2,545 research outputs found

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    Arias, VirginioPrimer pla del perfil d'Àfrica, la figura que representa el continent, als Jardins de La Tamarita. A la mà esquerra, mutilada, hi duia un escorpí. La corona té forma de cap d'elefant. Forma part del programa iconogràfic d'Els Quatre Continents

    Protein synthesis inhibitors and catalytic RNA Effect of puromycin on tRNA precursor processing by the RNA component of Escherichia coli RNase P

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    AbstractRNase P and ribosomes must interact with similar substrate molecules, tRNA precursors in the case of RNase P and aminoacyl-, peptidyl- or free tRNAs in the case of ribosomes. In order to compare the substrate recognition mechanisms between ribosomes and RNase P, protein synthesis inhibitors have been assayed for their effect on the catalytic activity of the RNA component of Escherichia coli RNase P (M1 RNA). Puromycin has an inhibitory effect that could be related to similar substrate recognition mechanisms by rRNA in the ribosome and by M1 RNA in RNase P

    On Montel's theorem and Yang's problem

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    AbstractLet F be a family of meromorphic functions defined in a domain D, and let ψ (≢0) be a function meromorphic in D. For every function f∈F, if (1) f has only multiple zeros; (2) the poles of f have multiplicity at least 3; (3) at the common poles of f and ψ, the multiplicity of f does not equal the multiplicity of ψ; (4) f(z)≠ψ(z), then F is normal in D. This gives a partial answer to a problem of L. Yang, and generalizes Montel's theorem. Some examples are given to show the sharpness of our result

    Norovirus infection in immunocompromised hosts

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    AbstractAcute gastroenteritis caused by noroviruses often has a duration of 2–0 days and is characteristically self-limiting. In contrast, chronic infection caused by noroviruses in immunocompromised individuals can last from weeks to years, making clinical management difficult. The mechanisms by which noroviruses establish persistent infection, and the role of immunocompromised hosts as a reservoir for noroviruses in the general human population, are not known. However, study of this patient cohort may lead to new insights into norovirus biology and approaches to treatment


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    Cité de la Creation (dissenyadors)Pla mig, en contrapicat, dels balcons centrals de la quarta i cinquena plantes de l'obra Balcons de Barcelona, on es representen 22 famosos relacionats amb la ciutat amb la tècnica de Trompe l'oei

    The less familiar face of heart failure**Editorials published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiologyreflect the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of JACCor the American College of Cardiology.

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    López Hernández, FranciscoGran pla general de l'escultura Ofèlia ofegada, ubicada als Jardins de Vil·la Cecília. Reprodueix una dona a mida real, vestida, molla i estesa cap per avall, sembla haver sortit de l'estany que la rodeja. Realitzada en bronze l'any 196

    Editorial Board

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    Oteiza, JorgePla general de la plaça.Va ser, fins als Jocs Olímpics, una petita ampliació del c. dels Àngels en la seva cantonada amb Elisabets. En construir-se l'edifici del Museu d'Art Contemporani, es va deixar entre aquest i la capella dels Àngels

    Complete Ulcer Healing as a Primary Endpoint in Studies on Critical Limb Ischemia (Hoffman et al)

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    Clavé, AntoniPla general del conjunt escultòric en forma de collage que representa la Indústria i que està dotat de moviment. El formen quatre rodes dentades i barres de ferro sobre un relleu d'alumini de 4'5 m. d'alçada. La base és de formigó armat

    Rhus acocksii (Anacardiaceae), yet another new endemic from the Mtamvuna area

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    Rhus acocksii Moffett, a prostrate to scandent shrub or woody climber related to R. chirindensis Bak. f. and confined to the coastal platform of southern Natal and Pondoland is described. It differs from R. chirindensis in its habit and in having short recurved spines and smaller ovate leaflets

    DNA and free radicals edited by Barry Halliwell and Okezie I. Aruoma, Ellis Horwood; Chichester, 1993. xx + 332 pages. £65.00. ISBN 0-13-222035-0

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    Sala, RicardPla general de l'escultura anomenada Dríade, ubicada a l'estany dels Jardins de la Vil·la Amèlia. Reprodueix una figura femenina nua en moviment, representant una nimfa dels boscos o dríade. Realitzada en bronze i inaugurada el 197