85 research outputs found

    Der Soldat: The Soldier

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    Proizvodne varijable koje utječu na svojstva peleta u peletiranju taljenjem sa smjesom voskova u sferonizatoru za laboratorijsku proizvodnju

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the suitability of laboratory scale spheronizer for the production of spherical pellets loaded with diltiazem hydrochloride by wax combination. The 1:1 combination of cetyl alcohol and hydrogenated castor oil, as low and high melting point waxes, were used. The various production variables affecting the different characteristics of pellets and the process efficiency were evaluated. Drug loaded pellets were evaluated for drug release in distilled water. Bowl temperature primarily affects the sphericity and adhesion of pellets to the bowl. Mass temperature has a pronounced effect on size, size distribution and sphericity of pellets. Wax concentration affects all characteristics of pellets but adhesion was least affected. The effect of these three variables can be compensated by optimizing the friction plate speed. It has been found that the highest yield of pellets (8501400 m) with maximum sphericity can be produced by using 45 C bowl temperature, 52 C mass temperature and 1400 rpm friction plate speed.Cilj rada bio je pripraviti sferične pelete u laboratorijskom sferonizatoru koristeći smjesu voskova. Cetilni alkohol kao vosak niskog tališta i hidrogenirano ricinusovo ulje kao vosak visokog tališta, upotrebljeni su u omjeru 1:1. Proučavan je utjecaj proizvodnih varijabli na svojstva peleta i efikasnost proizvodnje te brzinu oslobađanja ljekovite tvari iz peleta u destiliranoj vodi. Na sferičnost i adhezivnost peleta najviše utječe temperatura peletiranja. Temperatura mase ima i značajan utjecaj na veličinu, raspodjelu veličine peleta i sferičnost. Koncentracija voska utječe na sva svojstva peleta, ali najmanje na adhezivnost. Učinak tih triju varijabli može se kompenzirati optimiziranjem brzine ploče za trenje. Pronađeno je da najveće iskorištenje peleta (8501400 microm) s najboljom sferičnošću ako je temperatura peletiranja 45 oC, temperatura mase 52 oC, a brzina ploče za trenje 1400 rpm

    Monnaies inédites trouvées dans les fouilles de Suse

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    Unvala Jamshedji Maneckji. Monnaies inédites trouvées dans les fouilles de Suse. In: Comptes rendus des séances de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, 78ᵉ année, N. 3, 1934. p. 235

    On the Three Parchments from Avroman in Kurdistan

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    Draxt I Asurīk

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    The Palace of Darius the Great and the apadana of Artaxerxes II in Susa.

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    The Ceramic Art of Susa

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    Silicon beam epitaxy for fabrication of devices

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