7 research outputs found

    Isolation and Antibacterial Activity assay of Endophytic Symbiont Bacteria on Seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa originated from Batu Meja Tongkaina Beach, North Sulawesi

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    Seaweed can produce bioactive compounds such as antibacterial. Seaweed co-exists with bacteria endophytes. Entophytic bacteria are bacteria that live in host tissues and have the ability to protect the host itself by producing antibacterial compounds against pathogens. Therefore, the endophytic bacteria of seaweed symbionts can be utilized to produce antibacterial compounds. Bacteria can be mass-cultured because of their fast-growing characteristic. The aim of this study was to determine the antibacterial activity from endophytic symbiont bacteria on seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa originated from Batu Meja Tongkaina Beach, North Sulawesi. Isolation of bacteria was carried out by dilution steps from 101 to 10־3 times, then cultivation on Nutrient Agar media to obtain a single colony of the bacteria. Antibacterial activity was tested used paper disc diffusion method. The pathogens used were bacterial strains of Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, and Salmonella typhi. Moreover, antibiotics were used as positive controls. The antibacterial ability of the symbiotic bacteria was measured based on inhibition zones around the paper disc containing the isolates of endophytic bacteria. A total of 6 endophytic bacterial isolates were found, namely isolate B, C, D, E, F and G, characterized by different morphological features. The results showed that isolates B and C having inhibition zone of 0.5 – 1.0 mm against S. typhi, indicating that these two isolates produce antibacterial compounds with a weak ability  against S. typhi

    Sponge Diversity in Kinamang Beach Area Malalayang District Manado City

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    Spons are primitive living settled animals that are filter feeders. These animals are commonly found in tropical and subtropical waters, ranging from the intertidal zone to the subtidal. The aim of this study is to know the diversity of species and the content of bioactive sponges. Sponge data collection: ecological index, species composition, and density of sponge as well as knowledge of the study of bioactive sponge using the library study of the research carried out and using the scientific article of the last 10 years, from 2013 to 2023. The study used the transect belt method that has been modified. From the use of the method, 17 Families were obtained, 48 individuals at a depth of 7 m and 118 individuals at 14 m. Based on the results of this study showed that the index of diversity obtained from the analysis results belonged to the average in 7 m and 14 m. Distribution patterns obtained from data analysis results obtain the distribution pattern at a depth of 7 m grouping 5 families, uniform 5 families, and random 1 family. At a depth of 14 m, the most spread pattern is the uniform spread of 10 families, and the spread model groups 4 families. The index of diversity obtained from the results of data analysis is high (stable). The composition of the species obtained from the results of the analysis showed the highest species of sponges at a depth of 7 m was 33.33%, the highest species at a deep of 14 m is 33.90%, and the composition type of the lowest sponge depth 7 m is 0%, the lower species on a deep 14 m was 11.86%. The highest value of spongy density at a depth of 7 meters is 2.44 ind/m² and the lowest is 0.15 ind/m², whereas, at depths of 14 meters, the highest values are 3.16 ind/m² and lower is 0.08 ind/m² and a library study of the bioactive content received 27 articles related to the family obtaining at the research site and in teluk manado. Keywords: Diversity, Sponge, Kinamang Beach, Bioactive Content Abstrak  Spons merupakan hewan primitif yang hidup menetap yang bersifat filter feeder (menyaring). Hewan ini sangat umum dijumpai di perairan tropis dan sub tropis, sebarannya mulai dari zona intertidal hingga zona subtidal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis dan kandungan bioaktif spons. Pengambilan data spons : indeks ekologi, komposisi jenis dan kepadatan spons serta mengetahui kajian mengenai bioaktif spons dengan menggunakan studi pustaka dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan dan menggunakan artikel ilmiah 10 tahun terakhir tahun 2013 sampai 2023. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode belt transek yang telah dimodifikasi. Dari pengunaan metode tersebut diperoleh 17 Famili, 48 individu pada kedalaman 7 m dan 118 individu pada kedalaman 14 m. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa indeks keanekaragaman yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis tergolong sedang pada kedalam 7 m dan 14 m. Pola Sebaran yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis data didapatkan pola sebaran pada kedalaman 7 m pola sebaran mengelompok 5 famili, pola sebaran seragam 5 famili,dan pola sebaran acak 1 famili. Sedangkan pada kedalaman 14 m pola sebaran terbanyak yaitu, pola sebaran seragam 10 famili, dan pola sebaran mengelompok 4 famili. Indeks keseragaman yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis data yaitu tergolong tinggi (stabil). Komposisi jenis yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis menunjukkan jenis spons tertinggi pada kedalaman 7 m yaitu 33,33 %, jenis spons tertinggi pada kedalaman 14 m yaitu 33,90 %, dan komposisi jenis spons terendah kedalaman 7 m yaitu 0 %,jenis spons terendah pada kedalaman 14 m yaitu 11,86 %. Nilai kepadatan spons tertinggi pada kedalaman 7 m yaitu 2,44 ind/m² dan terendah yaitu 0,15 ind/m², sedangkan pada kedalaman 14 meter dengan nilai tertinggi yaitu 3,16 ind/m² dan terendah yaitu 0,08 ind/m² dan studi pustaka mengenai kandungan bioaktif yang didapatkan 27 artikel yang berkaitan dengan famili yang didapatkan di lokasi penelitian dan di teluk manado. Kata Kunci: Keanekaragaman, Spons, Pantai Kinamang, Kandungan Bioakti

    Contamination of Heavy Metals, Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-Dioxins/Furans and Dioxin-Like Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Wharf Roach Ligia spp. In Japanese Intertidal and Supratidal Zones

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    We investigated the pollution levels of 6 heavy metals and 29 dioxins (polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (DL-PCBs)) in intertidal and supratidal zones by using wharf roaches (Ligia spp.) collected from 12 sampling sites on the coast of Northeast Japan from November 2011 to June 2012. The total concentrations of heavy metals ranged from 177 to 377 µg/g-dry weight (dw), and the predominant metals were copper, zinc, and aluminum. The order of the detected level of heavy metals was zinc > aluminum > copper > cadmium > lead > chromium, and this trend was similar to a previous report. The total toxic equivalent (TEQ) value of the PCDD/Fs ranged from less than the limit of detection (<LOD) to 2.33 pg-TEQ/g-dw, and the predominant congener was octachlorodibenzodioxin (<LOD to 110 pg/g-dw). Compared with PCDD/Fs, DL-PCBs were detected at a predominantly higher level (total TEQ value: 0.64–27.79 pg-TEQ/g-dw). Detected levels of dioxins, especially DL-PCBs in the wharf roach, were like those in the bivalves. These results indicate that the wharf roach could reflect heavy metals and dioxin pollution in the supratidal zones and is a suitable environmental indicator for these environmental pollutants. This is the first study to investigate heavy metals, PCDD/Fs, and DL-PCBs pollution in coastal isopods in Japan

    High Tributyltin Contamination in Sediments from Ports in Indonesia and Northern Kyushu, Japan

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    Sediment samples were collected from 20 stations in the port areas around three cities (Jakarta, Bali and Manado) in Indonesia in 2011 and from 9 stations in the port areas in northern Kyushu, Japan in 2010. High concentrations of tributyltin (TBT) were found in sediments collected in front of the shipyard in Bitung port, Manado (4.25μg/g wet weight) and in Benoa port, Bali (0.21μg/g wet weight). High TBT concentrations were also detected in sediments from next to the shipyard in Hakata port (0.63μg/g wet weight), Fukuoka, Japan. These results suggest that ports might be major sources of TBT pollution in Indonesia and Japan, even though TBT usage has been regulated in Japan since 1990

    フナムシLigia spp.におけるperfluorooctane sulfonateの蓄積

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    本研究ではPFOSをフナムシへ曝露してその蓄積性を検討した. その結果, フナムシへPFOSが蓄積し, 生物学的半減期は11.9日と推定された. さらに日本沿岸の14地点から採取したフナムシへのPFOSの体内濃度の測定を行った結果, 港湾2地点の各1個体からのみPFOSが検出された. よって渚域におけるPFOSの汚染の程度は低いと推測された. 今後, PFOSが検出された地点での分析個体数を増やし, 渚域におけるPFOSの環境汚染をより明確にする必要がある.In an exposure test, wharf roach (Ligia exotica Roux) was exposed to perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS )via diet (0.1 mg/g-diet) for 2 days. 1 day after cessation of exposure, concentration of PFOS was increased to 1019 ± 144 ng/g-wet and still detected to 377 ± 321 ng/g-wet at 12 days after the exposure. Biological half-life of PFOS in wharf roach was estimated to be 11.9 days. In a field study, wharf roach were collected from 14 coastal sites in Japan. PFOS were detected from each one individual in Tsuyazaki, Fukuoka Pref. (215 ng/g-dry) and Taira, Nagasaki Pref. (601 ng/g-dry). These results suggested that wharf roach could be a promised biomonitoring species for PFOS in coastal area.はじめに 材料と方法 結果と考察 要