179 research outputs found

    A century of observed temperature change in the Indian Ocean

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Wenegrat, J. O., Bonanno, E., Rack, U., & Gebbie, G. A century of observed temperature change in the Indian Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(13), (2022): e2022GL098217, https://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098217.The Indian Ocean is warming rapidly, with widespread effects on regional weather and global climate. Sea-surface temperature records indicate this warming trend extends back to the beginning of the 20th century, however the lack of a similarly long instrumental record of interior ocean temperatures leaves uncertainty around the subsurface trends. Here we utilize unique temperature observations from three historical German oceanographic expeditions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries: SMS Gazelle (1874–1876), Valdivia (1898–1899), and SMS Planet (1906–1907). These observations reveal a mean 20th century ocean warming that extends over the upper 750 m, and a spatial pattern of subsurface warming and cooling consistent with a 1°–2° southward shift of the southern subtropical gyre. These interior changes occurred largely over the last half of the 20th century, providing observational evidence for the acceleration of a multidecadal trend in subsurface Indian Ocean temperature.GG is supported by U.S. NSF-OCE 82280500

    Astrocyte-Specific Disruption of SynCAM1 Signaling Results in ADHD-Like Behavioral Manifestations

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    SynCAM1 is an adhesion molecule involved in synaptic differentiation and organization. SynCAM1 is also expressed in astroglial cells where it mediates astrocyte-to astrocyte and glial-neuronal adhesive communication. In astrocytes, SynCAM1 is functionally linked to erbB4 receptors, which are involved in the control of both neuronal/glial development and mature neuronal and glial function. Here we report that mice carrying a dominant-negative form of SynCAM1 specifically targeted to astrocytes (termed GFAP-DNSynCAM1 mice) exhibit disrupted diurnal locomotor activity with enhanced and more frequent episodes of activity than control littermates during the day (when the animals are normally sleeping) accompanied by shorter periods of rest. GFAP-DNSynCAM1 mice also display high levels of basal activity in the dark period (the rodent's awake/active time) that are attenuated by the psychostimulant D,L-amphetamine, and reduced anxiety levels in response to both avoidable and unavoidable provoking stimuli. These results indicate that disruption of SynCAM1-dependent astroglial function results in behavioral abnormalities similar to those described in animals model of attention-deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), and suggest a hitherto unappreciated contribution of glial cells to the pathophysiology of this disorder

    The effect of floorball training on health status, psychological health and social capital in older men

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    This article presents the results of a multidisciplinary study which investigated the effects of a period with floorball training on health status, psychological health and social capital of older men. Thirty-nine untrained men aged 69.9 ± 0.6 (range: 65–76) were randomized into a group playing floorball (n = 22) or a group playing petanque (n = 17) one hour twice a week for 12 weeks. Both groups filled out the Health Survey Short Form (SF-12) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) before and after the 12-week intervention. Linear regression analyses with bootstrapping showed that the men in the floorball group improved in the SF-12 composite score for mental health, as well as the HADS subscales anxiety and depression, compared to the men in the petanque group. In addition, 21 interviews were conducted with a sample of the men engaged in floorball. According to the statements in the interviews, the men in the floorball group experienced a high degree of solidarity and group cohesion which seemed to have increased their social capital during the intervention. In particular, the fun and joyful experiences of playing led to a high degree of social connectedness, which were mentioned by many of the men as the main reason for their participation throughout the 12-week period. The statistical results and the interview findings suggest that participation in a ball game such as floorball has several benefits regarding health status, psychological health and social capital and in addition that playing floorball is experienced as enjoyable amongst older men. Thus, it can be concluded that floorball is an activity that benefits older men and should be provided in relevant contexts, such as e.g. sport clubs or centres for seniors

    Efficient first principles simulation of electron scattering factors for transmission electron microscopy

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    Electron microscopy is a powerful tool for studying the properties of materials down to their atomic structure. In many cases, the quantitative interpretation of images requires simulations based on atomistic structure models. These typically use the independent atom approximation that neglects bonding effects, which may, however, be measurable and of physical interest. Since all electrons and the nuclear cores contribute to the scattering potential, simulations that go beyond this approximation have relied on computationally highly demanding all-electron calculations. Here, we describe a new method to generate ab initio electrostatic potentials when describing the core electrons by projector functions. Combined with an interface to quantitative image simulations, this implementation enables an easy and fast means to model electron microscopy images. We compare simulated transmission electron microscopy images and diffraction patterns to experimental data, showing an accuracy equivalent to earlier all-electron calculations at a much lower computational cost.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    DILBES – Ein Modell zur Entwicklung berufsbezogener Digitalkompetenz an berufsbildenden Schulen in der ersten Phase der Lehrer:innenbildung

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    Ein Ziel des Projektes „Digitale Lehre im Kontext der Lehramtsausbildung für berufsbildende Schulen (DiLbeS)“ war es, ein Modell zu entwickeln, in welchem das Konstrukt Digitalkompetenz in diesem spezifischen Bereich herausgearbeitet wurde. Den theoretischen Bezugsrahmen bildet die Diskussion um eine Digitalkompetenz Lehrender sowie der Umstand, dass bestehende Digitalkompetenzmodelle zumeist eine breite Perspektive einnehmen oder spezifische Zielgruppen adressieren (z. B. Lehrende in der Berufspraxis an Schulen). Methodisch wurden mehrere dieser Modelle analysiert und im Abgleich mit den im Projekt erhobenen Daten diskutiert. Das Ergebnis ist ein Digitalkompetenzmodell, welches jene Kompetenzfacetten von Lehramtsstudierenden abbildet, die im Rahmen des Studiums für die berufliche Bildung anzubahnen sind. Ziel dieses Beitrages ist es, das Modell „DILBES“ darzustellen und dessen Konstruktionsprozess zu skizzieren

    Constant temperature mashing at 72 °C for the production of beers with a reduced alcohol content in micro brewing systems

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    In this paper, we present a constant temperature mashing procedure where grist made of Pilsner malt is mashed-in directly in the temperature regime of alpha-amylase activity, thus omitting all conventional steps, followed by constant temperature mashing at 72 °C. The aim was to investigate an alternative mashing procedure for the production of alcohol-reduced beers. The mashing proceeds with a rapid buildup of sugars and is completed after 120 min at the latest, giving an iodine normal and clear wort. However, the distribution of the different sugars in the worts is strongly altered, in comparison to a more classical mashing procedure. The free amino nitrogen (FAN) concentration is sufficient for vivid fermentation with the bottom fermenting yeast Saccharomyces pastorianus TUM 34/70. The lag phase and initial fermentation performance of this yeast strain are comparable for conventionally and isothermally (72 °C) mashed wort. Under the given conditions the fermentation of the isothermally (72 °C) made wort is finished after 6 days whereas a conventional wort needs 4–5 days more to be completed. The alcohol concentration is remarkably reduced by isothermal mashing leading to roughly 3.4 vol.-% with an original gravity of 11°P whereas with a conventional mashing procedure 4.4 vol.-% are obtained for the same original gravity. In both cases the concentrations of the fermentation by-products are comparable. A preliminary comparison of tasteand foam stability did not show striking differences. Constant temperature mashing at 72 °C is a simple way to reduce the alcohol content of beer enriching it at the same time with non-fermentable sugars
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