6 research outputs found

    Potensi Mahoni (Swietenia Macrophylla King) Pada Hutan Rakyat Sistem Kaliwo Di Malimada, Sumba Barat Daya

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    Private forests potentially solve the problem of local and national wood deficit. Optimizing the role of private forests, needs proper plannings and accurate data. This study aimed at determining wood potency and composition on private forest of Malimada, North Wewewa sub district, Southwest Sumba District of East Nusa Tenggara. This research used quantitative descriptive approach. Samplings purposive used quadrat methods with 10 plots were established. Important Value Index (IVI) was employed in order to depict wood potency and trees composition of private forest. The research results revealed that standing stock predominantly by mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla King.) with IVI at saplings, poles, and trees level were 188.28; 211.28 and 246.04 respectively. The existing structure stock has similar characteristics to the nature forest, this was indicated by reverse J-shape level of growth distribution curve

    Pertumbuhan Bakau (Rhizophora Mucronata Lamk) dan Produktivitas Silvofishery di Kabupaten Kupang

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    Perubahan kawasan mangrove menjadi tambak banyak terjadi di Kabupaten Kupang. Silvofishery merupakan model pengusahaan tambak yang terpadu dengan konservasi sehingga nilai ekonomi dan ekologinya dapat dicapai secara bersamaan. Tujuan penelitian untuk memperoleh informasi tentang besarnya pengaruh silvofishery terhadap produktivitas tambak dan kualitas lingkungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dengan parameter kualitas air, pertumbuhan tanaman, dan pertumbuhan bandeng. Plot yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi plot silvofishery dan plot untuk pengukuran kualitas air. Plot silvofihery terdiri atas plot A, B, C, dan D dengan variasi jarak tanam. Plot pengukuran kualitas air meliputi: tambak dengan mangrove, tambak tanpa mangrove, dan tambak dengan mangrove yang sudah tidak dibudidayakan ikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa parameter kualitas air di dalam tiga plot tambak adalah: (1) salinitas yang rendah berkisar antara 7-7,7%; (2) pH netral sampai agak basa atau 7,8-8,8; (3) Chemical Oxigen Demand (COD) antara 98,2-172,9 mg/l atau dikategorikan sebagai air tercemar; dan (4) Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) antara 5,6-5,8 mg/l atau masih dalam batas ambang. Kegiatan silvofishery di Bipolo layak untuk dikembangkan dan menguntungkan secara finansial, dilihat dari nilai BCR >1. Rata-rata pertumbuhan tanaman dan penambahan berat ikan pada plot C lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan plot A dan B

    Effect of Stem Diameter, Media Type and Light Intensity on the Growth of Medicinal Plant of Screw Tree/kayu Ules (Helicteres Isora Linn.)

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    Screw tree (Helicteres isora) is a shrub species (Fam: Malvaceae) with 1.5–4 m in height and with multi-main trunks up to 9–12. In Indonesia, kayu ules has been used as a traditional medicine, known as jamu, and has been commercialized. In order to cultivate this species, vegetative propagation is likely promising compared to the generative propagation since seed viability is low and cannot be stored for longterm. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information on which diameter classes, media types and light intensities would give the best result for vegetative propagation. This research aimed to obtain information on which diameter classes and media that were suitable for kayu ules stem cutting propagation and to what degree the light intensity would be best for the growth of the seedlings of kayu ules. Three diameter classes and four media types were employed in a complete random design under the greenhouse environment. Three months old good quality vegetatively-propagated seedlings were transplanted under two light intensities (under transparent canopy and shading net). The result showed that considering the factor of diameter classes and media in kayu ules stem cutting propagation, it had improved the survival of the stem cutting. Diameter class I was best grown in media type 3 with 46.67 ± 12.2 % of survival rate, diameter class II was best grown in media type 2 with 38.67 ± 11.6 % of survival rate, whereas diameter class III was best grown in media type 4 with 52 ± 6.9 % of survival rate. The transplanted seedlings also grew significantly better under transparent canopy with higher light intensity. The distinctive features of screw tree under shading net were wider leaf area, higher specific leaf area and relative water content but it was lower in above ground dry biomass compared to the kayu ules under transparent canopy

    Effect of Stem Diameter, Media Type and Light Intensity on the Growth of Medicinal Plant of Screw Tree/kayu Ules (Helicteres Isora Linn.)

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    Screw tree (Helicteres isora) is a shrub species (Fam: Malvaceae) with 1.5–4 m in height and with multi-main trunks up to 9–12. In Indonesia, kayu ules has been used as a traditional medicine, known as jamu, and has been commercialized. In order to cultivate this species, vegetative propagation is likely promising compared to the generative propagation since seed viability is low and cannot be stored for longterm. Nevertheless, there is a lack of information on which diameter classes, media types and light intensities would give the best result for vegetative propagation. This research aimed to obtain information on which diameter classes and media that were suitable for kayu ules stem cutting propagation and to what degree the light intensity would be best for the growth of the seedlings of kayu ules. Three diameter classes and four media types were employed in a complete random design under the greenhouse environment. Three months old good quality vegetatively-propagated seedlings were transplanted under two light intensities (under transparent canopy and shading net). The result showed that considering the factor of diameter classes and media in kayu ules stem cutting propagation, it had improved the survival of the stem cutting. Diameter class I was best grown in media type 3 with 46.67 ± 12.2 % of survival rate, diameter class II was best grown in media type 2 with 38.67 ± 11.6 % of survival rate, whereas diameter class III was best grown in media type 4 with 52 ± 6.9 % of survival rate. The transplanted seedlings also grew significantly better under transparent canopy with higher light intensity. The distinctive features of screw tree under shading net were wider leaf area, higher specific leaf area and relative water content but it was lower in above ground dry biomass compared to the kayu ules under transparent canopy

    Karakteristik Pertumbuhan Tanaman Faloak (Sterculia Quadrifida R.Br.) Asal Populasi Pulau Rote

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    Faloak (Sterculia quadrifida R.Br.) adalah tumbuhan obat yang digunakan oleh masyarakat di provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) untuk pengobatan hepatitis, maag, dan memulihkan stamina. Tumbuhan ini dapat dijumpai di beberapa pulau di NTT, salah satunya di Pulau Rote. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan tanaman faloak dari pulau kecil P. Rote. Sumber materi genetik faloak berupa biji diambil dari tiga populasi asal P. Rote yakni Lobalain, Rote Barat, dan Pantai Baru. Biji dari ketiga populasi disemaikan lalu ditanam di Stasiun Penelitian Banamlaat, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara. Penanaman menggunakan rancangan Completely Randomized Design (CRD) dengan 3 populasi dan 62 famili, setiap famili ditanam sebanyak 8 anakan dengan jarak tanam 3 x 3 m. Karakter morfologis yang diamati adalah panjang, lebar, dan berat biji, ukuran daun, tinggi, dan diameter bibit. Parameter yang dianalisis adalah persen hidup, Indeks Mutu Bibit, Nisbah Pucuk Akar, dan Kekokohan Bibit. Analisis ANOVA digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan karakter morfologis dari ketiga populasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada umur enam tahun populasi asal Pantai Baru memiliki persen hidup tertinggi sebesar 73%, diikuti oleh populasi Rote Barat sebesar 71%. Populasi Lobalain memiliki persen hidup terendah yaitu 58%. Tanaman dari populasi Pantai Baru juga memiliki rerata tinggi dan diameter yang paling baik yaitu 74,26 cm dan 10,25 mm. Tanaman dari populasi Rote Barat dan Lobalain memiliki rerata tinggi dan diameter sebesar 57,19 cm dan 8,44 mm; 40,34 cm dan 5,94 mm. Tanaman faloak dari populasi Pantai Baru memiliki karakteristik pertumbuhan yang terbaik