101 research outputs found

    Praxitopia : How shopping makes a street vibrant

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    During recent decades, shopping’s geographical manifestations have altered radically and the presumed ‘death’ of town centre retailing has become a public concern. The social, cultural, and economic backgrounds of this decentralisation of retail and its effects on city life have been studied comprehensively. However, to date, few studies have examined the changing dynamics of non-mainstream shopping geographies, particularly local shopping streets. How shopping is enacted in such places, and shopping’s part in shaping them, has been largely overlooked. Aspiring to fulfil this knowledge gap, this dissertation examines shopping activities on Södergatan, a local shopping street in a stigmatized ‘super-diverse’ district of Helsingborg, Sweden known as Söder, and contributes to the literature on shopping geographies by drawing on a sociocultural perspective.The study draws on practice theory and focuses on shopping as the main unit. The analysis is built on a sensitivity to the interrelationships existing between social practices and place, emerging from the epistemic positioning resulting from the identification of 'modes of practices'. In order to grasp the enmeshed character of shopping, which is complicated by cultural, spatial, temporal, material, and sensorial layers, video ethnography was employed as the primary research collection method, in combination with go-along interviews, observation and mental-mapping.The research reveals five major modes of shopping practice which jointly represent a typology for understanding shopping in terms of being enacted in the street; i.e. convenience shopping, social shopping, on-the-side shopping, alternative shopping, and budget shopping. This thesis also shows that the bundling of these modes of shopping shapes the street into a vibrant part of the city by interrelating with the shopping street’s sensomaterial and spatiotemporal dimensions in complex and multifaceted directions. Consequently, the local shopping street is conceptualized as a praxitopia, a place co-constituted through social practices

    Migrant Entrepreneurs in Malmö : The Case of Restaurant Owners from Turkey

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    The aim of this thesis is to give a detailed account of migrant entrepreneurs in Malmö, their daily patterns, their unique experiences, the distinct strategies they develop, the challenges they face, and their relationship with ‘regulation and ‘advice’ organizations. In addition, unique ways of ‘making’ a restaurant via food and other material items are discussed and illustrated. It is also underlined that the only method to achieve a broad understanding of migrant entrepreneurs is through qualitative research, which is generally seen inferior by policy makers

    Dudak Damak Yarıklı Bir Hastanın Protetik Tedavisinin Yenilenmesi

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    ÖZ Dudak-damak yarıkları embriyolojik ve erken fetal dönemdeki gelişim bozukluklarının sonucu olarak gelişmektedir. Dudak damak yarıklı bireylerin tedavisinin temel amacı hastaların estetik, fonksiyon ve fonasyon problemlerini tedavi etmektir. Protetik tedavi; uzun süreli takip ve multidisipliner ekip çalışması gerektiren dudak damak yarıklı yetişkin bireylerin tedavisindeki son aşamadır. Bu vaka raporunun amacı; uyumunu kaybetmiş sabit ve hareketli protezi bulunan dudak damak yarıklı hastanın yenilenen protetik tedavisinin aşamaları hakkında bilgi vermektir. Çift taraflı dudak damak yarığı bulunan ve Marmara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi’inde 17 yıl önce tedavi edilmiş olan 36 yaşındaki bayan hasta mevcut protezlerinin yenilenmesi talebiyle Marmara Üniversitesi Protetik Diş Tedavisi Anabilim Dalına başvurdu. Sabit-hareketli (bar ataşman tutuculu) protez kullanan hastanın sabit protezleri desimante edilip destek dişlerin vitalitesi kontrol edildi ve maksiller sol kanin dişinde mobilite tespit edildi. Vitalite kaybı olan maksiller sol kanin ve ikinci küçük azı dişlerine endodontik tedavi yapıldı. Defekt bölgesinde bar ataşman altında kalan yumuşak dokuda proliferasyon olduğu tespit edildi. Prolifere doku diyot lazer ile eksize edildi. Daha önceden prepare edilmiş maksiller sağ/sol kanin ve küçük azı dişlerine minör preparasyon yapıldı. Sağ ve sol destek dişler çapraz ark stabilizayonu için dolder bar ile birbirine splitlendi. Sabit protetik tedaviler ve hassas tutuculu bölümlü protez aşamaları tamamlanarak hastanın protetik rehabilitasyonu sağlandı. Hareketli ve sabit protezin birlikte kullanılması ile çiğneme kuvvetleri dengeli bir şekilde destek dişlere iletildi. İdeal oklüzyon sağlandı. Hareketli protezin bukkal konturuyla kabul edilebilir estetik elde edildi ve hasta memnuniyeti sağlandı. Sonuç olarak bu vaka ile anterior bölgede kemik defekti bulunan çift dudak-damak yarıklı hastalarda hassas tutuculu hareketli protetik restorasyonların uygulanması ile estetik beklentilerin karşılanmasının, çiğneme ve konuşma fonksiyonlarının rehabilitasyonun başarıyla sonuçlandırılabileceği görüldü. Anahtar Kelimeler : Dudak damak yarığı, Hassas bağlantılı hareketli protez, Dolder bar Prosthetic Retreatment of the Patient with Cleft Lip and Palate ABSTRACT Cleft lip and palate develops as a result of embryological and early fetal developmental disorders. The main purpose of the treatment of patients with cleft lip and palate is to treat aesthetic, function and phonation problems. Prosthetic treatment is the final stage in the treatment of adults with cleft lip and palate requiring long-term follow-up and multidisciplinary teamwork. The aim of this case report was to give information about the steps of renewed prosthetic treatment with a cleft lip and palate who has fixed and removable prosthesis that had insufficient retention and stability. A 36-year-old female patient with bilateral cleft lip and palate, treated 17 years ago at Marmara University was referred to the Marmara University Department of Prosthodontics for the complaint of her existing prostheses. The intraoral examination revealed a problem according to the retention and stability of her removable denture. The fixed prosthesis of the patient was desemented and the vitality of the supporting teeth was checked. Mobility was detected in the maxillary left canine tooth. Endodontic treatment was performed on the maxillary canine and second premolar teeth that lost vitality. Soft tissue proliferation under the bar attachment was detected in the defect area. Proliferated tissue was operated by using diode laser. Minor preparation was performed on previously prepared abutment maxillary right / left canine and premolars. The right and left abutment teeth are connected by a dolder bar to obtain bilateral stabilization. The prosthetic rehabilitation of the patient was completed by the fixed prosthetic treatment and the partial removable denture with precision attachment. The chewing forces is transmitted to the support teeth in a balanced manner to provide ideal occlusion with using the removable and fixed partial dentures together. In conclusion, with this case, it has seen an acceptable aesthetic was provided with the buccal section of the removable partial denture to achieve patient satisfaction. The function, fonation and aesthetics of patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate can be rehabilated by using removable partial denture with precision attachment. Keywords: Cleft lip and palate, Removable prothesis with precision attachment, Dolder ba

    Att utforska detaljhandels gränser i Helsingborgsregionen

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    Multikanalhandel i stadskärnan och dess utmaningar

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    Recording Consumer Practices : A Practical Application in Helsingborg

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    Practice theory roughly argues that the material world and the cultural world continuously interact and co-constitute one another. However, existing research methods on consumer behaviors tend to separatethese two dimensions and show a preference toward concentrating on only one of them. Video ethnography as a medium has the potential to capture these two worlds—to combine the symbolic and material, the practical and the discursive, the doings and the sayings. In particular, recording a shopping tour of a consumer as a “walk and talk” session has the ability to capture complex data: the material environment, the context, goods, bodily expressions and words. Two challenges with this method, ethical concernsand technical concerns with camera will be discussed

    Making of a Community of Learning at the Times of Solitude

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    Higher Education in the European context has been transformed radically since 1990s, partly in line with global political and economic trends. In the Swedish context these trends also manifested itself, among other things, in how teaching is practiced and valued. The managerial and paradigmatic shift altered the balance between teaching and research in the favour of the latter. This happened while monetary resources assigned to teaching at the universities proportionally diminished at the national level. Mentioned professional and monetary degrading resulted in reduction of contact-hours for university students -particularly for students of social sciences and humanities in Sweden, misrecognition of teaching skills at the institutional level, and treatment of teaching as a burden among academic staff. These radical changes accompanied with, and partially legitimized by, a novel teaching and learning philosophy which effectively criticized old-school lecture-based teaching built on unidimensional knowledge transfer. It promoted instead self-learning and championed interactive teaching. However, according to various reports, students spend less and less time for learning, which is coming closer to the state of threating the overall teaching and learning quality in the higher education in Sweden. In this paper, I analyse the teaching and learning practices in a course that I am responsible for at the bachelor level, in the background of abovementioned paradigm shift. Specifically, I discuss two teaching forms introduced and experimented in the course, discussion seminars and workshops, which aimed to improve the quality of the course learning outcome, encourage overall engagement of students, social learning, and skill transfer. Discussions focused on applying course literature on to empirical cases, and workshops included topics such as grading a paper, analysing a text, and writing an essay. While doing this, I refer to a theoretical literature develop around the concept of “social practices”, in particular “communities of practices”. Within this literature the social and cultural aspects of learning is accentuated, and the significance of embodied learning by doing together is highlighted. I position the practice-based epistemological and pedagogical perspective as an alternative to the established dichotomy of traditional lecture-based teaching versus self-learning

    Hiyerarşinin hareketli kablosuz algılayıcı ağların kapsama alanı üzerindeki etkisi

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    Due to their economic potential and widespread application areas, wireless sensor networks have emerged as an active research topic during the last five years. One of the fundamental challenges in wireless sensor network research is the provision of sufficient coverage while maintaining energy efficiency and longevity under sensor mobility. The purpose of this thesis is to observe the coverage and energy consumption dynamics of a mobile wireless sensor network in a hierarchical architecture. To achieve this goal iv we implemented a simulation environment with flat and hierarchical topologies. Defining performance metrics and network parameters we performed simulations in MATLAB test-bed. With the help of results obtained from simulations and performance metrics̕ relation to networks parameters we investigated the effect of hierarchical organization on mobile wireless sensor network coverage.M.S. - Master of Scienc