13 research outputs found

    Reflectance of leaves from different nodal positions as a function of wavelength throughout the experiment.

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    <p>The reflectance signatures presented are of the 7<sup>th</sup>, 14<sup>th</sup>, and 29<sup>th</sup> days of measuring for the control (A, C, and E, respectively) and water deficit (B, D, and F, respectively) groups. Each reflectance signature was averaged out of 10 leaf samples.</p

    Thickness of strata in leaves along the control (C) and water deficit (WD) canopies at day 29.

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    <p>UC =  Upper cuticle; UE =  Upper epidermis; CM =  Column mesophyll; SM =  Spongy mesophyll; LE =  Lower epidermis; LC =  Lower cuticle; WL =  Whole leaf. Data represents means ± standard deviations (n = 5). Upper-case letters indicate significance of differences.</p

    Volumetric water content (A; VWC), stomatal conductance (B; g<sub>s</sub>) and net assimilation rate (C; A<sub>N</sub>) throughout the experiment.

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    <p>Excluding day 1, values of the two groups were significantly different for every measuring date. Vertical bars represent means ± standard deviations (n = 10).</p

    Stomatal conductance (g<sub>s</sub>) as a function of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) throughout the experiment.

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    <p>The diamonds represent values of the youngest, fully-matured leaves of both treatments from all time points, and were used to create a linear regression. The filled square and circle are the 29<sup>th</sup> day's mean values of leaves from the whole control and water deficit canopies, respectively. The unfilled square and circle are the 29<sup>th</sup> day's mean values from only the representative portion of the control and water deficit canopies (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0088930#pone-0088930-t002" target="_blank">Table 2</a>), respectively.</p

    Near infrared reflectance of leaves as a function of their spongy mesophyll void area at day 29.

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    <p>Vertical and horizontal bars represent means ± standard deviations (n = 10 for the near infrared reflectance; n = 5 for the spongy mesophyll void area).</p

    Near infrared reflectance of leaves as a function of their nodal position at day 29.

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    <p>Significant differences in the means of near infrared reflectance (750–1250 nm) were found between control and stressed leaves of the same nodal position down until the 16th node. The reflectance values in the upper 15 and 11 nodes of the control and water deficit groups, respectively, were significantly different from those in the rest of the nodes, and thus were not representative for most of the plant. Vertical bars represent means ± standard deviations (n = 10). Lower-case letters indicate significance of differences.</p

    Leaf cross-sections at day 29.

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    <p>The scale bars of both control and water deficit's 4<sup>th</sup> leaves (A and B, respectively) and 16<sup>th</sup> leaves (C and D, respectively) equal 50 µm.</p

    Number of nodes (A) and foliage area (B) throughout the experiment.

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    <p>Vertical bars represent means ± standard deviations (n = 10). Lower-case letters indicate significance of differences.</p

    Percentage of mesophyll void areas within leaves along the control (C) and water deficit (WD) canopies at day 29.

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    <p>CM =  Column mesophyll; SM =  Spongy mesophyll. Data represents means ± standard deviations (n = 5). Upper-case letters indicate significance of differences.</p

    Summary of all measurement types that were taken during the experiment.

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    <p>Measurements were taken on days of experiment (DOE) that are signified by X.</p