925 research outputs found

    Do Products Labeled Retailer “Exclusive” Affect Consumer Behavior?

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    Many large retailers offer “advertised as retailer exclusive products” or AREPs. Retailers work with manufacturers to produce these unique, retailer exclusive versions of otherwise common products. While not all retailer exclusive products are advertised as “exclusive,” AREPs are advertised and labeled as retailer exclusives. The retailer exclusive product attributes are often “trivial,” but still may add customer value and discourage price comparison shopping. Here, two experiments assess AREPs effects on consumers. Contrary to managerial expectations, the findings suggest that AREP exclusivity promotions are ineffective at influencing consumers, but that the choice of exclusive, seemingly “trivial” attribute can sometimes be a significant negative influence on consumers. Further, the authors suggest contexts that may encourage specific responses to retailer exclusive product promotions and trivial attributes

    Alexander Roy Headed to Amazon

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    Computer and information science senior interned for global company last summe

    Engineering Students Welcome New, Future Students

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    Colton Singleton and Rodrick \u27Leo\u27 Rogers served as orientation leaders for incoming freshme

    Electrical Engineering Senior Soars to Success

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    Kranthi Kadaru started the Ole Miss Robotics Club and joined several academic honor societie

    ChE Graduate Staying at UM for Law School

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    Sneed seeking juris doctor and career with successful fir

    ESB President Reflects on Banner Year

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    Ben Lapane led student body to new height

    Engineering Students Shadow at UMMC

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    Gordji and Vaughnn participated in Honors College summer progra

    Engineering: Three Seniors Accepted into Top Graduate Schools

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    Johns Hopkins, MIT, Texas welcome UM graduate

    Jake McCall Finds True Calling

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    Electrical engineering senior succeeds in major and as C Spire inter

    Anne Marie DeLee is Soaring High

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    Chemical engineering senior excels on many level
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