177 research outputs found


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    One of the most common defenses raised by businesses inspected by the Commissionrelates to violations of privacy, correspondence and home, protected by article 8 of theConvention, namely that the Commission's investigative powers, often regarded as excessiveor exorbitant discretionary do not meet the standard of "necessary measure in a democraticsociety", set out in article 8 paragr. 2 of the Convention to justify interference under paragr


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    Tax evasion has always been one of the most serious problems a country is facing, regardless of its level of development. At EU level, the situation is no different, largely due to lack of legislation to regulate this phenomenon. However, major reform efforts made in recent years by all Member States and EU bodies have brought additional clarity.tax evasion, tax fraud, financial impact, suspected fraud, EU

    Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) of the Treitz’s angle– a very rare cause of high bowel obstruction

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are somewhat rare gastrointestinal tumors - approximately 1% to 3% incidence, but they are the most common mesenchymal neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract. GISTs are usually found in the stomach or small intestine but can occur anywhere within the gastrointestinal tract, even in extremely uncommon locations like duodeno-jejunal flexure. Only 3% – 5% of GISTs are located in the duodenum and tumors occurring in the angle of Treitz are even rarer, most published studies being case reports. These tumors have a size ranging from small lesions to large masses and can cause digestive bleeding or high bowel obstruction. This paper is a case presentation illustrating an emergency situation involving a high bowel obstruction caused by a small tumor with an unusual location in the Treitz’s angle. A large percentage of duodenal GISTs are localized in the third and fourth part of the duodenum and may not be found through standard upper endoscopy; only the barium study of the upper gastrointestinal tract highlights the obstruction point. Preoperative diagnosis is difficult but non-invasive imaging techniques like ultrasonography and computed tomography of the abdomen can be helpful. Recently, targeted therapy with inhibitors of tyrosine kinase receptors (IMATINIB) has been introduced for the management of advanced and metastatic tumors. In our opinion the surgical resection with curative intent is the treatment of choice


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    Cereal industry and its derived products, especially wheat flour, have a big economic and social importance in Romania and worldwide. Therefore, as wheat flour is the main ingredient for obtaining bread, the most consumed product among Romanian people, its safety is of real wide interest.The present work aims to determine the concentrations of Lead and Cadmium in 33 different wheat flour samples, available on the Romanian market. Analysis was performed by atomic absorption spectrometry with graphite furnace (GF-AAS), after dry digestion. Lead content ranged between 0.002 and 0.137 mg/kg while cadmium content ranged between 0.0002 and 0.024 mg/kg. All samples were within the accepted limits, imposed by the legislation in force

    Neurofibromatoza tipul I (clasică von Recklinghausen) – reflecții pe marginea unui caz clasic

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    Background. Neurofibromatosis type I - autosomal dominant multisystemic pathology, characterized by café-au-lait macules; axillary, inguinal freckles; cutaneous, plexiform neurofibromas; iris Lisch nodules; optic gliomas; tibia, fibula, sphenoid wing dysplasia; scoliosis; essential hypertension, vasculopathy. Objective of the study. Description of a classic case of a 13-year-old patient in whom most of the distinctive diagnostic criteria for type I neurofibromatosis were found. Material and Methods. The patient addressed with disseminated skin lesions. Anamnestic disease began at the age of 6 years old, but for 3 years the pathological process has progressed. Heredocolateral anamnesis - the father with neurofibromatosis. The patient was examined objectively, paraclinically (blood test, CT imaging, EcoDoppler of extra and intracranial vessels), consult of the ophthalmologist and neurologist Results. The patient had hyperpigmented melanin macules (axillary and inguinal freckles, and in the body - lenticular / numular and café-au-lait). Painful subcutaneous neurofibromas were found in the neck, and in the left arm and popliteal fossa, in the left shoulder - painless skin neurofibromas. Contrast- CT scan of the brain has found 0.9x1.2 cm optic gliomas in the right eye; EcoDoppler examination - a mixed type of intra and extracerebral neurocirculatory dystonia. The ophthalmologist's examination revealed bilateral optic nerve atrophy; and the neurologist’s - residual organic encephalopathy, intracranial hypertension, cognitive disorders. Conclusion. The diagnosis is based on clinical and imaging results. Annual monitoring of patients, monitoring of blood pressure, MRI for suspections of intracranial or internal tumors, systematic consultations of specialists (ophthalmologist, neurologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist) is required. Introducere. Neurofibromatoza tipul I - patologie autozomal dominantă multisistemică, caracterizată prin macule café-au-lait; pistrui axilari, inghinali; neurofibroame cutanate, plexiforme; noduli Lisch; gliom optic; diplazia tibiei, fibulei, aripii sfenoidale; scolioză; hipertensiunea esențială și vasculopatie. Scopul lucrării. Descrierea unui caz clasic a unei paciente, în vârstă de 13 ani, la care au fost constatate majoritatea criteriilor diagnostice distinctive pentru neurofibromatoza tipul I. Material și Metode. Pacienta s-a adresat cu leziuni cutanate diseminate. Anamnestic, boala a debutat la vârsta de 6 ani, însă de 3 ani procesul patologic a progresat continuu. Anamneza eredocolaterală – tatăl bolnav de neurofibromatoză. A fost examinată obiectiv, paraclinic (examenul sângelui, CT cerebral cu contrast, EcoDoppler a vaselor extra și intracraniene), consultația oftalmologului și neurologului. Rezultate. Pacienta prezenta macule melanice hiperpigmentate (efelide miliare axilar și inghinal, iar la nivelul corpului – lenticulare/numulare și café-au-lait). La nivelul gâtului s-au depistat neurofibroame subcutanate dureroase, iar la nivelul antebrațului stâng și plicii poplitee, umărului stâng – neurofibroame cutanate indolore. Examenul CT cerebral cu contrast a depistat gliom optic 0,9x1,2 cm la nivelul ochiului drept; examenul EcoDoppler - o distonie neurocirculatorie intra și extracerebrală de tip mixt. Examinarea oftalmologului a relevat atrofie bilaterală de nerv optic; iar a neurologului - encefalopatie reziduală organică, hipertensiune intracraniană, tulburări cognitive. Concluzii. Diagnosticul e bazat pe datele clinice și imagistice. Se impune supravegherea anuală a pacienților, monitorizarea tensiunii arteriale, RMN în cazurile de suspecții de tumori intracraniene sau interne, consultul regulat al specialiștilor (oftalmolog, neurolog, endocrinolog, cardiolog)

    Research on the decision to purchase and consumption for agri-food products on Iasi municipality market

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    The paper aims to analyze the purchasing and food consumption behavior of the population of Iasi, as well as the decision-making act made at individual or group level, in connection with the purchase and consumption of agri-food products, designed to meet food needs, present and future, including both the decision-making processes that precede and those that determine the purchase / consumption of these product categories. Food satisfies the physiological needs of every human being, which cannot be delayed and, therefore, for this satisfaction the needs of the consumer affect a part of their income. The way in which food needs can be met differently, through food of animal or vegetable origin, rationalization of the number of calories, dietary principles, vitamins, minerals, etc., ultimately determines the level of expenditure depending on these options. They differ according to age, social condition, preference for the structure of consumption, degree of civilization, geographical condition, even fashion and imitation, etc. At first glance, defining consumer behaviour seems to be a relatively easy process. In reality, however, the definition of this concept involves taking into account a variety of elements, resulting in a series of definitions presented by the literature over the past decades. Given the complexity of this concept, for its definition, specialists have resorted to various sciences starting with anthropology, sociology and psychology, and ending with economics and marketing. In this paper, the emphasis is on treating the concept of consumer behaviour from a marketing perspective

    Acne fulminans induced by isotretinoin: case report

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    Department of Dermatovenerology, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, The 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors, September 24-26, 2020Background. Oral isotretinoin, isomer of retinoic acid, has been used in the United States for the treatment of acne for >30 years, approved by the FDA for the treatment of severerecalcitrant AV. It is recommended for the treatment of severe nodular acne, initiated at a starting dose 0.5 mg/kg/day for the first month, and then increased to 1.0 mg/kg/day thereafter as tolerated by the patient for dosing duration of 15-20 weeks. A lower relapse rate was seen for treatment with cumulative dose of ≥120 mg/kg. Side effects are hypervitaminosis A with mucocutaneous, musculoskeletal and ophthalmic systems involvement. Acne Fulminans (AF), the most severe form of acne, with an incidence of less than 1% of total acne cases, is commonly associated with fever, polyarthralgia and myopathy. Adolescent boys are the most susceptible group of patients. It is suspected that AF may be induced by low doses of isotretinoin. Treatment of AF is controversial, as there is no standard therapy. The use of corticotherapy to control AF is acknowledged, associated or not with low doses of oral isotretinoin. Case report. A 16-year-old boy from Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, presented to the Hospital of Dermatology and Communicable Diseases with skin lesions on face and back. The first symptoms appeared one year before, including comedones, inflammatory papulo-pustules on forehead. The patient was diagnosed with Acne vulgaris, papulo-pustular form. He received the treatment with antibiotic for 4 weeks with no improvement, followed by Isotretinoin (Roaccutane) 0,4 mg/kg, associated with another antibiotic during 6 weeks. During treatment initial papulo-pustules transformed into abscesses with fever and arthralgia, the reason he was hospitalized with Acne fulminans (nodular-cystic form). Status localis: extensive red nodules greater than 5 mm in diameter on the face and upper thorax, with cyanotic undertone topped with pustules, solitary scars, oily skin, closed and open comedones. The history taking revealed a hereditary background of an acne in his grandmother. The patient was treated with antibiotics and on hospital release was advised with an early introduction of prednisone at a dose 0,5-1,0 mg/kg/day for 6 weeks, slowly decreasing later on and oral isotretinoin 0,5 mg/kg/day. By time, the acne reversed to a papulo-pustular and later to a comedonal form. Conclusions. Using isotretinoin to treat AV has many benefits, despite the possibility of developing AF with cutaneous and systemic side effects. Clinicians should be aware of the risk of this complication to make the diagnosis and provide appropriate care, especially in young men, and prescribe treatment with antibiotics, steroids and suitable isotretinoin dosing

    Toxicity of Heavy Metals

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    Heavy metals are elements who exist naturally in the environment, but rapid urbanization and industrialization led to increased levels of these metals. These metals can reach the human body through food, water or air, where they have the property to accumulate in various tissues and organs for long periods of time and to produce serious effects on certain organs and the proper functioning of the body. Studies have also shown that heavy metals can have important effects, including on plants or animals. Their toxicity is dependent on factors such as dose, route of exposure, time of exposure, level of concentration, as well as age, gender, genetics, and nutritional status of exposed individuals. There is a growing interest from researchers to detect various physical, physical-chemical or microbiological methods to reduce or eliminate the presence of these metals, especially from surface or wastewater, which are mainly responsible for food contamination. This chapter present the main characteristics of heavy metals, the sources of contamination of exposure, as well as their toxicity on some environmental segments and especially on living organisms