508 research outputs found

    Underground coal mining section data

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    A set of tables which display the allocation of time for ten personnel and eight pieces of underground coal mining equipment to ten function categories is provided. Data from 125 full shift time studies contained in the KETRON database was utilized as the primary source data. The KETRON activity and delay codes were mapped onto JPL equipment, personnel and function categories. Computer processing was then performed to aggregate the shift level data and generate the matrices. Additional, documented time study data were analyzed and used to supplement the KETRON databased. The source data including the number of shifts are described. Specific parameters of the mines from which there data were extracted are presented. The result of the data processing including the required JPL matrices is presented. A brief comparison with a time study analysis of continuous mining systems is presented. The procedures used for processing the source data are described

    Development and flight evaluation of active controls in the L-1011

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    Active controls in the Lockheed L-1011 for increased energy efficiency are discussed. Active wing load alleviation for extended span, increased aspect ratio, and active stability augmentation with a smaller tail for reduced drag and weight are among the topics considered. Flight tests of active wing load alleviation on the baseline aircraft and moving-base piloted simulation developing criteria for stability augmentation are described

    Regulating the population : day laborers and the comprehensive immigration reform

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    The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act was created without representation on behalf of the immigrant population it is attempting the legislate. This study assesses not what the law is but what the law does. To understand the relationship of a group of immigrant workers to the federal legislation which targets them I conducted a participant-observation ethnography of day laborers at a public hiring site collecting information through informal interviews with male immigrant day laborers seeking employment. I will compliment this data with a content analysis of publications and solicitations by organizations actively lobbying in the immigration reform debate at the national level. Additionally, I will be reviewing existing literature surrounding the Senate\u27s Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (S. 2611), Title IV, Subtitle A- Temporary Guest Worker Programs, Section 401 through 414. Through an accurate representation of those who a Comprehensive Immigration Reform would affect, I am arguing that to humanize the current political controversy surrounding immigration is the only way to implement effective public policy. The findings of this study illustrate that the law instead of enforcing geopolitical lines of inclusion or exclusion have caused internal exclusion within the U.S. pushing an already marginalized minority population further onto the fringes of an already segmented labor force and society. This study is paramount in a discussion of current immigration patterns and trends, a contemporary look at transnationalism, and a crucial critique of the authenticity of concurrent legislative motions. The outcome of this bill will mediate future norms and understandings designating national proceedings in foreign policy, immigration, and our placement within the stratification of an increasingly globalized society. In effect, it is imperative we look critically and objectively at how the law manifests in our society, and the ways that immigration reforms are mediated and understood by the groups which they target

    The Founding of the National Association of School Psychologists

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    The history of the founding of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) including an overview of the events leading up to the founding in 1968 and the evolution of the organization since it\u27s inception

    The Action of Certain Inorganic Salts on Semicarbazides and Semicarbazones

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    The Beat: Behavioral Change in Juvenile Detention Center Writing Workshops

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    This paper addresses the experience of juvenile participation in the Beat Within detention center writing workshops and the resulting publication. I hypothesize that juvenile participation in Beat Within workshops causes a change in behavior and interpersonal understanding of self-identity and culture. Data will be collected through an evaluative ethnography triangulated with ethnographic research at the Beat Within office, the distribution of surveys to correctional officers, and interviews with workshop facilitators. This paper will address the broader questions availing this research question regarding Juvenile Halls and their inhabitants, social perceptions of Deviant youth and public policy, followed by a review of literature on existing creative social programs inside of institutions. Social conceptions of incarcerated youth perpetuate increasingly harsh legislation causing a shift from correctional facilities as rehabilitative centers to primarily punitive institutions and it is vital to assess the social structure inside of which this phenomenon exists. A theoretical discussion will be shaped by Durkheim\u27s study on social deviance and suicide, which led him to the idea that individuals are a reflection of the society in which they live. He also evaluated the effects of the individualist organic society and the prevalence of alienation. In turn, I hypothesize that the breaking down of these barriers should contribute to a change in behavior on behalf of participating juveniles. I also theorize this program to be a contributing factor in the destigmatization of youth as is called for in Shaftoe\u27s theory on labeling as perpetuating deviant behavior through constant negative reinforcement

    Book Reviews

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    Afghanistan: Transition Under Threat. By Geoffrey Hayes and Mark Sedra, editors. Enemies of Intelligence: Knowledge & Power in American National Security. By Richard K. Betts

    Accelerated development and flight evaluation of active controls concepts for subsonic transport aircraft. Volume 2: AFT C.G. simulation and analysis

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    Relaxed static stability and stability augmentation with active controls were investigated for subsonic transport aircraft. Analytical and simulator evaluations were done using a contemporary wide body transport as a baseline. Criteria for augmentation system performance and unaugmented flying qualities were evaluated. Augmentation control laws were defined based on selected frequency response and time history criteria. Flying qualities evaluations were conducted by pilots using a moving base simulator with a transport cab. Static margin and air turbulence intensity were varied in test with and without augmentation. Suitability of a simple pitch control law was verified at neutral static margin in cruise and landing flight tasks. Neutral stability was found to be marginally acceptable in heavy turbulence in both cruise and landing conditions

    Course AE107 case studies in engineering: the SR-71 Blackbird

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    Presented by Lockheed Advanced Development Company and the Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories, California Institute of Technology ; program directors, David Urie, Hans Hornung ; teaching assistant, Patrick Germain. The "Blackbird" design was an evolution that took place in a very short period of time but had such advanced technology that it has not been surpassed 25 years later