41 research outputs found

    Observations of lines-of-sight in Guadeloupe

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    Observations of lines-of-sight in Guadeloupe. This archive includes the digital information collected in the framework of the Guadeloupe visibility survey (GUA-V) performed by Tom Brughmans from 5 to 14 March 2015 in Guadeloupe. The archive contains spreadsheets with all line-of-sight observations made, the moment they were made and the locations they were made from (in the folder GUA-V_survey-observations), and CSV files with spatial information of the point locations and lines-of-sight in WKT format that can be imported into GIS software (in the folder GUA-V_GIS). The results were published in: Brughmans, T. et al., Exploring Transformations in Caribbean Indigenous Social Networks through Visibility Studies: the Case of Late Pre-Colonial Landscapes in East-Guadeloupe (French West Indies) Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 25, (June 2018). This research was carried out as part of Humanities in European Research Area (HERA), grant no 1133

    Case study input data and results included in the article "Introducing visual neighbourhood configurations for total viewsheds", published in Journal of Archaeological Science 96 (August 2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2018.05.006.

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    Input data and results of case study experiments for the article "Introducing visual neighbourhood configurations for total viewsheds", published in Journal of Archaeological Science 96 (August 2018). The dataset references data published in Gillings, M., 2015. "Mapping invisibility: GIS approaches to the analysis of hiding and seclusion", J. Archaeol. Sci. 62, 1–14. The research was carried out as part of Humanities in European Research Area (HERA), grant no 1133

    Observations of lines-of-sight in Grenada

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    A visibility survey identifying lines-of-sights between locations in Grenada. This archive includes the digital information collected in the framework of the Grenada visibility survey (GUA-V) performed by Tom Brughmans from 15 to 24 January 2016 in Grenada. The archive contains spreadsheets with all line-of-sight observations made, the moment they were made and the locations they were made from (in the folder GRE-V_survey-observations), and CSV files with spatial information of the point locations and lines-of-sight in WKT format that can be imported into GIS software (in the folder GRE-V_GIS). by Tom Brughmans in January 2016. This research was carried out as part of Humanities in European Research Area (HERA), grant no 1133

    MIFARE Survey

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    The MIFARE survey was designed to focus on immigrants who migrated to the receiving country at an age of 16 years or older. The MIFARE survey has been conducted in three countries: Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. All three countries have the opportunity to sample from population registers, including migrants. The opportunity to sample randomly from the registers enables us to test for representativeness of the survey, to approach migrant groups that are smaller in number, and guarantees comparable designs in the three countries. We propose to sample migrants from the age of 18 and older, and a native control group (to be able to compare between migrants and natives also for the questions specifically developed for the proposed survey). We choose 4 intra-EU origin countries and 6 extra-EU origin countries, including the most numerous migrant populations: Poland, Romania, Spain and the UK for the intra-EU origin countries. As extra-EU origin countries, we select China (mainland only, excluding Hong Kong), Japan, Turkey, the Philippines (not in Germany due to sampling issues), Russia, and the US. China and Turkey are the only countries not included in either the ISSP or ESS

    Correction to: Response to Juberg et al

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    Justification in Judgment

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    This dataset contains the data from two experiments investigating to what degree process accountability motivates decision makers to shift from retrieval of past exemplars to rule-based integration processes. The first experiment concerns retrieval-based configural judgement tasks, while the second concerns elemental judgement tasks requiring weighing and integrating information. The data includes results from both training trials and test trials, the images used for pictorial stimuli, the code needed to run the experiments in PsychoPy, and the code used to analyse the results in R

    Protagonists or consenters: radical right parties and attacks on trade unions

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    Populist radical right parties (PRRPs) not only seek to influence public policies with (re-)distributive implications to attract voters; they also try to reshape economic governance to weaken their opponents. We develop a theoretical model suggesting that the institutional reform strategies of PRRPs depend in large part on the degree of Social democratic party–union ties. When organizational ties between centre-left parties and trade unions are strong, PRRPs are protagonists of attacks on institutional union power and unite with centre-right parties in alternating long-term power relationships. By contrast, when Social democratic party–union ties are weak, PRRPs turn into consenters to the centre-right’s institutional reform proposals and act in accordance with short-term electoral and coalitional concerns. We research our argument in two primary case studies of Austria and Denmark, and control for alternative explanations with reviews of the institutional reform agendas pursued by radical right parties in Sweden and Germany

    Multiplicative background risk

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    'We consider random wealth of the multiplicative form xy, where x and y are statistically independent random variables. We assume that x is endogenous to the economic agent, but that y is an exogenous and uninsurable background risk. Our main focus is on how the randomness of y affects risk-taking behavior for decisions on the choice of x. We characterize conditions on preferences that lead to more cautious behavior. We also develop the concept of the affiliated utility function, which we define as the composition of the underlying utility function and the exponential function. This allows us to adapt several results for additive background risk to the multiplicative case.' (author's abstract)'Die Autoren betrachten den zufaelligen Reichtum der multiplikativen Form xy, wo x und y statistisch unabhaengige Zufallsvariablen sind. Sie nehmen an, das x endogen fuer den oekonomischen Agenten ist, aber das y ein exogenes und nicht versicherbares Hintergrundrisiko ist. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt darauf, wie die Zufaelligkeit von y das Risikoverhalten bei Entscheidungen fuer x beeinflusst. Die Autoren charakterisieren die Bedingungen der Praeferenzen, die zu einem vorsichtigeren Verhalten fuehren. Sie entwickeln auch ein Konzept der 'affiliated' Nutzenfunktion, die eine Zusammensetzung der urspruenglichen Nutzenfunktion und der Exponentialfunktion ist. Dies erlaubt es, mehrere Ergebnisse fuer additive Hintergrundrisiken auf den multiplikativen Fall anzupassen.' (Autorenreferat)German title: Multiplikatives HintergrundrisikoAvailable from http://skylla.wz-berlin.de/pdf/2002/iv02-06.pdf / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Protagonists or consenters: radical right parties and attacks on trade unions

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    Populist radical right parties (PRRPs) not only seek to influence public policies with (re-)distributive implications to attract voters; they also try to reshape economic governance to weaken their opponents. We develop a theoretical model suggesting that the institutional reform strategies of PRRPs depend in large part on the degree of Social democratic party–union ties. When organizational ties between centre-left parties and trade unions are strong, PRRPs are protagonists of attacks on institutional union power and unite with centre-right parties in alternating long-term power relationships. By contrast, when Social democratic party–union ties are weak, PRRPs turn into consenters to the centre-right’s institutional reform proposals and act in accordance with short-term electoral and coalitional concerns. We research our argument in two primary case studies of Austria and Denmark, and control for alternative explanations with reviews of the institutional reform agendas pursued by radical right parties in Sweden and Germany