4 research outputs found

    Transplanckian axions!?

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    We discuss quantum gravitational effects in Einstein theory coupled to periodic axion scalars to analyze the viability of several proposals to achieve superplanckian axion periods (aka decay constants) and their possible application to large field inflation models. The effects we study correspond to the nucleation of euclidean gravitational instantons charged under the axion, and our results are essentially compatible with (but independent of) the Weak Gravity Conjecture, as follows: single axion theories with superplanckian periods contain gravitational instantons inducing sizable higher harmonics in the axion potential, which spoil superplanckian inflaton field range. A similar result holds for multi-axion models with lattice alignment (like the Kim-Nilles-Peloso model). Finally, theories with N axions can still achieve a moderately superplanckian periodicity (by a N N \sqrt{N} factor) with no higher harmonics in the axion potential. The Weak Gravity Conjecture fails to hold in this case due to the absence of some instantons, which are forbidden by a discrete Z N gauge symmetry. Finally we discuss the realization of these instantons as euclidean D-branes in string compactifications

    Antisymmetric tensor Z p gauge symmetries in field theory and string theory

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    We consider discrete gauge symmetries in D dimensions arising as remnants of broken continuous gauge symmetries carried by general antisymmetric tensor fields, rather than by standard 1-forms. The lagrangian for such a general Z p gauge theory can be described in terms of a r -form gauge field made massive by a ( r  − 1)-form, or other dual realizations, that we also discuss. The theory contains charged topological defects of different dimensionalities, generalizing the familiar charged particles and strings in D  = 4. We describe realizations in string theory compactifications with torsion cycles, or with background field strength fluxes. We also provide examples of non-abelian discrete groups, for which the group elements are associated with charged objects of different dimensionality

    M-theory interpretation of the real topological string

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    We describe the type IIA physical realization of the unoriented topological string introduced by Walcher, describe its M-theory lift, and show that it allows to compute the open and unoriented topological amplitude in terms of one-loop diagram of BPS M2-brane states. This confirms and allows to generalize the conjectured BPS integer expansion of the topological amplitude. The M-theory lift of the orientifold is freely acting on the M-theory circle, so that integer multiplicities are a weighted version of the (equivariant subsector of the) original closed oriented Gopakumar-Vafa invariants. The M-theory lift also provides new perspective on the topological tadpole cancellation conditions. We finally comment on the M-theory version of other unoriented topological strings, and clarify certain misidentifications in earlier discussions in the literature

    Bipartite field theories from D-branes

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    We develop tools for determining the gauge theory resulting from a configuration of Type IIB D3-branes probing a non-compact, toric Calabi-Yau 3-fold, in the presence of additional flavor D7-branes with general embeddings. Two main ingredients of our approach are dimer models and mirror symmetry. D7-branes with general embeddings are obtained by recombination of elementary D7-brane constituents. These tools are then used to engineer a large set of Bipartite Field Theories, a class of 4d, N \mathcal{N} = 1 quantum field theories defined by bipartite graphs on bordered Riemann surfaces. Several explicit examples, including infinite families of models, associated to both planar and non-planar graphs are presented