40 research outputs found

    Homogeneous and locally homogeneous solutions to symplectic curvature flow

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    J. Streets and G. Tian recently introduced symplectic curvature flow, a geometric flow on almost K\"ahler manifolds generalising K\"ahler-Ricci flow. The present article gives examples of explicit solutions to this flow of non-K\"ahler structures on several nilmanifolds and on twistor fibrations over hyperbolic space studied by J. Fine and D. Panov. The latter lead to examples of non-K\"ahler static solutions of symplectic curvature flow which can be seen as analogues of K\"ahler-Einstein manifolds in K\"ahler-Ricci flow.Comment: 15 page

    Asymmetric Network Effects

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    When platforms compete for consumers, two types of consumer heterogeneity will matter: consumers value the presence of other consumers on a platform differently, and consumers contribute to the value of the platform differently. The optimal discriminatory pricing policy for platforms will depend on whether those two dimensions of consumer heterogeneity are positively or negatively correlated, which is an empirical question. In a companion paper (Cantillon and Yin, 2008), we study membership decisions of trading firms for two competing exchanges: LIFFE and DTB. Our analysis shows that different traders care about liquidity differently. In this paper, we estimate the heterogeneous contribution to liquidity by different types. We combine the estimates from both papers of heterogeneous preferences and contributions to liquidity

    Population and Law in Belgium (Loi-Justice Opinion)

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    Relationship of the population to law and the legal institutions. Topics: Judicial knowledge and interest in legal matters; contact in legal questions; general sense of justice; judgement on the development of crime and means to reduce crime; naming the severest crimes; assessment of the role of a psychiatrist in a trial and the objectives of conviction; attitude to early release of prisoners and re-socialization; judgement on the presentation of legal matters in the press. Demography: age; sex; marital status; ages of children (classified); number of children in household; religiousness; school education; vocational training; professional position; size of household; housing situation; state; regional origins; media usage.VerhĂ€ltnis der Bevölkerung zum Recht und zu den Rechtsinstitutionen. Themen: Juristisches Wissen und Interesse an juristischen Dingen; Ansprechpartner in juristischen Fragen; allgemeines Rechtsempfinden; Beurteilung der KriminalitĂ€tsentwicklung und der Mittel zur Reduzierung der KriminalitĂ€t; Nennung der schwersten Straftaten; EinschĂ€tzung der Rolle eines Psychiaters in einem Prozeß und der Ziele einer Verurteilung; Einstellung zur vorzeitigen Entlassung von Gefangenen und zur Resozialisierung; Beurteilung der Pressedarstellungen von juristischen Angelegenheiten. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Familienstand; Alter der Kinder (klassiert); Anzahl der Kinder im Haushalt; ReligiositĂ€t; Schulbildung; Berufsausbildung; berufliche Position; HaushaltsgrĂ¶ĂŸe; Wohnsituation; Bundesland; regionale Herkunft; Mediennutzung