3 research outputs found

    The speech : a specific feature of the evolution of the modern human (Homo sapiens)

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    Swoisto艣ci膮 cz艂owieka odr贸偶niaj膮c膮 go 艣wiata zwierz臋cego jest mowa. Mowa jest form膮 komunikacji, kt贸rej no艣nikiem s膮 znaki systemowe wyra偶aj膮ce siebie i otaczaj膮c膮 nas rzeczywisto艣膰 w spos贸b werbalny [8]. Ta definicja narzuca z g贸ry pogl膮d, 偶e powstanie mowy mo偶na rozpatrywa膰 od pewnego, odpowiednio wysokiego poziomu rozwoju m贸zgu. W celu prze艣ledzenia ewolucji zdolno艣ci m贸wienia w艣r贸d naczelnych wykonano pomiary tr贸jk膮ta g贸rno-twarzowego trzewioczaszki wed艂ug Martina i Sallera [16], okre艣laj膮cego rozmieszczenie narz膮d贸w odpowiedzialnych za artykulacj臋 d藕wi臋k贸w w formie g艂osek. Opracowanie matematyczne dotyczy艂o m.in. statystyki opisowej pomiar贸w zilustrowanej wykresami pude艂kowymi. Obliczono odleg艂o艣ci Mahanolobisa mi臋dzy badanymi taksonami naczelnych i przedstawiono graficznie w postaci analizy dyskryminacyjnej. Zastosowany model pozwoli艂 na ca艂kowite oddzielenie ma艂p zwierzokszta艂tnych i cz艂ekokszta艂tnych od cz艂owiekowatych, tworz膮c dwa zbiory takson贸w. Wynika z tego, 偶e zdolno艣膰 m贸wienia jest znakiem skoku jako艣ciowego w ewolucji czaszek naczelnych, prowadz膮cej do cz艂owieka wsp贸艂czesnego. Przyk艂adem na to b臋dzie nabycie zdolno艣ci m贸wienia przez formy pitekantropa i neandertalczyka. Zwierz臋ta w por贸wnaniu z cz艂owiekiem maj膮 inne rozeznanie otaczaj膮cej ich rzeczywisto艣ci, co si臋 przejawia w interakcyjnych sposobach porozumiewania si臋 opartych g艂贸wnie na do艣wiadczeniu i instynkcie.The specific feature of humans, that distinguishes them from the animal world, is the speech. The speech is a form of communication in which we use comprehensive signs to express verbally ourselves and the surrounding reality. This definition imposes the opinion that the origin of the speech can be considered from the appropriately high level of the brain development. In order to trace the evolution of the ability to speak among the Primates, the measurements of the superofacial triangle of the splanchnocranium, according to Martin and Saller (1957), were carried out. The triangle characterises the distribution of the organs responsible for articulation of the sounds. The mathematical analysis concerned i.a. the descriptive statistics of the measurements, illustrated with the bar charts. On this basis, the Mahalanolobis distances between the examined taxons of primates were measured and presented graphically in form of the discriminant analysis. The applied model helped to divide entirely the monkey and apes from the Hominidae, and to form two clusters of taxons. The conclusion is that the ability to speak is a sign of a quality change in the evolution of the Primates that led to the Homo sapiens form. Animals do not use such a wide spectrum of recognizing the surrounding reality and their interactive communication is based on the experience and instinct

    Functional morphometry of the pterygoid hamulus. A comparative study of modern and medieval populations

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    The pterygoid hamulus (PH) is located in the infratemporal fossa and is part of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone. Its location on the cranial base and the multitude of anatomical structures whose attachments lie on the surface of the pterygoid hamulus make it of high functional and topographic significance. Due to insufficient literature on the PH morphometry, we decided to study this issue using modern and archaeological material. In total, 99 observations were subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis (50 - from modern times and 49 - from medieval times). On the basis of the statistical analysis, statistically significant differences in the length of PH were found with respect to age and sex. Statistically significant differences in the PH width were also noticed with respect to sex and the period of origin. The results obtained may help better understand the development mechanism of the pterygoid hamulus bursitis