującego się zapalenia płuc. W 6 miesięcy po zabiegu stan chorego był bardzo dobry i nie stwierdzono wznowy opisywanych procesów chorobowych. Reasumując, autorzy przedstawiają przypadek chorego na raka płaskonabłonkowego płuca (T1N0M0) z towarzyszącym rozległym naciekiem organizującego się zapalenia płuc