4 research outputs found

    ESPAD Report 2019: Results From European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs

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    The main purpose of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) is to collect comparable data on substance use and other forms of risk behaviour among 15- to 16-year-old students in order to monitor trends within, as well as between, countries. Between 1995 and 2019, seven waves of data collection were conducted across 49 European countries. This report presents selected key results. The full set of data on which the current report is based, including all of the standard tables, is available online (http://www.espad.org). All tables can be downloaded in Excel format and used for further analysi

    Zdravi in čili na delovnem mestu

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    Individual and contextual factors of employee mental health after corporate restructuring

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    Organizacijske spremembe, ki vključujejo gospodarsko prestrukturiranje podjetja z odpuščanjem, imajo negativne posledice za zdravje in blaginjo tako odpuščenih delavcev kot tudi tistih, ki po spremembah ohranijo zaposlitev, a so izpostavljeni nenehni grožnji, da bodo v prihodnje morda tudi oni odpuščeni. V skladu s salutogenetskim pogledom na zdravje nas je v disertaciji zanimalo, kaj v takšnih razmerah ohranja ljudi (bolj) zdrave oziroma kaj preprečuje, da bi razvili težave z (duševnim) zdravjem. Na podlagi pregleda relevantne literature smo oblikovali raziskovalni konceptualno-teoretski model virov spoprijemanja s stresom pri ohranjanju zdravja med prestrukturiranjem podjetja. V empiričnem delu naloge smo analizirali podatke, zbrane s presečno raziskavo, da bi ugotovili, kako individualni viri, družbeni viri s poudarkom na socialnem kapitalu in materialni viri vplivajo na duševno zdravje delavcev, izpostavljenih prestrukturiranju podjetja, ter kakšna je dinamika pridobivanja oziroma ohranjanja ali izgube virov in njihov sovpliv. Če na rezultate analize pogledamo po sklopih neodvisnih (sklop demografskih značilnosti, sklop individualnih, sklop družbenih in sklop materialnih virov) in intervenirajočih spremenljivk (sklop strategij spoprijemanja s stresom in sklop spremenljivk doživljanja izgube oziroma negotovosti zaposlitve), lahko zaključimo, da imajo na vse odvisne spremenljivke največji vpliv individualni viri, kjer smo merili osebno naravnanost v življenju in splošni optimizem. Podrobnejši pogled na posamezne spremenljivke razkrije, da so poleg individualnih virov za pojasnjevanje odvisnih spremenljivk pomembni tudi nekateri družbeni viri in spremenljivke, ki označujejo širše družbene okoliščine ali doživljanje odpuščanja in negotovosti zaposlitve kot posledic gospodarskega prestrukturiranja podjetja. Na splošno lahko na podlagi pregledane literature in svoje raziskave trdimo, da je imeti zaposlitev oziroma plačano delo eden od močnejših virov, ki vplivajo na ohranjanje zdravja in preprečevanje težav v (duševnem) zdravju zaposlenih, ter da pomembno vlogo varovalnega dejavnika ob soočanju z velikimi organizacijskimi spremembami igra socialni kapital (predvsem socialna opora), ki pozitivno vpliva tudi na pridobivanje individualnih in drugih virov (npr. materialni ali kulturni kapital).Organizational changes, which include corporate restructuring and layoffs, have a negative impact on the health and wellbeing of not only employees that have been laid off but also those that retain their jobs after restructuring but are under constant threat of potentially being laid off in the future. In line with a salutogenic perspective on health, this dissertation examines what keeps people healthy (or healthier) or what prevents them from developing (mental) health problems in these circumstances. Based on a review of the relevant literature, a conceptual and theoretical research model of resources to cope with stress while seeking to remain healthy during corporate restructuring was devised. The empirical part of the dissertation analyses the data collected in a cross-sectional study to determine the impact of individual resources, social resources (with an emphasis on social capital), and material resources on the mental health of employees experiencing corporate restructuring, and to establish the dynamics of acquiring, retaining, or losing resources as well as their interaction. Examining the analysis results by various categories of independent variables (demographics, individual resources, social resources, and material resources) and intervening variables (stress-management strategies and a category of variables related to experiencing job loss or insecurity), it can be concluded that individual resources (e.g., attitude in life and general optimism) have the greatest impact on all dependent variables. However, a detailed examination of specific variables reveals that, in addition to individual resources, certain social resources and variables referring to the wider social situation—or experiencing layoffs and job insecurity as the result of corporate restructuring—are also important in explaining dependent variables. In general, the literature review and this study show that having a job or paid work is among the more significant resources that affect employees’ health and help prevent (mental) health problems. Moreover, social capital (especially social support) is a vital protective factor in dealing with major organizational changes because it has a positive impact on acquiring individual and other resources (e.g., material resources or cultural capital)