318 research outputs found

    Clarifying and Measuring Community, Service, and Citizenship

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    The working group met for the first time at Rutgers University November 22 to 24, 1992 for critical discussions of issues concerning community, service, and learning in the context of education-based service learning programs. The working group\u27s 31 members included representatives from universities, service organizations, foundations, and community activists. Participants worked closely over the two days, meeting in three discreet sessions dedicated specifically to the theory of community and citizenship, the practice of service-based learning, and--with particular reference to service learning-- the measurement of civic outcomes

    Localization and writing for a new medium : a review of digital style guides

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    Durant les últimes dues dècades, un nombre creixent de publicacions han descrit les diferències entre l'escriptura per imprimir i l'escriptura per visualitzar en pantalla, des d'una perspectiva tant normativa com empírica. Aquestes recomanacions són molt importants per als localitzadors: la capacitat d'ajustar l'estil d'escriptura per a diferents mitjans, gèneres i situacions de comunicació és una de les habilitats essencials que aquests professionals han d'adquirir. Aquest article ofereix una revisió de les recomanacions de les guies d'estil de redacció de programari i per a la web; ofereix un resum concís als professionals de la localització i els traductors nous en procés de formació. La visió general inclou directrius relatives a idiomes, tipus de localització, guies d'estil específiques d'empreses i també publicacions relatives a la usabilitat.Durante las dos últimas décadas, un creciente número de publicaciones han descrito las diferencias entre la escritura para ser impresa y la escritura para leer en pantalla, desde una perspectiva tanto normativa como empírica. Estas recomendaciones son de suma importancia para los localizadores, ya que la capacidad de ajustar el estilo de escritura para diferentes medios, géneros y situaciones de comunicación es una de las habilidades esenciales que estos profesionales deben adquirir. Este artículo ofrece una revisión de las recomendaciones incluidas en las guías de estilo de redacción de software y de entornos web, con la intención de ofrecer un resumen conciso a los profesionales de la localización y a los traductores nuevos en proceso de formación. La visión general incluye directrices de idioma, tipo de localización, guías de estilo específicas de empresas y también publicaciones relativas a la usabilidad.Over the last two decades, an increasing number of publications have described the differences between print and screen writing, both from prescriptive and empirical perspectives. These recommendations are of paramount importance to localizers, as the ability to adjust their writing style to different mediums, genres and communicative situations is one of the essential skills these professionals should acquire. This paper offers a review of recommendations in web and software writing style guides in order to provide a concise summary for localization professionals and trainees. The overview encompasses guidelines from language, localization type, company-specific style guides, and usability publications

    Robotic Nondestructive Evaluation Tool Helps Bridge Engineers Validate Bridge Deck Condition Assessments

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    Rutgers' Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT) took NDE to the next level with the Robotics Assisted Bridge Inspection Tool (RABIT\u2122), an automated NDE platform that simultaneously deploys multiple NDE tools, gathering a range of condition data that can be fused into a comprehensive picture of a bridge's health. The RABIT\u2122 bridge deck assessment tool uses sophisticated technologies to gather location-tagged surface and subsurface condition data. When combined, these data can quickly characterize, evaluate, and pinpoint areas needing repair, saving time and money and limiting traffic delays

    Superstorm Sandy LiDAR Damage Assessment to Change Disaster Recovery

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    During the course of the study, the team scanned roughly 80 miles of storm-ravaged neighborhoods\u2014including Seaside Heights and Mantoloking, New Jersey; selected areas of Staten Island, New York; and Rockaway Beach in Queens, New York. The high-resolution 3-D output will help officials in these municipalities and others develop better response strategies and prepare critical infrastructure to withstand the effects of disaster events. Data collected from CAIT\u2019s Sandy evaluation will help researchers like Gong analyze how different types of infrastructure react to heavy winds or floods. This analysis will prove especially beneficial to USDOT, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and city and state government agencies for post-storm damage evaluation and reconstruction

    Efficacy of Filter Improvements for Transit Vehicles to Combat the Spread of COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Infections

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    69A3551847102The COVID-19 pandemic has been a worldwide issue that transit agencies are still struggling to find cost-efficient solutions to. Upgrading the filters used on trains and buses to reduce the airborne transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus as well as other infectious viruses, such as influenza, may be an effective, cost-efficient way of containing the very small, hard-to-filter droplet and aerosol particles that these viruses may travel within. One way to improve transit vehicle air quality and safety is to upgrade the current MERV-rated filters to higher-rated ones such as a MERV 13 filter. This study will look at quantifying the upgraded filters\u2019 performance, focusing on their efficacy over time and comparing them to a MERV 8 filter. Filter performance was investigated using sodium chloride (NaCl) particles and Arizona Road Dust (ARD) particles to determine the filter collection efficiency. A Grimm MiniWras and Aerodynamic Particle Sizer was used to compare the number concentrations (#/L) of particles upstream and downstream of the filter. The filter testing data confirm that MERV-13 filters have better filtration efficiency compared to MERV-8 filters but the filter performance varies depending on the age of the filter (i.e., its loading), particle type, and particle properties (charged vs. neutralized)

    Simulation of Degradation and Failure of Suspension Bridge Main Cables Due to Natural and Anthropogenic Hazards

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    69A3551847102This project focused on the creation of a numerical model able to emulate the static and dynamic behavior of the mechanical components (wires embedded in the cable) which are subjected to high temperature fields. Fire incidents on suspension bridges have become an increasing risk to safety. The vehicles that catch fire contain flammables having potential to affect a suspension bridge\u2019s structural members. In many cases, these are hydrocarbon fires, which are known to burn at higher temperatures. Case studies have shown fires do occur mid-span or near the anchorage. The duration of these fires easily reaches an hour, which can lead to damage in the main cables. When not in close proximity to the main cables, fires can present danger to the suspenders, deck, and other structural components that will require repair or accelerated maintenance. Moreover, the economic impacts of suspension bridge fires must be considered. Not only is productivity of the community hindered, but also the toll revenue loss creates concern for bridge owners