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    An谩lisis econ贸mico-financiero del Athletic Club 2018-2022

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    [esp] El objeto de este trabajo es conocer el resultado de la gesti贸n econ贸mica de la Junta Directiva del Athletic Club presidida por Aitor Elizegi, compararlo con la situaci贸n que dej贸 el anterior Presidente, Josu Urrutia, y evaluar la viabilidad futura del Club. Para ello se ha realizado un an谩lisis econ贸mico-financiero de las Cuentas Anuales de los 煤ltimos cuatro ejercicios y de los presupuestos aprobados para la temporada 2021-2022. Asimismo, se ha analizado la situaci贸n y perspectivas de ingresos y financiaci贸n del sector del f煤tbol en Espa帽a. A lo largo del trabajo veremos que la gesti贸n econ贸mica de la Junta de Elizegi ha venido marcada por unos resultados econ贸micos negativos que han mermado de forma importante la Tesorer铆a y los Recursos Propios del Club. Esto ha sido motivado por: los efectos del COVID 19, no participar en competiciones europeas, no realizar venta de jugadores y por un incremento del gasto salarial. A pesar de todo ello, a 30 de junio de 2022, Elizegi dejar谩 el Club en una situaci贸n financiera saneada, sin financiaci贸n ajena e incluso con una posici贸n de solvencia, autonom铆a y capacidad de expansi贸n mejor de la existente a final del mandato de Urrutia. De mantenerse la actual estructura de gastos, la viabilidad financiera del Club pasa por incrementar sus ingresos no recurrentes (competiciones europeas y venta de jugadores) y/o por el acceso a las nuevas fuentes de financiaci贸n existentes hoy en d铆a.[eng] The purpose of this work is to know the result of the economic management of the board of directors of Athletic Club presided by Aitor Elizegi, to compare it with the situation left by the previous president, Josu Urrutia, and to evaluate the future viability of the club. For this purpose, we have carried out an economic-financial analysis of the annual accounts of the last four fiscal years and of the budgets approved for the 2021-2022 season. We have also analyzed the situation and prospects of income and financing of the soccer sector in Spain. Throughout the work we will see that the economic management of Elizegi's Board has been marked by negative economic results that have significantly reduced the Club's Treasury and own resources. This has been caused by the effects of COVID-19, by not having participated in European competitions, by not having sold players and by an increase in personnel and salary expenses. Despite all this, on June 30, 2022, Elizegi will leave the Club in a healthy financial situation, without external financing and even with a better position of solvency, autonomy and capacity for expansion than that existing at the end of Urrutia's term of office. If the current spending structure is maintained, the club's financial viability depends on a considerable increase in non-recurring income (European competitions and player sales) and/or access to new sources of financing that exist toda