36 research outputs found

    Crystal structure of lutetium disilicate, Lu2Si2O7

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    Lu2O7Si2, monoclinic, C12/m1 (No. 12), a 6.762(2) Angstrom, b = 8.835(3) Angstrom, c = 4.711(2) Angstrom, beta = 101.99(4)degrees, V = 275.3 Angstrom(3), Z = 2, R-gt(F) = 0.019, wR(ref)(F-2) = 0.045, T = 293 K

    Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von Nd2SeSiO4

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    Nd2SeSiO4 has been prepared as violet rod-like single crystals by reaction of elemental neodymium, selenium and iodine in the ratio 1.0:1.0:2.5 and subsequent reaction with quartz glass powder. The compound crystallizes in the orthorhombic space group Pbcm with a = 618.2(2), b = 717.4(2), c = 1102.4(2) pm and Z = 4. The structure is built up of alternating NdSe- and NdSiO4-sheets

    Darstellung und Struktur von (CH3NH3)3PrCl6. 2 H20

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    (CH3NH3)3PrCl6 · 2 H2O has been prepared as light green, air sensitive crystals by the reaction of PrCl3·xH2O with [CH3NH3]Cl in ethanol. The compound was characterized by crystal structure determination. Crystal data: monoclinic space group I 2/a, Z = 8. Lattice constants: a = 1963.3(4), b = 925.9(3), c = 1954.3(4) pm, β = 90.56(1)°. The compound forms [PrCl4(H2O)2]--chains where two Pr3+-ions are connected via two chlorine atoms. The magnetic behaviour of (CH3NH3)3PrCl6· 2H2O has been studied

    Zur Polymorphie von TbCl3

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    3 different modifications of TbCl3 were synthesized. TbCl3 (UCl3type). probably in a metastable state, crystallizes in space group P63/m with a = 737.63(2) pm, c = 405.71(2) pm and Z = 2. TbCl3(PuBr3-type) crystallizes in space group Cmcm with a = 384.71(6) pm, b = 1177.37(7) pm, c = 851.77(4) pm and Z = 4. h-TbCl3, the high temperature phase being stable above 790 K, crystallizes in space group P42/mnm with a = 642.51(4) pm, c = 1177.14(18) pm and Z = 4. © 1988, Walter de Gruyter. All rights reserved

    Darstellung und Kristallstruktur von NdSe1.9

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    NdSe1,9 has been prepared as grey, strongly reflecting platelets by reaction of elemental neodymium with selenium in the ratio 1 :2 and subsequent chemical vapour phase transport with iodine. It crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P42/n with a = 925.36(7), c = 1679.2(3) pm and Z = 20. The structure determination results in a formulation of NdSe1,9 as Nd 20(Se(I)2)8Se(I)2⃞2Se(II)20, where the defect layer built from the Se(I)22- and Se(I)2- ions corresponds to the F layer in the PbFCl substructure

    Effects of Exercise Intensity on Post-Exercise Oral Glucose Tolerance Test Response

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    Диагностика релятивистских электронных пучков по угловому распределению когерентного дифракционного излучения

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    Современные лазерно-плазменные ускорители позволяют получать и ускорять электронные сгустки субпикосекундной длительности, для которых отсутствуют средства диагностики требуемой точности. Распространенный метод измерения длительности электронных сгустков основан на использовании стрик – камеры, точность которого не превышает 1 мм. Использование метода, основанного на спектрально-угловых измерения когерентного переходного излучения, позволяет улучшить точность. Использование КДИ для этой цели обеспечивает неинвазивный характер диагностики. В ходе выполнения ВКР были исследованы возможности использования когерентного дифракционного излучения (КДИ) от щелевой мишени со смещением для измерения длины электронного сгустка.Modern laser-plasma accelerators make it possible to obtain and accelerate electron bunches of subpicosecond duration, for which there are no diagnostic tools of the required accuracy. A common method for measuring the duration of electron bunches is based on the use of a streak camera, the accuracy of which does not exceed 1 mm. The use of a method based on spectral-angular measurements of coherent transition radiation makes it possible to improve the accuracy. The use of CDR for this purpose provides a non-invasive diagnostic character. In the course of graduation project , the possibilities of using coherent diffraction radiation (CDR) from an offset slit target to measure the length of an electron bunch were investigated

    Die ersten Oxoselenosilicate der Seltenen Erden (SE = Ce, Nd)

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