260 research outputs found

    Furry picture transition rates in the intense fields at a lepton collider interaction point

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    The effect on particle physics processes by intense electromagnetic fields in the charge bunch collisions at future lepton colliders is considered. Since the charge bunch fields are tied to massive sources (the e+e− charges), a reference frame is chosen in which the fields appear to be co-propagating. Solutions of the Dirac equation minimally coupled to the electromagnetic fields reasonably associated with two intense overlapping charge bunches are obtained and found to be a Volkov solution with respect to a null 4-vector whose 3-vector part lies in the common propagation direction. These solutions are used within the Furry interaction picture to calculate the beamstrahlung transition rate for electron radiation due to interaction with the electromagnetic fields of two colliding charge bunches. New analytic expressions are obtained and compared numerically with the beamstrahlung in the electromagnetic field of one charge bunch. The techniques developed will be applied to other collider physics processes in due course

    Soft theorems from conformal field theory

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    Strominger and collaborators recently proposed that soft theorems for gauge and gravity amplitudes can be interpreted as Ward identities of a 2d CFT at null infinity. In this paper, we will consider a specific realization of this CFT known as ambitwistor string theory, which describes 4d Yang-Mills and gravity with any amount of supersymmetry. Using 4d ambtwistor string theory, we derive soft theorems in the form of an infinite series in the soft momentum which are valid to subleading order in gauge theory and sub-subleading order in gravity. Furthermore, we describe how the algebra of soft limits can be encoded in the braiding of soft vertex operators on the worldsheet and point out a simple relation between soft gluon and soft graviton vertex operators which suggests an interesting connection to color-kinematics duality. Finally, by considering ambitwistor string theory on a genus one worldsheet, we compute the 1-loop correction to the subleading soft graviton theorem due to infrared divergences

    Double-logarithms in Einstein-Hilbert gravity and supergravity

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    We study the interplay between graviton reggeization and double-logarithmic in energy contributions to four-graviton scattering in theories with and without supersymmetry. Predictions to all orders in the gravitational coupling are given for these double-logarithms. As the number of supersymmetries grows these terms generate a convergent behaviour for the amplitudes at very high energies. At two-loop level, we find agreement with previous exact results for N N \mathcal{N} = 8 supergravity and with those of Boucher-Veronneau and Dixon, who studied the N N \mathcal{N} = 4, 5, 6 supergravities using a conjectured double-copy structure of gravity

    Impact of heavy-flavour production cross sections measured by the LHCb experiment on parton distribution functions at low x

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    The impact of recent measurements of heavy-flavour production in deep inelastic ep scattering and in pp collisions on parton distribution functions is studied in a QCD analysis in the fixed-flavour number scheme at next-to-leading order. Differential cross sections of charm- and beauty-hadron production measured by LHCb are used together with inclusive and heavy-flavour production cross sections in deep inelastic scattering at HERA. The heavy-flavour data of the LHCb experiment impose additional constraints on the gluon and the sea-quark distributions at low partonic fractions x of the proton momentum, down to x∼5×10-6 . This kinematic range is currently not covered by other experimental data in perturbative QCD fits

    Time-like reductions of five-dimensional supergravity

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    In this paper we study the scalar geometries occurring in the dimensional reduction of minimal five-dimensional supergravity to three Euclidean dimensions, and find that these depend on whether one first reduces over space or over time. In both cases the scalar manifold of the reduced theory is described as an eight-dimensional Lie group L (the Iwasawa subgroup of G 2(2) ) with a left-invariant para-quaternionic-Kähler structure. We show that depending on whether one reduces first over space or over time, the group L is mapped to two different open L -orbits on the pseudo-Riemannian symmetric space G 2(2) / (SL(2) · SL(2)). These two orbits are inequivalent in the sense that they are distinguished by the existence of integrable L -invariant complex or para-complex structures

    Quantum Wronskian approach to six-point gluon scattering amplitudes at strong coupling

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    We study the six-point gluon scattering amplitudes in N N \mathcal{N} = 4 super Yang-Mills theory at strong coupling based on the twisted ℤ 4 -symmetric integrable model. The lattice regularization allows us to derive the associated thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) equations as well as the functional relations among the Q-/T-/Y-functions. The quantum Wronskian relation for the Q-/T-functions plays an important role in determining a series of the expansion coefficients of the T-/Y-functions around the UV limit, including the dependence on the twist parameter. Studying the CFT limit of the TBA equations, we derive the leading analytic expansion of the remainder function for the general kinematics around the limit where the dual Wilson loops become regular-polygonal. We also compare the rescaled remainder functions at strong coupling with those at two, three and four loops, and find that they are close to each other along the trajectories parameterized by the scale parameter of the integrable model

    Resummations and non-perturbative corrections

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    We consider a generalization of the Borel resummation, which turns out to be equivalent to the standard Borel resummation. We apply it to the simplest large N duality between the pure Chern-Simons theory and the topological string on the resolved conifold, and obtain a simple integral formula for the free energy. Expanding this integral representation around the large radius point at finite string coupling g s , we find that it includes not only the M-theoretic resummation à la Gopakumar and Vafa, but also a non-perturbative correction in g s . Remarkably, the obtained non-perturbative correction is in perfect agreement with a proposal for membrane instanton corrections in arXiv:1306.1734 . Various other examples are also presented

    Probing non-perturbative effects in M-theory

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    The AdS/CFT correspondence enables us to probe M-theory on various backgrounds from the corresponding dual gauge theories. Here we investigate in detail a three-dimensional U N N = 4 U(N)N=4 U(N)\mathcal{N}=4 super Yang-Mills theory coupled to one adjoint hypermultiplet and N f fundamental hypermultiplets, which is large N dual to M-theory on Ad S 4 × S 7 / ℤ N f AdS4×S7/ZNf Ad{S}_4\times {S}^7/{\mathrm{\mathbb{Z}}}_{N_f} . Using the localization and the Fermi-gas formulation, we explore non-perturbative corrections to the partition function. As in the ABJM theory, we find that there exists a non-trivial pole cancellation mechanism, which guarantees the theory to be well-defined, between worldsheet instantons and membrane instantons for all rational (in particular, physical or integral) values of N f

    Parton distribution functions at LO, NLO and NNLO with correlated uncertainties between orders

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    Sets of parton distribution functions (PDFs) of the proton are reported for the leading (LO), next-to-leading (NLO) and next-to-next-to-leading-order (NNLO) QCD calculations. The parton distribution functions are determined with the HERAFitter program using the data from the HERA experiments and preserving correlations between uncertainties for the LO, NLO and NNLO PDF sets. The sets are used to study cross-section ratios and their uncertainties when calculated at different orders in QCD. A reduction of the overall theoretical uncertainty is observed if correlations between the PDF sets are taken into account for the ratio of WW di-boson to Z boson production cross sections at the LHC

    Wormholes in viable f(R) modified theories of gravity and weak energy condition

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    In this work wormholes in viable f(R) gravity models are analyzed. We are interested in exact solutions for stress-energy tensor components depending on different shape and redshift functions. Several solutions of gravitational equations for different f(R) models are examined. The solutions found imply no need for exotic material, while this need is implied in the standard general theory of relativity. A simple expression for weak energy condition (WEC) violation near the throat is derived and analyzed. High curvature regime is also discussed, as well as the question of the highest possible values of the Ricci scalar for which the WEC is not violated near the throat, and corresponding functions are calculated for several models. The approach here differs from the one that has been common since no additional assumptions to simplify the equations have been made, and the functions in f(R) models are not considered to be arbitrary functions, but rather a feature of the theory that has to be evaluated on the basis of consistency with observations for the Solar System and cosmological evolution. Therefore in this work we show that the existence of wormholes without exotic matter is not only possible in simple arbitrary f(R) models, but also in models that are in accordance with empirical data