55 research outputs found

    "...diese Zeugen lĂŒgen alle"

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    In Österreich wurde das letzte Urteil in einem Verfahren wegen NS-Verbrechen im Jahr 1975 gefĂ€llt. Angeklagt war der ehemalige SS-UnterscharfĂŒhrer und Aufseher im KZ Mauthausen und im Nebenlager Ebensee, Johann Vinzenz Gogl. Bereits 1972 hatte ein Verfahren gegen ihn in Linz mit einem Freispruch geendet. Der OGH hob dieses Urteil auf und verwies das Verfahren zur neuerlichen Verhandlung an das Geschworenengericht am Sitz des Landesgerichts Wien. Ab Mitte der 70er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts kam die gerichtliche Verfolgung derartiger Verbrechen de facto zum Erliegen, alle noch laufenden Verfahren wurden eingestellt. Vor diesem Hintergrund erfolgte in der vorliegenden Arbeit die qualitative und quantitative Inhaltsanalyse neun österreichischer Tageszeitungen hinsichtlich ihrer Auseinandersetzung mit der NS-Vergangenheit am Beispiel dieser beiden Prozesse gegen Johann Vinzenz Gogl. Es zeigte sich, dass nur ein geringer Teil der untersuchten Zeitungen ihre Verpflichtung als Kritikerinnen von MissstĂ€nden, Mahnerinnen und AufklĂ€rerinnen – gerade im Hinblick auf die in den 70er Jahren noch allerorten vorherrschende VerdrĂ€ngung der eigenen Vergangenheit – wahrnahmen. Dieser Rolle gerecht wurde in beiden UntersuchungszeitrĂ€umen nur die kommunistische Volksstimme. Im Jahr 1975 gilt dies – wenn auch in etwas milderer Form – auch fĂŒr die Arbeiter-Zeitung und den Kurier. Das problematische VerhĂ€ltnis österreichischer TageszeitungsjournalistInnen zur eigenen, nicht aufgearbeiteten Geschichte dĂŒrfte einer couragierten Vermittlung vergangenheitspolitisch relevanter Inhalte und Positionen jedenfalls im Weg gestanden haben.In Austria the last verdict in a trial for national socialist crimes was passed in 1975. The accused was Johann Vinzenz Gogl, a former SS-UnterscharfĂŒhrer and concentration camp guard in Ebensee satellite camp. He had already been acquitted of charges in a lawsuit in 1972. The Supreme Court annulled the judgement and turned legal proceedings over to jury at Vienna District Court. The prosecution of such crimes was generally stopped by the mid-1970s. All ongoing cases were closed. With this as a backdrop, this paper presents a qualitative and quantitative content analysis of nine Austrian daily newspapers and their approach to the National Socialist era using the example of these two lawsuits against Johann Vinzenz Gogl. Apparently, only a small part of the surveyed newspapers assumed their responsibility to warn about, unveil and point at grievances – especially with regard to the suppression of Austria’s past, which was still widespread in the 1970s. Only the Communist Volksstimme fulfilled that role in both periods of the study. By 1975 this can also be partially applied to the Arbeiterzeitung and the Kurier. The problematic approach of Austrian newspaper journalists to their own past, which had not been reappraised yet, may have hindered a committed mediation of historically and politically relevant contents and positions

    Excitatory effect of ATP on rat area postrema neurons

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    ATP-induced inward currents and increases in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration ([Ca]in) were investigated in neurons acutely dissociated from rat area postrema using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and fura-2 microfluorometry, respectively. The ATP-induced current (IATP) and [Ca]in increases were mimicked by 2-methylthio-ATP and ATP-γS, and were inhibited by P2X receptor (P2XR) antagonists. The current–voltage relationship of the IATP exhibited a strong inward rectification, and the amplitude of the IATP was concentration-dependent. The IATP was markedly reduced in the absence of external Na+, and the addition of Ca2+ to Na+-free saline increased the IATP. ATP did not increase [Ca]in in the absence of external Ca2+, and Ca2+ channel antagonists partially inhibited the ATP-induced [Ca]in increase, indicating that ATP increases [Ca]in by Ca2+ influx through both P2XR channels and voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. There was a negative interaction between P2XR- and nicotinic ACh receptor (nAChR)-channels, which depended on the amplitude and direction of current flow through either channel. Current occlusion was observed at Vhs between −70 and −10 mV when the IATP and ACh-induced current (IACh) were inward, but no occlusion was observed when these currents were outward at a Vh of +40 mV. The IATP was not inhibited by co-application of ACh when the IACh was markedly decreased either by removal of permeant cations, by setting Vh close to the equilibrium potential of IACh, or by the addition of d-tubocurarine or serotonin. These results suggest that the inhibitory interaction is attributable to inward current flow of cations through the activated P2XR- and nAChR-channels

    Clinical restenosis trials: a perspective from the pharmaceutical industry.

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    Psychotherapy With Children and Adolescents

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    Interaction of vasopressin with area postrema during volume expansion

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    Neurohumoral interactions in conscious dehydrated rabbit

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