4 research outputs found

    Doğu karadeniz bölgesindeki kadinlarda anormal servikal sitoloji sonuçlarinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Aim: The aim of this study was detection of the abnormal cervical cytology rates of the women according to cervical screening at Eastern Black Sea region and to determine the correlation of the abnormal cervical cytologic findings with colposcopy directed biopsies. Materials and methods: Cervical cytology of the women with Pap smear method were retrospectively evaluated between the years 2006-2012 at University Hospital. Colposcopy directed biopsies of the women with abnormal cervical cytology that was detected with conventional smear methods were evaluated. Cervical cytology results according to Bethesda system as ASC-US, ASC-H, LSIL, HSIL, AGC were included in the study. Results: Abnormal cervical cytology was detected at 354(2.81%>) of 12558 women. The rates of abnormal cervical cytology were detected as ASC-US 199 (56.1%), ASC-H 9 (2.5%), LSIL 62 (17.5%), HSIL 28 (7.9%), AGC 54 (15.3%). Colposcopy and directed biopsy was performed at 123 cases. Biopsy results were reported as: chronic cervicitis 57 (46.3%), CINl 23 (18%, 7), CIN2 11 (% 9), CIN3 25 (20.3%). Correlation of cervical cytology and colposcopy directed biopsy results were statistically significant (Kappa:0.541 and p <0.001). Conclusion: Cervical cancer can early diagnose with cervical cytology and even preventable disease. Despite cervical cytology is an effective, easy and accessible screening method, histopathologic correlation is became important for evaluation and management of abnormal cervical cytology. Colposcopy directed biopsy and histopathological assessment is seen as an appropriate method for the management of abnormal cervical cytology. © 2014, Gunes Kitap Kirtasiye, All rights reserved

    Relationships between C-kit expression and mean platelet volume in benign, preneoplastic and neoplastic endometrium

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    PubMed: 25743820Background: c-Kit is a proto-oncogene that encodes a tyrosine kinase receptor (CD117). Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a useful marker for demonstrating thrombocyte function. We aimed to investigate whether c-kit is expressed in benign, preneoplastic and neoplastic endometrial tissues and whether MPV has a relation with c-kit expression and its intensity. Materials and Methods: c-Kit expression was investigated immunohistochemically in 10 samples of normal endometrium (n=10), simple endometrial hyperplasia (5 cases with atypia and 10 cases without atypia), complex endometrial hyperplasia (10 cases with atypia and 10 cases without atypia) and endometrial cancer (EC) (10 cases grade I and 10 cases grade II) and MPV of all cases was checked. Results: c-Kit expression was observed at very low rates in cases with normal endometrial tissues (NE) and in hyperplasia without atypia. c-Kit expression and immunostaining were strong in endometrial atypia and EC. MPV levels of complex atypical endometrial hyperplasia (CAEH) (p:0.002), EC grade I (ECG I) (p<0.001) and EC grade II (ECG II) (p<0.001) were significantly elevated when compared with the NE group. Both c-kit expression and intensity of immunostaining had a positive correlation with MPV level. Conclusions: While c-kit expression and intensity of immunostaining were mildly positive in NE and hyperplasia without atypia, they were clearly observed in EC and hyperplasia with atypia. As c-kit expression is related to the mutagenesis a long-term followup may be needed in these cases. A high MPV level may be a good test for demonstrating c-kit expression and intensity of immunostaining

    Post menopozal bir kadında pyometra ile presente olan pelvik tüberküloz

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    63 yaşında, postmenopozal kadın hasta vajinal akıntı, karın ağrısı ve ateş şikayetiyle jinekoloji polikliniğine başvurdu. Ultrasonografide pyometri tespit edildi. Serum CA-125 ve CA 19-9 düzeyleri yüksekti. Endometrial biyopside malignite ve aside dirençli basil saptanmadı. Bilateral salpingo-ooferektomi ve total histerektomi yapıldı. Histolojik incelemede kazeöz granülomatöz inflamasyon saptandı. Genital tüberküloz tanısı koyuldu ve antitüberküloz tedavi başlandı. Burada, postmenopozal bir hastada yüksek CA 125 ile CA 19 9 seviyeleri ve pyometri ile prezente olan pelvik tüberküloz vakası sunulmaktadır.A 63-years-old postmenopausal woman was admitted to the gynecology clinic with vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, and pyrexia. Ultrasonography revealed evidence of pyometra. Serum CA-125 and CA 19-9 levels were elevated. Endometrial biopsy revealed no malignant cells or acid-fast bacilli. We performed total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Histological examination revealed caseous granulomatous inflammation. The diagnosis of genital tuberculosis was made and antituberculosis treatment was initiated. Here, we present a pelvic tuberculosis with pyometra in a post-menopausal women with elevated CA 125 and CA 19 9 levels