3 research outputs found

    ToSkORL: Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzung bei der Untersuchung des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs

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    BACKGROUND A~central goal of medical school is acquisition of theoretical and practical competences. However, evidence on how capacity acquisition can be measured for special examination techniques is scarce. ToSkORL (Teaching of Skills in Otorhinolaryngology) is a project aimed at scientifically and didactically investigating students' self-evaluation skills in otorhinolaryngologic and head and neck examination techniques. METHODS During the examination techniques course, a~standardized oral and practical exam for nine different techniques was conducted. Using Likert scales, self-evaluation was based on questionnaires before the clinical skills exam and objective evaluation was performed by the examiners during the examination using a checklist. Self- and objective evaluation were correlated. Nine different examination skills were assessed 42~times each by a~total of 91~students. RESULTS Self-evaluation of competence in the different examination skills varied widely. Nevertheless, self- and objective evaluation correlated well overall, independent of age and gender. Students highly interested in otorhinolaryngology rated their own skills higher but tended toward overestimation. For examination items with intermediate difficulty, the highest divergences between self- and objective evaluation were found. CONCLUSION Student self-evaluations are an appropriate instrument for measuring competences in otorhinolaryngologic examinations. Instructors should focus on items with allegedly intermediate difficulty, which are most often over- and underestimated. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG HINTERGRUND: Ein zentrales Ziel des Medizinstudiums ist der Erwerb theoretischer und praktischer Kompetenzen. Es mangelt jedoch an Evidenz, wie der Erwerb von Kompetenzen in speziellen Untersuchungstechniken gemessen werden kann. ToSkORL (Teaching of Skills in Otorhinolaryngology) ist ein Projekt, das die studentische Selbstwahrnehmung ihrer Kompetenz bei speziellen Untersuchungstechniken der Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde und des Kopf-Hals-Bereichs aus didaktisch-wissenschaftlicher Sichtweise beleuchtet. METHODIK Im Rahmen des Untersuchungskurses erfolgte eine standardisierte mündlich-praktische Prüfung zu neun verschiedenen Untersuchungstechniken. Vor der Prüfung erfolgte eine Evaluation der studentischen Selbsteinschätzung mittels Fragebogen, die Prüfung wurde mittels Checkliste durch die Prüfenden standardisiert geprüft. Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzung nach der Likert-Skala wurden korreliert. Die neun Untersuchungstechniken wurden jeweils 42-mal von insgesamt 91~Studierenden in gegenseitiger Untersuchung durchgeführt. ERGEBNISSE Die Selbsteinschätzung der Kompetenz in den Untersuchungstechniken variiert erheblich, insgesamt schätzten Studierende ihre eigene Untersuchungskompetenz weitgehend unabhängig von Alter und Geschlecht meist realistisch ein. Studierende mit einem hohen Interesse an der Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde gaben bessere Selbsteinschätzungen an, neigten jedoch auch eher zur Selbstüberschätzung. Bei Untersuchungen des mittleren Schwierigkeitsniveaus ergab sich die größte Divergenz von Selbst- und Fremdeinschätzung. SCHLUSSFOLGERUNG Die studentische Selbsteinschätzung ist ein geeignetes Instrument zur Messung der Untersuchungskompetenz in der Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde. Es sollte ein besonderer Fokus auf die Lehre vermeintlich mittelschwerer Untersuchungstechniken gelegt werden, da diese am stärksten über- und unterschätzt werden

    Misjudgment of Skills in Clinical Examination Increases in Medical Students Due to a Shift to Exclusively Online Studies during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    In medical school, practical capacity building is a central goal. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a shift to online teaching methods in university was mandated in many countries to reduce risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission. This severely affected the teaching of psychomotor ability skills such as head and neck examination skills, resulting in a share of students that have only been taught such ENT-specific examination skills with online courses; our study aimed to measure performance and capacity of self-evaluation in these students. After completing a new extensive online Ear Nose Throat (ENT) examination course, we conducted a standardized clinical skills exam for nine different ENT examination items with 31 students. Using Likert scales, self-evaluation was based on questionnaires right before the clinical skills exam and objective evaluation during the exam was assessed following a standardized regime. Self-evaluation and objective evaluation were correlated. To compare the exclusive online teaching to traditional hands-on training, a historic cohort with 91 students was used. Objective examination performance after in-classroom or online teaching varied for single examination items while overall assessment remained comparable. Overall, self-evaluation did not differ significantly after online-only and in-classroom ENT skill teaching. Nevertheless, misjudgment of one’s skill level increased after online-only training compared to in-classroom teaching. Highest levels of overestimation were observed after online training in simple tasks. While gender and interest in ENT did not influence self-evaluation and misjudgment, higher age of participants was associated with an overestimation of skills. Medical students with online-only training during the COVID-19 pandemic achieved similar ENT examination skills to those with traditional on-campus training before the pandemic. Nevertheless, students with online-only training were more prone to misjudge their skills when they assessed their skills. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, current medical students and graduates might therefore lack individual specific psychomotor skills such as the ENT examination, underlining the importance of presence-based teaching