20 research outputs found

    Palvelu tv: avulla ohjatun liikunnan vaikuttavuus sotainvalideihin

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia interaktiivisesti tuotetun kuntoutuksen vai-kuttavuutta sotainvalidien ja heidän puolisojensa fyysiseen toimintakykyyn. Kuntoutumi-sen välineenä käytettiin geronteknologiaan luokiteltavaa tietoverkon välityksellä hyö-dynnettävää audiovisuaalista tekniikkaa, jonka sovelluksena oli palvelu tv. Tutkimuk-seen osallistui 40 henkilöä, iältään 81 - 95 vuotiaita sotainvalideja sekä heidän puoli-sojaan, jotka asuvat omissa kodeissaan. Yhdistävänä tekijänä tutkittavilla olivat vuotui-set sotavammalain mukaan myönnettävät laitoskuntoutusjaksot. Puolet tutkittavista osallistui palvelu tv:n avulla välitettyyn tuolijumppaan. Vertailuryhmänä toimi saman verran henkilöitä, jotka kävivät vain laitoskuntoutusjaksoilla. Toimiva-testituloksia puret-tiin kolmen vuoden ajalta. SPSS- ohjelmalla kokeiltiin muutamia ajoja tilastollisien eroa-vaisuuksien toteennäyttämiseksi, mutta niitä ei löytynyt, mikä johtunee liian pienestä otannasta. Tätä varten tehtiin matriisi, jossa testitulokset ja haastattelut muutettiin nu-meraaliseen muotoon. Matriisia hyödynnettiin testituloksien analysointivaiheessa kes-kiarvojen laskemiseen laskimen avulla. Vaikuttavuutta tarkasteltiin toimiva testitulosten avulla sekä tutkittavien haastattelulla elämänikäisestä fyysisestä aktiivisuudesta sekä liikkumista hankaloittavista sairauksista ja vammoista.The purpose of this thesis was to examine the effectiveness of interactively produced rehabilitation on the physical capability of war invalids and their spouses. One method of rehabilitation examined was an audiovisual technique, called service tv, which is classified as gerontechnology and accessed by internet. Forty people participated in the research, war invalids aged 81- 95 years, and their spouses. They lived in their own homes. One unifying factor was their rehabilitation perioids in institutions. These peri-ods are granted by law annually. Half of the people who were examined took part in chair training from service tv. The comparison group consisted of the same number of people who only participated in rehabilitation organizes by institution. The three year´s test results from the test ”Toimiva” were analyzed. Some runs were examined with Spss program to see if there were any statistic differencies. But there weren´t any. This could be due to the insufficient size of the test group. Due to this we constructed a matrix in which the test results and interviews were transformed into a numeral form. This matrix was used to calculate the averages with calculator at the analyzing stage of the test results. The effectiveness was observed with the help of “Toimiva”, and by in-terviewing the researches about the lifelong physical activeness and both injuries and illnesses that complicate their activity

    Perhehoitajien työhyvinvoinnin kehittäminen Etelä-Savossa

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Kehittämistehtävässä selvitettiin Etelä-Savon alueella toimivien toimeksianto-sopimuksen tehneiden ikäihmisten perhehoitajien kokemus tämänhetkisestä työhyvinvoinnista ja tuen riittävyydestä. Kehitettiin yhdessä perhehoitajien kanssa työhyvinvointia ja sitä edistävät koulutussisällöt vuodelle 2021. Työhy-vinvointia kehitettiin, koska Etelä-Savon ja koko valtakunnan tavoite on lisätä kaikenikäisten perhehoitoa. Iäkkäiden perhehoito on vielä vähäistä. Valtakun-nalliseen tavoitteeseen päästään, jos perhehoitajia ja tukea heidän jaksami-seensa on riittävästi. Kehittämistehtävä oli otteeltaan kvalitatiivinen ja kehittämismenetelmänä käy-tettiin palvelumuotoilua. Palvelumuotoilu on työmenetelmä, jossa suunnitel-laan ja kehitetään yhteiskehittämisen keinoin. Palvelumuotoilun yksi keskei-nen ajatus on palvelun eri osapuolten osallistaminen palvelun kehittämiseen. (Tuulaniemi 2011.) Tässä kehittämistehtävässä selvitettiin alku kyselyn avulla tämänhetkinen kokemus työhyvinvoinnista. Kyselyyn vastasi 16 perhehoitajaa. Työpajoja järjestettiin kaksi kertaa. Työpajoissa käytettiin apuna Rauramon (2012) työhyvinvoinnin portaita. Työpajoihin osallistui 11 perhehoitajaa, perhe-hoidon koordinaattori ja kehittäjä. Kehittämistehtävässä todettiin, että perhehoitajat saavat tukea, mutta eivät riit-tävästi. Vuoden 2021 koulutusaiheet ja sisällöt sekä muut tapahtumat tukevat perhehoitajan työhyvinvointia fyysisesti, psyykkisesti ja sosiaalisesti. Työn luonnetta emme voi muuttaa, mutta tukea hyvinvointiin voidaan lisätä. Etelä-Savon alueella otetaan käyttöön vuosittainen kysely perhehoitajille ja sen pe-rusteella suunnitellaan koulutukset. Asiasanat: perhehoito, perhehoitaja, työhyvinvointi, palvelumuotoiluABSTRACT The development task clarified the experiences of elderly people`s caregivers. who had made an assignment agreement on well-being at work and adequacy of support. The purpose was to develop together with the family caregivers the well-being at work and develop the training contents for the year 2021. Well-being at work was developed, because the goal of South Savo and the nation l is to increase family care for all ages. Family care for the elderly is limited. The national goal will be achieved if there is enough for support family cares to cope. The development task was qualitative in its approach and service design was used in planning and developing through co-development. Service design’s one key idea is involving different sides in developing the service. (Tuulaniemi i2011). This development task sorted out current experience of well-being at work, through a initial survey. Sixteen family cares filled out the survey. Work-shops were held no times. The workshops used Rauramo’s (2012) steps of well-being at works. There were eleven family carers, family care coordinator and a developer at the workshops. The development task discovered, that family carers receive support but not enough. The 2021 training subjects and contents as well other events sup-port family care’s well-being at work physically, mentally and socially. The na-ture of the work we cannot be changed, but the support of the well-being will be increased. An annual survey will be introduced in the South Savo area and the trainings will be planned besed on it. Keywords: family care, family caregivers, well-being, service desig

    I'm as old as I feel : subjective age in Finnish adults

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    Virpi Uotinen osoitti väitöskirjatyössään, että subjektiivinen ikä, eli yksilön oma arvio iästään, on yhteydessä koettuun hyvinvointiin ja terveyteen erityisesti elämän jälkipuoliskolla. Iäkkäistä haastatelluista noin puolet kuvasi itseään ikäänsä nuoremmaksi ja lähes yhtä moni tunsi itsensä ikäisekseen. Pieni, usein muita huonokuntoisempi vähemmistö, piti itseään kalenteri-ikäänsä vanhempana. Haastatelluista noin puolet mainitsi senhetkisen ikänsä ihanneiäkseen. Itsensä omaa ikäänsä nuoremmaksi ilmoittaneita oli lähes yhtä paljon. Heidän kokemuksensa selittynee ikääntymistä koskevien kulttuuristen uskomusten yksipuolisuudella, jolloin yhä harvempi ikääntyvä löytää niistä itseään.The aims of the study were to explore the patterns of subjective age among Finnish adults and to examine whether subjective age would be associated with indicators of health, well-being and functioning. Further, the aim was to investigate potential cross-cultural differences in subjective age. Subjective age was defined as the dimension of age that reflects age as experienced by an individual. The study, reported in four original articles, was part of the Evergreen project, a longitudinal and multidisciplinary research programme, based on samples that were drawn from the inhabitants of Jyväskylä, Finland. In studies 1-3 the participants were aged 65 to 84 years. They were interviewed in their homes in 1988 (N = 1,224) and 1996 (N = 663), and their mortality was followed up for 13 years. The participants of study 4, conducted in 1992, were aged 25 to 64 years (N = 1,355) and answered a mailed questionnaire concerning attitudes towards ageing. The participation rates in studies 1-3 were 80%-88% and in study 4 total of 61.5%. Subjective age was indicated by feel age, ideal age, mental age, and physical age. Additional questions concerned age weighing, the onset of old age, and willingness to live 100 years. In studies 1-3 information on participants’ physical and mental status and social situation was gathered. The results showed both stability and bi-directional change in subjective age. Men and women did not differ in their feel age but women reported higher ideal age in all age groups. The associations found between subjective age and indicators of health, well-being and functioning were in line with previous studies, suggesting that subjective age is a valid measure of the personal ageing experience. The association found between subjective age and mortality in study 3 suggests that older subjective age may be an early indicator of worsening health in older people. Cross-cultural comparison conducted in study 4 between Finnish and North-American age groups, showed that Finns typically had higher feel and ideal ages than their North-American counterparts. This suggests that socio-cultural context needs to be taken into account in research on subjective age

    Testing of Virtual Toolkit with Stakeholders

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    The collected data reported in this document gives mainly positive feedback on Virtual Toolkit (IO2), highlighting some interesting and relevant elements that can be further developed in its final release. The group of respondents have a quite long average experience in managing inter-institutional projects and belong to the EU-defined main participants groups of Managers (22), Teachers/Trainers/Researchers/Youth workers (17), Technicians (3) and Administrative staff (5). Of the 8 indicators outlined in the original ONE Meeting Project proposal, 5 were met, 3 not. The 4 reached indicators were Usefulness & Relevance, Impact on Virtual Transnational Collaboration, Willingness to recommend to a colleague or professional contact and Willingness to use the IO2 Virtual Toolkit by decision makers. Willingness to use Virtual Toolkit by decision makers was positive result, with room for improvement. In addition, the following 3 indicators which reached improvable result need a closer analysis. Impact on Managerial and Digital Competences (the target was 90%, we reached 82%). All respondents who gave less positive answers were highly experienced and they left a detailed response including tool suggestions to the open question. Impact on Transnational Project Design and Implementation (the target was 90%/we reached 64%). Less positive evaluations tended to come from respondents with higher degrees of experience. This may indicate that experienced project managers while already using a wide variety of digital tools in their daily work had higher expectations for the Virtual Toolkit. Willingness to use IO2 Virtual Toolkit by project managers (the target was 70%/we reached 51%) reached improvable results. According to the Net Promoter Score (NPS) tool (Reichheld, 2003), 55 % is generally seen as a good result in terms of product reception. The answers to the final open question provided valuable information. Half of the 48 respondents gave useful feedback which was analysed based on the themes that emerged from the data. These eight themes were identified: Appreciation for the Virtual Toolkit, Accessibility and Usability, Open source/fee based, Sustainability, Layout and Graphical design, Tips for improvement, Relevance (for target group) and Dissemination. Some themes recurred through different answers, some of them were unique to a specific response. There was also one new theme, GDPR issues, that was not asked in the survey but that was mentioned by several respondents. Since this theme was relevant for the ONE Meeting Project, it was added into the analysis of the data. When proceeding with the analysis, we grouped the themes found in the three areas of impact envisioned for the ONE Meeting Project: Methods and tools, Collaborative Project Management, Environmental Awareness & Sustainability. Some of the suggestions coming from the reviewers were highlighted and attributed to a priority level which was based on the issue how relevant they were for the “ONE Meeting Approach”. High priority was given to GDPR issues (adding a GDPR logo into each tool and a link to web pages were GDPR information is available) and Dissemination (Adding Virtual Toolkit in the European Lifelong Learning Platform) and Tips for Improvement (Create links from the table of content into each tool). Medium priority was given to Tips for improvement (Create anchors/links from the overview to the tools in page 5 in the Virtual Toolkit) and Sustainability (Ensure the sustainability of Virtual Toolkit after ONE Meeting project has ended).nonPeerReviewe