4 research outputs found

    Effect of mefloquine on the mechanical activity of the mouse isolated rectal smooth muscle

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    The effects of mefloquine on the mechanical activity of the mouse isolated rectal smooth muscle was studied. Mefloquine (4.1x10-5 - 5.2x10-3M) when applied alone and separately exerted variable effects on the rectum. In some preparations, it caused slight phasic contractions while in others no response was elicited. When the external (Ca2+) was increased from 1.8mM to 300mM mefloquine produced phasic contractile activity which was abolished on return to normal 1.8mM suggesting that the contractile activity was due to extracellular Ca2+ influx. Meflaquine (4.1x10-6M – 4.1x10-4M) caused contraction – dependent inhibition of KCL, Carbachol and CaCl2 (in depolarizing Tyrode Solution). Mefloquine (2.1x10-4M) blocked KCL, but not carbachol contractions which were largelyreversed by increasing (Ca2+). The results show that mefloquine possesses anticholinergic and appreciable calcium channel blocking activity

    Protective effect of phenylalanine and glycine on chloramphenicol-induced bone marrow toxicity in albino rats infected with Klebsiella Pneumoniae

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    The effect of phenylalanine and glycine on chloramphenicol (CAP) induced bone marrow toxicity in albino rats infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae was investigated. The aim was investigate whether the treatment of the infected rats with either of these amino acids or their combination could reverse the major bone marrow toxicity of CAP. The study lasted for a period of 21 days in which haematological and histopathological changes were monitored in the infected rats. After 7 days, the rats became anaemic after treatment with CAP, but amino acids combined groups suppressed the anaemia and infection to some extent. At the end of 21 days, amino acids combination showed significant (p<0.05) suppression of anaemia except in CAP/Phenylalanine/glycine (group 4). Bone marrow examination showed the mechanism involved in the suppression of anaemia ( amino acids administration triggered RBC compensatory mechanism seen as erythroid hyperplasia and myeloid hypoplasia ). Histopathology changes ranges from hypocellularity in CAP group and fairly normocellularity in CAP/phenylalanine, CAP/glycine and necrotic/degenerative changes in group 4. Single amino acids combination with CAP have obvious protective effect and suppressed the bone marrow toxicity of CAP compared to the combination of the two amino acids with CAP , but all the combinations were effective in enhancing the efficacy of CAP.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Chloramphenicol toxicity, haematoxicity, amino-acid

    Organ toxicity of monosodium glutamate in adult albino Wistar rats

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    Comparison of ulcer healing effects of ethanol fractions Musa sapientum and Brassica oleracea var Capitata in albino rats

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    This study compared the ulcer healing effects of ethanol fractions of Musa sapientum and Brassica oleracea var capitata in albino rats. Traditionally, both medicinal plants were used in the treatment of diseases including peptic ulcer. These plants were randomly purchased from Ilisan market in Ogun State, identified and authenticated. Extraction was done by cold maceration to obtain ethanol extracts of both EEB and EEC. The ethanol extracts were  fractionated by liquid-liquid partitioning method using four different solvents: n-Hexane, chloroform, n-Butanol and water to obtain the various fractions: FB1, FB2, FB3 , FB4 , FC1, FC2 , FC3, and FC4 . Pilot study was carried out on the fractions to determine the fraction with highest anti-ulcer effects which was then used for the comparative ulcer healing study. FB1 and FC2 with the highest anti-ulcer effects were administered over three weeks to ethanol-induced albino rats at the doses of 100mg/kg for the determination of ulcer healing effects. Standard drug, ranitidine was also administered over three weeks at standard dose. Results of ulcer index showed that both plants possessed ulcer healing effects. Comparison with standards drug proved Brassica oleracea to possessed more ulcer healing property than Musa sapientum . Analysis of results showed that both plants were statistically significant at p<0.05and 95% confidence interval when compared with the positive control. Conclusively, results from this study demonstrated that both Brassica oleracea and Musa sapientum had ulcer healing effects but Brassica oleracea however produced more effect as an ulcer healing agent than Musa sapientum and ranitidine.Cet Ă©tude a comparĂ© les effets de la guĂ©rison d’ulcère de Musa sapientum and Brassica oleracea var capitata sur les rats albinos. Traditionnellement, toutes les deux plantes mĂ©dicales sont utilisĂ©es pour le traitement des maladies y compris ulcère peptique. Ces plantes sont achetĂ©es par hasard du marchĂ© Ilisan dans l’Etat Ogun, identifiĂ©e et authentiquĂ©e. L’extraction Ă©tait faite par une macĂ©ration froid pour obtenir les extraits Ă©thanol de tous les deux EEB et EEC Les extraits Ă©thanols sont partagĂ©s par la mĂ©thode B C. partageant liquide-liquide en utilisant les quatre solvants diffĂ©rents: n-Hexane, chloroforme, n-Butanol et l’eau pour obtenir les plusieurs fractions: FB1, FB2, FB3, FB4, FC1, FC2, FC3, and FC4. L’étude pilote Ă©tait fait. sur les fractions pour dĂ©terminer la fraction avec les plus haut effets d’anti-ulcère qui donc Ă©tait utilisĂ© pour l’étude comparatif de la guĂ©rison d’ulcère. FB1 and FC1 avec les plus haut effets d’anti-ulcère Ă©taient administrĂ©s plus de trios semaines aux Ă©thanols-provoques rats albinos a la dose de 100mg/kg pour la dĂ©termination des effets pour la guĂ©rison d’ulcère. Un produit standard, ranitidine Ă©tait aussi administrĂ© plus de trios semaines a la dose standard. Les rĂ©sultats d’indexe ulcère ont montrĂ©s que toutes les deux plantes ont possĂ©dĂ©es les effets pour la guĂ©rison d’ulcère. La comparaison avec le produit standard a prouvĂ© que Brassica oleracea possède plus de propriĂ©tĂ© pour la guĂ©rison d’ulcère que Musa sapientum. L’analyse des rĂ©sultats a montrĂ© que toutes les deux plantes Ă©taient statistiquement signifiantes a p<0.05 et 95% confiance intervalle lorsqu’il est comparĂ©e avec le contrĂ´le positif. Pour conclure, les rĂ©sultats de l’étude ont montrĂ©s que toutes les deux Brassica oleracea et Musa sapientum ont les effets pour la guĂ©rison d’ulcère mais Brassica oleracea cependant avait produit plus des effets comme un agent pour la guĂ©rison d’ulcère que Musa sapientum et ranitidine