9 research outputs found

    Omecamtiv Mecarbil Enhances the Duty Ratio of Human \u3cem\u3eβ\u3c/em\u3e-Cardiac Myosin Resulting in Increased Calcium Sensitivity and Slowed Force Development in Cardiac Muscle

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    The small molecule drug omecamtiv mecarbil (OM) specifically targets cardiac muscle myosin and is known to enhance cardiac muscle performance, yet its impact on human cardiac myosin motor function is unclear. We expressed and purified human β-cardiac myosin subfragment 1 (M2β-S1) containing a C-terminal Avi tag. We demonstrate that the maximum actin-activated ATPase activity of M2β-S1 is slowed more than 4-fold in the presence of OM, whereas the actin concentration required for half-maximal ATPase was reduced dramatically (30-fold). We find OM does not change the overall actin affinity. Transient kinetic experiments suggest that there are two kinetic pathways in the presence of OM. The dominant pathway results in a slow transition between actomyosin·ADP states and increases the time myosin is strongly bound to actin. However, OM also traps a population of myosin heads in a weak actin affinity state with slow product release. We demonstrate that OM can reduce the actin sliding velocity more than 100-fold in the in vitro motility assay. The ionic strength dependence of in vitro motility suggests the inhibition may be at least partially due to drag forces from weakly attached myosin heads. OM causes an increase in duty ratio examined in the motility assay. Experiments with permeabilized human myocardium demonstrate that OM increases calcium sensitivity and slows force development (ktr) in a concentration-dependent manner, whereas the maximally activated force is unchanged. We propose that OM increases the myosin duty ratio, which results in enhanced calcium sensitivity but slower force development in human myocardium

    Chloramphenicol Is a Substrate for a Novel Nitroreductase Pathway in Haemophilus influenzaeâ–ż

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    The p-nitroaromatic antibiotic chloramphenicol has been used extensively to treat life-threatening infections due to Haemophilus influenzae and Neisseria meningitidis; its mechanism of action is the inhibition of protein synthesis. We found that during incubation with H. influenzae cells and lysates, chloramphenicol is converted to a 4-aminophenyl allylic alcohol that lacks antibacterial activity. The allylic alcohol moiety undergoes facile re-addition of water to restore the 1,3-diol, as well as further dehydration driven by the aromatic amine to form the iminoquinone. Several Neisseria species and most chloramphenicol-susceptible Haemophilus species, but not Escherichia coli or other gram-negative or gram-positive bacteria we examined, were also found to metabolize chloramphenicol. The products of chloramphenicol metabolism by species other than H. influenzae have not yet been characterized. The strains reducing the antibiotic were chloramphenicol susceptible, indicating that the pathway does not appear to mediate chloramphenicol resistance. The role of this novel nitroreductase pathway in the physiology of H. influenzae and Neisseria species is unknown. Further understanding of the H. influenzae chloramphenicol reduction pathway will contribute to our knowledge of the diversity of prokaryotic nitroreductase mechanisms

    Role of lgtC in Resistance of Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae Strain R2866 to Human Serum

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    We are investigating a nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI) strain, R2866, isolated from a child with meningitis. R2866 is unusually resistant to killing by normal human serum. The serum 50% inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) for this strain is 18%, approaching that of encapsulated H. influenzae. R3392 is a derivative of R2866 that was found to have increased sensitivity to human serum (IC(50), 1.5%). Analysis of tetrameric repeat regions within lipooligosaccharide (LOS) biosynthetic genes in both strains indicated that the glycosyltransferase gene lgtC was out of frame (“off”) in most colonies of R3392 but in frame with its start codon (“on”) in most colonies of the parent. We sought antigenic and biochemical evidence for modification of the LOS structure. In a whole-cell enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, strain R3392 displayed reduced binding of the Galα1,4Gal-specific monoclonal antibody 4C4. Mass spectrometry analysis of LOS from strain R2866 indicated that the primary oligosaccharide glycoform contained four heptose and four hexose residues, while that of R3392 contained four heptose and three hexose residues. We conclude that the R2866 lgtC gene encodes a galactosyltransferase involved in synthesis of the 4C4 epitope, as in other strains, and that expression of lgtC is associated with the high-level serum resistance that has been observed for this strain. This is the first description of the genetic basis of high-level serum resistance in NTHI, as well as the first description of LOS composition in an NTHI strain for which the complete genome sequence has been determined

    Analysis of Genetic Relatedness of Haemophilus influenzae Isolates by Multilocus Sequence Typing▿ †

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    The gram-negative bacterium Haemophilus influenzae is a human-restricted commensal of the nasopharynx that can also be associated with disease. The majority of H. influenzae respiratory isolates lack the genes for capsule production and are nontypeable (NTHI). Whereas encapsulated strains are known to belong to serotype-specific phylogenetic groups, the structure of the NTHI population has not been previously described. A total of 656 H. influenzae strains, including 322 NTHI strains, have been typed by multilocus sequence typing and found to have 359 sequence types (ST). We performed maximum-parsimony analysis of the 359 sequences and calculated the majority-rule consensus of 4,545 resulting equally most parsimonious trees. Eleven clades were identified, consisting of six or more ST on a branch that was present in 100% of trees. Two additional clades were defined by branches present in 91% and 82% of trees, respectively. Of these 13 clades, 8 consisted predominantly of NTHI strains, three were serotype specific, and 2 contained distinct NTHI-specific and serotype-specific clusters of strains. Sixty percent of NTHI strains have ST within one of the 13 clades, and eBURST analysis identified an additional phylogenetic group that contained 20% of NTHI strains. There was concordant clustering of certain metabolic reactions and putative virulence loci but not of disease source or geographic origin. We conclude that well-defined phylogenetic groups of NTHI strains exist and that these groups differ in genetic content. These observations will provide a framework for further study of the effect of genetic diversity on the interaction of NTHI with the host

    Intermolecular Autophosphorylation Regulates Myosin IIIa Activity and Localization in Parallel Actin Bundles*

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    Myosin IIIa (Myo3A) transports cargo to the distal end of actin protrusions and contains a kinase domain that is thought to autoregulate its activity. Because Myo3A tends to cluster at the tips of actin protrusions, we investigated whether intermolecular phosphorylation could regulate Myo3A biochemical activity, cellular localization, and cellular function. Inactivation of Myo3A 2IQ kinase domain with the point mutation K50R did not alter maximal ATPase activity, whereas phosphorylation of Myo3A 2IQ resulted in reduced maximal ATPase activity and actin affinity. The rate and degree of Myo3A 2IQ autophosphorylation was unchanged by the presence of actin but was found to be dependent upon Myo3A 2IQ concentration within the range of 0.1 to 1.2 ÎĽm, indicating intermolecular autophosphorylation. In cultured cells, we observed that the filopodial tip localization of Myo3A lacking the kinase domain decreased when co-expressed with kinase-active, full-length Myo3A. The cellular consequence of reduced Myo3A tip localization was decreased filopodial density along the cell periphery, identifying a novel cellular function for Myo3A in mediating the formation and stability of actin-based protrusions. Our results suggest that Myo3A motor activity is regulated through a mechanism involving concentration-dependent autophosphorylation. We suggest that this regulatory mechanism plays an essential role in mediating the transport and actin bundle formation/stability functions of Myo3A