682 research outputs found

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    Med Teaterpolitik og teaterledelse præsenterer vi et tema, hvor det kunstneriske umiddelbart glider i baggrunden. Det gør vi med en tro på, at de teaterpolitiske og organisatoriske rammer i sidste ender har en afgørende betydning for det kunstneriske..

    Redaktionelt forord

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    Redaktionelt forord

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    Vertical Integration, Exclusivity and Game Sales Performance in the US Video Game Industry

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    This paper empirically investigates the relation between vertical integration and video game performance in the US video game industry. For this purpose, we use a widely used data set from NPD on video game monthly sales from October 2000 to October 2007. We complement these data with handly collected information on video game developers for all games in the sample and the timing of all mergers and acquisitions during that period. By doing this, we are able to separate vertically integrated games from those that are just exclusive to a platform. First, we show that vertically integrated games produce higher revenues and sell more units at higher prices than independent games. Second, we explore the causal effect of vertical integration and find that, for the average integrated game, most of the difference in performance comes from better release and marketing strategies that soften competition and not from ex-ante differences in video game quality. We also find that exclusivity is associated with lower demand. Our estimates suggest that consumers value vertical integration features in their games between 4 and 34 dollars per game

    Supporting information for "Flexible genes establish widespread bacteriophage pan-genomes in cryoconite hole ecosystems"

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    Bacteriophage genomes rapidly evolve via mutation and horizontal gene transfer to counter evolving bacterial host defenses; such arms race dynamics should lead to divergence between phages from similar, geographically isolated ecosystems. However, near-identical phage genomes can reoccur over large geographical distances and several years apart, conversely suggesting many are stably maintained. Here, we show that phages with near-identical core genomes in distant, discrete aquatic ecosystems maintain diversity by possession of numerous flexible gene modules, where homologous genes present in the pan-genome interchange to create new phage variants. By repeatedly reconstructing the core and flexible regions of phage genomes from different metagenomes, we show a pool of homologous gene variants co-exist for each module in each location, however, the dominant variant shuffles independently in each module. These results suggest that in a natural community, recombination is the largest contributor to phage diversity, allowing a variety of host recognition receptors and genes to counter bacterial defenses to co-exist for each phage

    Structurally dependent competing risks

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    'In this paper, we specify and estimate a structurally dependent competing risks model for the transitions out of unemployment into either new or recall. The recall probability is allowed to affect the search intensity for new jobs.' (author's abstract)Der Autor befasst sich mit den Uebergaengen aus Arbeitslosigkeit in Beschaeftigung. Dabei wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Wahrscheinlichkeit der Wiederbeschaeftigung beim alten Arbeitgeber sich auf das Suchverhalten nach einer neuen Stelle auswirkt. Dieser Zusammenhang wird der Grundlage administrativer Daten zur Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit in Daenemark untersucht. (IAB)German title: Strukturell abhaengige konkurrierende RisikenAvailable from ftp://ftp.iza.org/dps/dp265.pdf / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman