68 research outputs found

    Classification of advanced stages of Parkinson's disease: translation into stratified treatments.

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    Advanced stages of Parkinson's disease (advPD) still impose a challenge in terms of classification and related stage-adapted treatment recommendations. Previous concepts that define advPD by certain milestones of motor disability apparently fall short in addressing the increasingly recognized complexity of motor and non-motor symptoms and do not allow to account for the clinical heterogeneity that require more personalized approaches. Therefore, deep phenotyping approaches are required to characterize the broad-scaled, continuous and multidimensional spectrum of disease-related motor and non-motor symptoms and their progression under real-life conditions. This will also facilitate the reasoning for clinical care and therapeutic decisions, as neurologists currently have to refer to clinical trials that provide guidance on a group level; however, this does not always account for the individual needs of patients. Here, we provide an overview on different classifications for advPD that translate into critical phenotypic patterns requiring the differential therapeutic adjustments. New concepts refer to precision medicine approaches also in PD and first studies on genetic stratification for therapeutic outcomes provide a potential for more objective treatment recommendations. We define novel treatment targets that align with this concept and make use of emerging device-based assessments of real-life information on PD symptoms. As these approaches require empowerment of patients and integration into treatment decisions, we present communication strategies and decision support based on new technologies to adjust treatment of advPD according to patient demands and safety

    Serious Adverse Drug Reactions in Children and Adolescents Treated On- and Off-Label with Antidepressants and Antipsychotics in Clinical Practice

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    Introduction: Despite the growing evidence base for psychotropic drug treatment in pediatric patients, knowledge about the benefit-risk ratio in clinical practice remains limited. The 'Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM)-VIGIL' study aimed to evaluate serious adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in children and adolescents treated with antidepressants and/or antipsychotics in approved ('on-label'), and off-label use in clinical practice. Methods: Psychiatric pediatric patients aged 6-18 years treated with antidepressants and/or antipsychotics either on-label or off-label were prospectively followed between October 2014 and December 2018 within a multicenter trial. Follow-up included standardized assessments of response, serious ADRs and therapeutic drug monitoring. Results: 710 youth (age=14.6±2.2 years, female=66.6%) were observed for 5.5 months on average; 76.3% received antidepressants, 47.5% antipsychotics, and 25.2% both. Altogether, 55.2% of the treatment episodes with antidepressants and 80.7% with antipsychotics were off-label. Serious ADRs occurred in 8.3% (95%CI=6.4-10.6%) of patients, mainly being psychiatric adverse reactions (77.4%), predominantly suicidal ideation and behavior. The risk of serious ADRs was not significantly different between patients using psychotropics off-label and on-label (antidepressants: 8.1% vs. 11.3%, p=0.16; antipsychotics: 8.7% vs 7.5%, p=0.67). Serious ADRs occurred in 16.6% of patients who were suicidal at enrollment versus 5.6% of patients who were not suicidal (relative risk 3.0, 95%CI=1.9-4.9). Conclusion: Off-label use of antidepressants and antipsychotics in youth was not a risk factor for the occurrence of serious ADRs in a closely monitored clinical setting. Results from large naturalistic trials like ours can contribute to bridging the gap between knowledge from randomized controlled trials and real-world clinical settings

    Therapeutic drug monitoring of sertraline in children and adolescents: A naturalistic study with insights into the clinical response and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

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    BACKGROUND Sertraline is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor with specific indications in child and adolescent psychiatry. Notwithstanding its frequent use and clinical benefits, the relationship between pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, efficacy, and tolerability of sertraline across indications, particularly in non-adult patients, is not fully understood. METHOD This naturalistic therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) study was conducted in a transdiagnostic sample of children and adolescents treated with sertraline (n = 78; mean age, 14.22 ± 2.39; range, 7-18 years) within the prospective multicenter "TDM-VIGIL" project. Associations between dose, serum concentration, and medication-specific therapeutic and side effects based on the Clinical Global Impression scale were examined. Tolerability was measured qualitatively with the 56-item Pediatric Adverse Event Rating Scale. RESULTS A strong linear positive dose-serum concentration relationship (with dose explaining 45% of the variance in concentration) and significant effects of weight and co-medication were found. Neither dose nor serum concentration were associated with side effects. An overall mild-to-moderate tolerability profile of sertraline was observed. In contrast with the transdiagnostic analysis that did not indicate an effect of concentration, when split into depression (MDD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) diagnoses, the probability of clinical improvement significantly increased as both dose and concentration increased for OCD, but not for MDD. CONCLUSIONS This TDM-flexible-dose study revealed a significant diagnosis-specific effect between sertraline serum concentration and clinical efficacy for pediatric OCD. While TDM already guides clinical decision-making regarding compliance, dose calibration, and drug-drug interactions, combining TDM with other methods, such as pharmacogenetics, may facilitate a personalized medicine approach in psychiatry

    Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Children and Adolescents: Findings on Fluoxetine from the TDM-VIGIL Trial

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    Fluoxetine is the recommended first-line antidepressant in many therapeutic guidelines for children and adolescents. However, little is known about the relationships between drug dose and serum level as well as the therapeutic serum reference range in this age group. Within a large naturalistic observational prospective multicenter clinical trial (“TDM-VIGIL”), a transdiagnostic sample of children and adolescents (n = 138; mean age, 15; range, 7–18 years; 24.6% males) was treated with fluoxetine (10–40 mg/day). Analyses of both the last timepoint and all timepoints (n = 292 observations), utilizing (multiple) linear regressions, linear mixed-effect models, and cumulative link (mixed) models, were used to test the associations between dose, serum concentration, outcome, and potential predictors. The receiver operating curve and first to third interquartile methods, respectively, were used to examine concentration cutoff and reference values for responders. A strong positive relationship was found between dose and serum concentration of fluoxetine and its metabolite. Higher body weight was associated with lower serum concentrations, and female sex was associated with lower therapeutic response. The preliminary reference ranges for the active moiety (fluoxetine+norfluoxetine) were 208–328 ng/mL (transdiagnostically) and 201.5–306 ng/mL (depression). Most patients showed marked (45.6%) or minimal (43.5%) improvements and reported no adverse effects (64.9%). This study demonstrated a clear linear dose–serum level relationship for fluoxetine in youth, with the identified reference range being within that established for adults

    The pharmacological management of psychiatric comorbidities in patients with epilepsy.

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    Psychiatric disorders represent a frequent comorbidity in patients with epilepsy affecting quality of life, morbidity and mortality. Evidence-based data on the management of these conditions are limited but a number of recommendations are now available to guide clinical practice. The present paper reviews the pharmacological treatment of psychiatric problems in epilepsy with special attention to data coming from randomised controlled trials (RCTs), pharmacological interactions with AEDs and the issue of seizure worsening during treatment with psychotropic drugs. Epidemiologically or clinically relevant psychiatric conditions are discussed namely mood and anxiety disorders, psychoses and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

    The correlation of Therapy Expectancy and Symptoms in an ambulant psychotherapeutic sample

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    Die Behandlungserwartung des Patienten stellt eine fĂŒr den Therapieerfolg bedeutsame Variable dar. Aufgrund verschiedener Vorbefunde stellt sich die Frage, ob Patienten mit unterschiedlicher Symptomatik unterschiedliche Behandlungserwartungen aufweisen. Die Berechnung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Behandlungserwartung und Symptomatik bei einer Stichprobe von 757 Psychotherapiepatienten (62% Frauen, 38% MĂ€nner, Altersmittelwert 36,6 Jahre) ergibt zahlreiche signifikante Korrelationen zwischen den drei Behandlungserwartungsskalen „gesprĂ€chsorientiert“, „verhaltensorientiert“, „somatisch orientiert“ und den SCL-90-R-Skalen, so dass sich ein deutlicher, aber unspezifischer Zusammenhang zwischen Behandlungserwartung und Symptomatik ergibt. Außerdem bestehen signifikante ZusammenhĂ€nge zwischen Patientenalter und niedrigerer Schulbildung auf der einen und somatisch orientierter Behandlungserwartung auf der anderen Seite. Die vom Therapeuten beurteilte Diagnose und die BeeintrĂ€chtigungsschwere besitzen keine substanziellen Korrelationen zur Behandlungserwartung. Da die SCL-90-R starke Skaleninterkorrelationen aufweist und die neun Skalen durch Faktorenanalysen nur unzureichend abzubilden sind, ist die Entwicklung einer Kurzversion der SCL-90-R zu begrĂŒĂŸen - allerdings sollte diese verstĂ€rkt auch somatische Symptome miterfassen. Insgesamt sollten Behandlungserwartungen im Rahmen der Therapieplanung den ihnen fĂŒr die Therapiemotivation nachgewiesenen Stellenwert erhalten. Es bietet sich die Möglichkeit eines besseren VerstĂ€ndnisses des Patienten mit dem Potenzial höherer Compliance und niedrigerer Reaktanz

    WurzelfÀulebekÀmpfung des Spargels in Ertragsanlagen

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