2 research outputs found

    Two-phase treatment of class II malocclusion

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    Orthodontic Department, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltareIntroduction: Mixed dentition treatment goals often focus on skeletal rather than dental correction. Recognized as a difficult anomaly to treat, class II Angle malocclusions require early diagnosis and treatment, the latter often being staged. A goal of “early” orthodontic treatment is to correct existing or developing skeletal, dentoalveolar, and muscular imbalances to improve the orofacial environment before the permanent teeth eruption is complete. Early intervention may reduce the overall need for complex orthodontic treatment like permanent tooth extraction or orthognathic surgery. Purpose: Evaluation of two-stage treatment of patients with Cass II Angle abnormalities. Material and methods: The study is based on data collected from a group of 50 patients with a diagnosis of malocclusion class II / 1 Angle and class II / 2 Angle, aged 7-18 years. They underwent clinical and paraclinical examinations pretreatment and after each stage, the changes and the effectiveness of the applied treatment were evaluated. The applied methods were mobile / mobilizable devices and fixed technique. Results: Following the analysis of the preliminary and final results of the treatment in two stages from the group of 50 patients, the change of the dentofacial parameters was observed. In the case of patients with maxillary compression, the use of mobilizable devices had an efficiency of about 30% (fig.1), and fixed expansion devices an efficiency of 80%(fig.2). In patients with medium and advanced severity overbite, the use of mobile devices showed an efficiency of 40% of the desired result. The second stage of treatment resulted in achieving the best results against the background of those obtained in the first stage. Conclusions: Evaluation of two-stage treatment of patients with Angle class II abnormalities demonstrated efficacy at each stage. 2. The application of early orthodontic treatment of mobile or mobilizable appliances reflects an increased success rate and a minor risk of recurrence. Proper diagnosis and treatment planning can produce the most satisfying results during the mixed dentition stage

    Tratamentul ortodontic în două etape în anomaliile clasa ii angle

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    Background. Angle class II malocclusions have a frequency influenced by many factors. Recognized as a difficult anomaly to treat, class II Angle malocclusions require early diagnosis and treatment, the latter often being staged. Objective of the study. Evaluation of two-stage treatment of patients with class II angle abnormalities. Material and Methods. The study is based on data collected from a group of 50 patients with a diagnosis of malocclusion class II / 1 Angle and class II / 2 Angle, aged 7-18 years. They underwent clinical and paraclinical examinations pretreatment and after each stage, the changes and the effectiveness of the applied treatment were evaluated. The applied methods were mobile / mobilizable devices and fixed technique. Results. Following the analysis of the preliminary and final results of the treatment in two stages from the group of 50 patients, the change of the dento-facial parameters was observed. In the case of patients with maxillary compression, the use of mobilizable devices had an efficiency of about 30%, and fixed expansion devices an efficiency of 80%. In patients with medium and advanced severity overbite, the use of mobile devices showed an efficiency of 40% of the desired result. The second stage of treatment resulted in achieving the maximum results against the background of those obtained in the first stage. Conclusion. Evaluation of two-stage treatment of patients with Angle class II abnormalities demonstrated efficacy at each stage. 2. The application of early orthodontic treatment of mobile or mobilizable appliances reflects an increased success rate and a minor risk of recurrence. Introducere. Malocluziile clasa II Angle au o frecvență influențată de numeroși factori. Recunoscută ca fiind o anomalie dificil de tratat, malocluziile de clasa II Angle impun un diagnostic și tratament precoce, cel din urmă fiind adesea etapizat. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea tratamentului în două etape a pacienților cu anomalii clasa II Angle. Material și Metode. Studiul realizat are la bază datele culese de la un lot de 50 de pacienți, cu diagnosticul de malocluzie clasa II/1 Angle și clasa II/2 Angle, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 7-18 ani. Ei au fost supuși examinărilor clinice și paraclinice pretratament și după fiecare etapă au fost evaluate modificările și eficiența tratamentului aplicat. Metodele aplicate au fost aparate mobile/mobilizabile și tehnica fixă. Rezultate. În urma analizei rezultatelor preliminare și finale a tratamentului în două etape din lotul de 50 de pacienți s-a observat modificarea parametrilor dentofaciali. În cazul pacienților ce prezentau compresiune maxilară, utilizarea aparatelor mobilizabile a avut o eficiență de aproximativ 30%, iar aparatele fixe de expansiune o eficiență de 80%. În cazul pacienților cu overbite gravitate medie și avansată, utilizarea aparatelor mobile au prezentat o eficiență de 40% din rezultatul dorit. Etapa a doua de tratament s-a soldat prin atingerea rezultatelor maxime pe fundalul celor obținute în prima etapă. Concluzii. 1. Evaluarea tratamentului în două etape a pacienților cu anomalii clasa II Angle a demonstrat eficacitatea la fiecare fază. 2. Aplicarea tratamentului ortodontic anticipat de aparate mobile sau mobilizabile oglindește o rată mărită de succes și risc minor de recidivă