3 research outputs found

    Impact of outdoor air pollution on severity and mortality in COVID-19 pneumonia

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    The relationship between exposure to air pollution and the severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia and other outcomes is poorly understood. Beyond age and comorbidity, risk factors for adverse outcomes including death have been poorly studied. The main objective of our study was to examine the relationship between exposure to outdoor air pollution and the risk of death in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia using individual-level data. The secondary objective was to investigate the impact of air pollutants on gas exchange and systemic inflammation in this disease. This cohort study included 1548 patients hospitalised for COVID-19 pneumonia between February and May 2020 in one of four hospitals. Local agencies supplied daily data on environmental air pollutants (PM10PM_{10}, PM2.5PM_{2.5}, O3O_3, NO2NO_2, NONO and NOXNO_X) and meteorological conditions (temperature and humidity) in the year before hospital admission (from January 2019 to December 2019). Daily exposure to pollution and meteorological conditions by individual postcode of residence was estimated using geospatial Bayesian generalised additive models. The influence of air pollution on pneumonia severity was studied using generalised additive models which included: age, sex, Charlson comorbidity index, hospital, average income, air temperature and humidity, and exposure to each pollutant. Additionally, generalised additive models were generated for exploring the effect of air pollution on C-reactive protein (CRP) level and SpO2O_2/FiO2O_2 at admission. According to our results, both risk of COVID-19 death and CRP level increased significantly with median exposure to PM10PM_{10}, NO2NO_2, NONO and NOXNO_X, while higher exposure to NO2NO_2, NONO and NOXNO_X was associated with lower SpO2O_2/FiO2O_2 ratios. In conclusion, after controlling for socioeconomic, demographic and health-related variables, we found evidence of a significant positive relationship between air pollution and mortality in patients hospitalised for COVID-19 pneumonia. Additionally, inflammation (CRP) and gas exchange (SpO2O_2/FiO2O_2) in these patients were significantly related to exposure to air pollution

    Predicción de la gravedad de neumonías por SARS-CoV-2 a partir de información clínica y contaminación, mediante inteligencia artificial

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    Introducción La contaminación del aire exterior se ha relacionado con mayor gravedad de las infecciones respiratorias. Por tanto, su inclusión en algoritmos predictivos podrían añadir información para pronosticar la gravedad de neumonías SARS-CoV-2. Material y métodos Estudio observacional longitudinal retrospectivo de cohortes, multicéntrico en 4 hospitales. Se incluyeron ingresos por neumonía SARS-CoV-2 en el primer pico epidémico de COVID-19 (febrero-mayo 2020). Se recogieron hasta 93 variables clínicas, analíticas y radiológicas por cada paciente (sexo, edad, peso, comorbilidades, síntomas, variables fisiológicas en urgencias, sangre, gasometría, etc.). Además, se calcularon los niveles exposición a contaminación por PM10_{10}, PM2.5_{2.5}, O3_{3}, NO2_{2}, NO, NOX_{X}, SO2_{2} y CO en su código postal. En función de la evolución clínica de la neumonía, se definieron 3 niveles de gravedad [Tabla 1]. Para predecir dicha gravedad, se desarrolló un algoritmo de inteligencia artificial (IA), tipo ‘Random Forest’ con balanceo y ajuste automático de sus parámetros internos. El algoritmo se entrenó y evaluó mediante 20 repeticiones de validación cruzada 10-fold (90% entrenamiento, 10% validación), estratificando aleatoriamente por hospital y gravedad. Resultados En los conjuntos de validación, el algoritmo alcanzó una capacidad predictiva (área bajo la curva ROC) promedio AUC=0.834 para gravedad nivel 0, AUC=0.724 para 1 y AUC=0.850 para 2 [Figura 1]. Sin la información de contaminantes, su capacidad predictiva se degradó ligeramente (AUCs = 0.829, 0.722, 0.844; respectivamente). Conclusiones Nuestro algoritmo IA es capaz de predecir de manera satisfactoria la evolución de la gravedad en la neumonía; en particular para los casos más leves y más severos. El algoritmo IA extrae las reglas más relevantes a partir principalmente de la información clínica, analítica y radiológica de cada individuo; no obstante, la incorporación de la exposición a contaminantes mejora ligeramente la capacidad predictiva. El impacto de la contaminación podría estar ya reflejado en las analíticas de sangre, a través de su efecto en los niveles de inflamación del paciente (PCT, PCR, LDH, etc.)

    Supplementary Material for: Cost of Hospitalizations due to Exacerbation in Patients with Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis

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    <b><i>Background:</i></b> Knowing the cost of hospitalizations for exacerbation in bronchiectasis patients is essential to perform cost-effectiveness studies of treatments that aim to reduce exacerbations in these patients. <b><i>Objectives:</i></b> To find out the mean cost of hospitalizations due to exacerbations in bronchiectasis patients, and to identify factors associated with higher costs. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> Prospective, observational, multicenter study in adult bronchiectasis patients hospitalized due to exacerbation. All expenses from the patients’ arrival at hospital to their discharge were calculated: diagnostic tests, treatments, transferals, home hospitalization, admission to convalescence centers, and hospitals’ structural costs for each patient (each hospital’s tariff for emergencies and 70% of the price of a bed for each day in a hospital ward). <b><i>Results:</i></b> A total of 222 patients (52.7% men, mean age 71.8 years) admitted to 29 hospitals were included. Adding together all the expenses, the mean cost of the hospitalization was EUR 5,284.7, most of which correspond to the hospital ward (86.9%), and particularly to the hospitals’ structural costs. The adjusted multivariate analysis showed that chronic bronchial infection by <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>, days spent in the hospital, and completing the treatment with home hospitalization were factors independently associated with a higher overall cost of the hospitalization. <b><i>Conclusions:</i></b> The mean cost of a hospitalization due to bronchiectasis exacerbation obtained from the individual data of each episode is higher than the cost per process calculated by the health authorities. The most determining factor of a higher cost is chronic bronchial infection due to <i>P. aeruginosa</i>, which leads to a longer hospital stay and the use of home hospitalization