2 research outputs found

    Voces propias del habla popular nicarag眉ense en el romancero y el cancionero

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    Tesis (Lic. en Ciencias de la Educaci贸n con Menci贸n en Espa帽ol)-Universidad Nacional Aut贸noma de Nicaragua, Le贸nUNAN-Le贸

    Rotavirus: cause of acute diarrhea in children under 5 years old who go to urban health centers Dr. Pedro Iturbe, Dr. Jos茅 Mar铆a Espinoza and Dr. Edgar Pe帽a, Miranda municipality, Choir. Falc贸n

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la frecuencia de infecci贸n por rotavirus en ni帽os menores de 5 a帽os que acudieron a los centros de salud urbanos por presentar diarrea aguda. Se realiz贸 una investigaci贸n de tipo descriptivo y prospectivo, cuyo an谩lisis y alcance de los resultados estuvieron basados en un estudio de tipo observacional. Se recolectaron datos de antecedentes personales incluyendo vacunaci贸n antirotavirus y manifestaciones cl铆nicas mediante una ficha encuesta a 23 pacientes y la detecci贸n de rotavirus en heces se realiz贸 mediante inmunoan谩lisis enzim谩tico directo. Todos los pacientes evaluados resultaron negativos a la infecci贸n por Rotavirus. El 86,96 %聽 ten铆an el esquema de vacunaci贸n anti-rotavirus completo, lo que pudiera explicar la ausencia del virus como causante de la diarrea. Se sugiere continuar con la vigilancia epidemiol贸gica a fin de evitar futuras epidemias de infecci贸n por rotavirus.聽The objective of this study was to determine the frequency of rotavirus infection in children under 5 years old who came to urban health centers for presenting acute diarrhea. A descriptive and prospective study was carried out, whose analysis and scope of the results were based on an observational study. Personal history data including anti-rotavirus vaccination and clinical manifestations were collected by means of a survey card to 23 patients. Personal history data including anti-rotavirus vaccination and clinical manifestations were collected and the detection of rotavirus in faeces were perfomed by direct enzyme immunoassay. All patients evaluated were negative for Rotavirus infection. 86.96% had the complete anti-rotavirus vaccination scheme, which could explain the absence of the virus as the cause of diarrhea. It is suggested to continue epidemiological surveillance in order to avoid future epidemics of rotavirus infection