16 research outputs found

    Alcohol related problems, family type and youth HIV/AIDS risk behaviour

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    This paper examined the extent to which youth involvement in HIV/AIDS risk behaviours is related to their patterns of alcohol consumption and differences in family structure. Random surveys were conducted and data collected from pre-degree male and female students at two institutions of higher learning in Akwa Ibom State , Nigeria. Two scales were used for data collection: Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT) and HIV/AIDS Risk Behaviour Questionnaire (HRBQ) and the collected data were subjected to Chi-square goodness of fit test. Two hypotheses were tested in this study. The first hypothesis predicted a significant association between alcohol-related problems and youth HIV/AIDS risk behavior was confirmed {X2 (4) = 39.91, p < 0.05}. Results also confirmed the second hypothesis which predicted that family type would be significantly related to youth HIV/AIDS risk behaviour {X2 (1) = 4.48, p <0.05}. The results were discussed in line with existing relevant literature. Practical implications of results and recommendations were also highlighted.Key Words: Alcohol dependence, alcohol abuse, family type, hazardous drinking, responsible drinkin

    Comparative Evaluation of Concrete Properties with Varying Proportions of Periwinkle Shell and Bamboo Leaf Ashes Replacing Cement

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    The paper examined the performance of ternary blended cement concrete incorporating periwinkle shell ash (PSA) and bamboo leaf ash (BLA) as cement supplements. PSA and BLA were obtained by burning periwinkle shell and bamboo leaves in a furnace at a temperature of 600oC for 20 minutes. The chemical analysis of the ashes revealed that they are amorphous in nature. A nominal mix of 1:2:4 with water-cement ratio of 0.65 was used as reference. The cement content of the reference was replaced with varying combined percentages (by weight) of PSA and BLA up to 40% given 10 mixes. A total of 360 cubes were cast, cured in water and tested at ages up to 56 days. The properties investigated were compressive and tensile strength, water absorption, porosity, and bulk density. The result revealed that at 28 and 56 days hydration, ternary blended cement concrete containing combined percentage of PSA and BLA of 20% cement replacement attained higher compressive and tensile strength and lower water absorption and porosity values than the reference. It is concluded that blended cement concrete of 20% cement replacement is the optimum proportion combination for ternary blended cement concrete.Keywords: Bamboo leaf ash; cement replacement; Comparative evaluation; Concrete properties; Periwinkle shell ash; Varying proportion

    Patients’ self reported satisfaction of dental treatments received

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    Effect of a typical rural processing method on the proximate composition and amino acid profile of bush mango seeds (Irvingia gabonensis)

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    Various researchers have confirmed the view that forest and wood lands, among other natural boundaries in West Africa supply a massive amount of protein and carbohydrates to the citizens; however industrialization and urbanization has  threaten many of the food species from these ecosystems. For instance Itugha known to be highly prized and delicious indigenous food is getting extinct and the possibility of it’s origin and composition being lost in antiquity is high, more so data on nutrient composition of processed lrvingia products is limited. Samples of Itugha were prepared as it is obtained in the local setting. These and fresh seeds from the same source of fruits were subjected to proximate analysis and amino acid profile determination. The synergistic effect of pounding and fermentation (two rural processing methods) on proximate composition and amino acid profile of Irvingia gabonensis seeds were evaluated. Proximate analysis differed significantly (p > 0.05) between the processed product and fresh Irvingia seeds in crude protein, fat, ash and dietary fiber contents. Protein value was 19.4+ 0.4% dry matter (DM) for the product, 7.6 + 0.8 of (DM) for fresh seed of var gabonensis, Crude fat 66.60+ 0.80% DM seed and 58.00+ 1.0% product; ash 9.50+ 0.30% DM seed and 11.60 + 0.6% DM product. Dietary fibre was 18.20+ 1.80% DM seed and 12.30+2.00% DM product. Percent sucrose in starch was 2.10 + 3.50% DM seed and 9.60+ 3.10% DM product. There were significant losses in fat, dietary fibre, moisture and carbohydrate due to processing. High moisture level in seed 5.20 +0.6% DM compared with product 2.10+ 0.8% DM is indicative of the presence of appreciable quantity of trapped water in the matrices of fresh Irvingia seeds which was  favourable for fermentation. Amino acid profile showed significant differences (p < 0.05) in their levels in the seeds and the product. All the essential amino acids (EAA) were quantified with Leucine recording the highest value. In all, eighteen  amino acids were quantified in both the fresh seed and processed product. They are Leucine 8.30+ 0.11g/16g Nitrogen (N) product and 7.60 + 0.12g/16gN seed, isoleucine 3.20+ 0.04g/16gN seed and 4.50+ 0.1g/16gN product; threonine 2.20+ 0.30g/16gN seed and 3.10+ 0.1g/16gN product, glutamic acid 13.40+  0.11g/16gN seed and 15.20 + 0.10g/16gN product. These recorded increases. Serine 3.10+ 0.04g/16gN seed and 2.80+ 0.01g/16gN product was the only amino acid that recorded a decrease in level due to processing. Other amino acids were methionine, tryptophan, valine, phenylalanine, histidine, aspartic acid, cystine, proline, glycerine, alanine, tyrosine, lysine and arginine. Processing method  resulted in slightly higher levels of essential nutrients in the product than the seeds. Further investigation to determine the micoflora involved in the fermentation is recommended. It would also be necessary to isolate and identify the food  enzymes in the endosperm of Irvingia gabonensis. It has been observed that  nutrient dense plant foodstuff are facing extinction due to urbanization and  increased patronage of fast foods, as such, there is need to increase available  information on their nutritive potentials to encourage utilization.Keywords: Pounding, Fermentation, Amino acids, Proximate, Irvingi

    Perception of alcohol availability, promotion and policy by Nigerian university students

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    As a follow-up to the Monitoring Alcohol Marketing and Promotion in Africa (MAMPA) project conducted in Nigeria and three other countries in Africa, a survey of Nigerian students was conducted to assess their perceptions of alcohol promotion and policy in the country. Nearly five hundred students drawn from five faculties in the University of Uyo, Nigeria completed a perception of alcohol policy survey, in which they indicated their levels of agreement with statements on alcohol policy. The sample consisted of 265 (53.9%) male and 227(46.1%) female students; with age range of 16-37 years (mean of 24.8 years). Findings revealed that respondents were in support of policy options that sought to reduce availability of alcohol (in terms of access and cost). They also agreed with statements on alcohol as the cause of health and social problems; supported strong laws against drunk-driving; and agreed with the statement that the industry flouts self-imposed code on alcohol advertising. Chi-square analyses of data however confirmed the hypothesis that drinkers will significantly differ from non-drinkers in their perception of alcohol policy in Nigeria. The implications of these findings were discussed in the context of the development of effective alcohol control policy in Nigeria and other low and middle-income countries.Key Words: Perception, alcohol policy, alcohol advertising, university student

    Psychoactive substance intake and gender on crime

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    This study investigated the influence of psychoactive substance (alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine) intake and gender on crime. Three hundred and eighty participants (380) were randomly selected from inmates as models of prisons in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State. The participants comprised 314males (82.63%) and 66 females (17.37%) with the mean age of 28.3 years. The design of the study was a survey. In this study four hypotheses were predicted. The first hypothesis indicates that there was a statistically significant influence of alcohol intake on crime committed among prisoners, X2 (df=4, N = 380) = 29.51, p<0.01. The result of the second hypothesis indicates that there was also a significant influence of marijuana intake on crimes committed among prisoners, X2 (4, N = 380) = 38.1, p<0.01. Hypothesis three indicates that Cocaine intake does not significantly influence crime committed among prisoners, X2 (4, N = 380) = 12.32, ns. While the result of hypothesis four indicates there was nosignificant difference in crimes committed among male and female prisoners, X2 (2, N = 380) = 0.12, ns. The findings of the present study were discussed in the context of previous studies. The policy implications of the findings in this study were also discussed

    Proximate And Mineral Composition Of Two Soups As Prepared In The South-West And South-South Regions Of Nigeria

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    The proximate and mineral composition of okro and ogbono soups prepared with two different Nigeria traditional (South/West, i.e. Yoruba, and South/South, i.e. Efik/Ibibio) recipes was assessed in this study. The crude protein, fat, Ca and Na nutrient composition (30.53 + 0.15% dry weight, 32.58 + 1.32% dry weight, 1132.42 + 9.26mg/100DM and 1803.95 + 130.47mg/100DM respectively), of okro soup prepared with South/South (S/S) recipe were significantly higher (

    “Your drinking is my problem”: recording alcohol’s harm to others in Nigeria

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    The negative consequences of alcohol consumption on the drinker are well documented. Alcohol is the cause of many physical and mental health conditions and is associated with social problems affecting the drinker, the family and the society at-large. Nondrinkers also experience the impact of other people’s drinking though the extent of this experience is not well documented. This paper presents preliminary data from the WHO/Thai Health project on the harm to others from drinking. A sample of 16 health, security and social welfare agencies in Akwa Ibom State of Nigeria was selected and a nominated key informant in each agency was approached for information using a qualitative interview schedule. The information sought from respondents included types of harms to others seen at the agency, the frequency of such cases, how information about the cases are recorded and handled, and whether regular records are kept at the agency on harm to others from alcohol. Findings show that few agencies collected data on harm to others from drinking but several reported seeing people affected by the drinking of others, with most cases reported by social welfare agencies. Almost all the agencies contacted expressed interest in collecting relevant data and being involved more in addressing the problem. The reported low levels of awareness and action on harm to others from drinking have potentially serious implications in a society with a rapidly growing rate of alcohol consumption.Key words: Alcohol, harm to others, Nigeria, drinking problem

    Use of mixed methods designs in substance research: a methodological necessity in Nigeria

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    The utility of mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative) is becoming increasingly accepted in health sciences, but substance studies are yet to substantially benefit from such utilities. While there is a growing number of mixed methods alcohol articles concerning developed countries, developing nations are yet to embrace this method. In the Nigerian context, the importance of mixed methods research is yet to be acknowledged. This article therefore, draws on alcohol studies to argue that mixed methods designs will better equip scholars to understand, explore, describe and explain why alcohol consumption and its related problems are increasing in Nigeria. It argues that as motives for consuming alcohol in contemporary Nigeria are multiple, complex and evolving, mixed method approaches that provide multiple pathways for proffering solutions to problems should be embraced

    Effect Of A Typical Rural Processing Method On The Proximate Composition And Amino Acid Profile Of Bush Mango Seeds ( Irvingia Gabonensis )

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    Various researchers have confirmed the view that forest and wood lands, among other natural boundaries in West Africa supply a massive amount of protein and carbohydrates to the citizens; however industrialization and urbanization has threaten many of the food species from these ecosystems. For instance Itugha known to be highly prized and delicious indigenous food is getting extinct and the possibility of it's origin and composition being lost in antiquity is high, more so data on nutrient composition of processed lrvingia products is limited. Samples of Itugha were prepared as it is obtained in the local setting. These and fresh seeds from the same source of fruits were subjected to proximate analysis and amino acid profile determination. The synergistic effect of pounding and fermentation (two rural processing methods) on proximate composition and amino acid profile of Irvingia gabonensis seeds were evaluated. Proximate analysis differed significantly (p ≥ 0.05) between the processed product and fresh Irvingia seeds in crude protein, fat, ash and dietary fiber contents. Protein value was 19.4± 0.4% dry matter (DM) for the product, 7.6 ± 0.8 of (DM) for fresh seed of var gabonensis, Crude fat 66.60± 0.80% DM seed and 58.00± 1.0% product; ash 9.50± 0.30% DM seed and 11.60 ± 0.6% DM product. Dietary fibre was 18.20± 1.80% DM seed and 12.30±2.00% DM product. Percent sucrose in starch was 2.10 ± 3.50% DM seed and 9.60± 3.10% DM product. There were significant losses in fat, dietary fibre, moisture and carbohydrate due to processing. High moisture level in seed 5.20 ±0.6% DM compared with product 2.10± 0.8% DM is indicative of the presence of appreciable quantity of trapped water in the matrices of fresh­ Irvingia seeds which was favourable for fermentation. Amino acid profile showed significant differences (p ≤ 0.05) in their levels in the seeds and the product. All the essential amino acids (EAA) were quantified with Leucine recording the highest value. In all, eighteen amino acids were quantified in both the fresh seed and processed product. They are Leucine 8.30± 0.11g/16g Nitrogen (N) product and 7.60 ± 0.12g/16gN seed, isoleucine 3.20± 0.04g/16gN seed and 4.50± 0.1g/16gN product; threonine 2.20± 0.30g/16gN seed and 3.10± 0.1g/16gN product, glutamic acid 13.40± 0.11g/16gN seed and 15.20 ± 0.10g/16gN product. These recorded increases. Serine 3.10± 0.04g/16gN seed and 2.80± 0.01g/16gN product was the only amino acid that recorded a decrease in level due to processing. Other amino acids were methionine, tryptophan, valine, phenylalanine, histidine, aspartic acid, cystine, proline, glycerine, alanine, tyrosine, lysine and arginine. Processing method resulted in slightly higher levels of essential nutrients in the product than the seeds. Further investigation to determine the micoflora involved in the fermentation is recommended. It would also be necessary to isolate and identify the food enzymes in the endosperm of Irvingia gabonensis. It has been observed that nutrient dense plant foodstuff are facing extinction due to urbanization and increased patronage of fast foods, as such, there is need to increase available information on their nutritive potentials to encourage utilization. i.Le effet synergétique du pilage et de la fermentation (deux méthodes rurales de traitement) sur la composition rapprochée et le profil de l'acide aminé des graines d' Irvingia gabonensis a été évalué. L'analyse rapprochée a différé considérablement (p ≥ 0.05) entre le produit traité et les graines fraîches d'Irvingia dans les protéine crues, les graisses, la cendre et les teneurs diététiques en fibre. La teneur en protéine était 19,4± 0.4% des matières sèches (m.s.) pour le produit, 7,6 ± 0,8 de m.s pour la graine fraîche de var gabonensis, les graisses crues 66,60± 0,80% de m.s. pour la semence et 58,00± 1,0% pour le produit; la cendre 9,50± 0,30% de m.s. pour la semence et 11,60 ± 0,6% de m.s pour le produit. La fibre diététique était 18,20± 1,80% de m.s pour la graine et 12,30±2,00% de m.s pour le produit. Le pourcentage de la saccharose dans l'amidon était 2,10 ± 3,50% de m.s pour les graines et 9,60± 3,10% de m.s pour le produit. Suite au traitement, il y a eu des pertes significatives dans les grasses, les fibres diététiques, l'humidité et l'hydrate de carbone. Le niveau élevé d'humidité dans les graines 5,20 ±0.6% de m.s par rapport au m.s du produit 2,10± 0,8% est une indication de la présence d'une quantité appréciable d'eau qui stagne dans les matrices de graines fraîches d'Irvingia, et cette eau a été favorable à la fermentation. Le profile de l'acide aminé a montré des différences significatives (p ≤ 0,05) dans leurs niveaux dans les graines et dans le produit. Tous les acides aminés essentiels (AAE) ont été quantifiés, la leucine enregistrant la valeur la plus élevée. Dans l'ensemble, dix-huit acides aminés ont été quantifiés aussi bien dans la graine fraîche que dans le produit traité. Ces acides sont comme suit : la leucine 8,30± 0,11g/16g, le produit azote (N) et la graine 7,60 ±0,12g/16gN, l'isoleucine 3,20± 0,04g/16gN graine et 4,50± 0,1g/16gN produit; thréonine 2,20± 0,30g/16gN graine et 3,10±0,1g/16gN produit, acide glutamique 13,40± 0,11g/16gN graine et 15,20 ± 0.10g/16gN produit. Ces acides ont enregistré des accroissements. La sérine 3,10± 0,04g/16gN graine et 2,80± 0,01g/16gN produit était le seul acide aminé qui a enregistré une diminution de niveau à cause du traitement. Les autres acides aminés étaient la méthionine, le tryptophane, la valine, la phénylalanine, l'histidine, l'acide aspartique, la cystine, la proline, la glycérine, l'alanine, la tyrosine, la lysine et l'arginine. La méthode de traitement a abouti à des niveaux légèrement plus élevés de nutriments essentiels dans le produit par rapport aux graines. Une enquête plus approfondie visant à déterminer les microflores impliquées dans la fermentation est recommandée. Il serait aussi nécessaire d'isoler et d'identifier les enzymes alimentaires dans l'endosperme de Irvingia gabonensis