6 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kemampuan siswa dalam berpikir logis dan rasional masih rendah sedangkan era globalisasi menuntut adanya persaingan antar negara dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan termasuk sumber daya manusia. Kualitas sumber daya manusia bukan saja akan menentukan kemajuan suatu negara tetapi juga menjadi penentu daya saing antar bangsa. Kondisi demikian mendorong bidang pendidikan didesain untuk mampu membekali siswa yang tanggap terhadap tantangan era globalisasi. Untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut, maka perlu melatih siswa agar mampu belajar secara mandiri dan berkembang kemampuan bernalar serta berpikirnya. Hal ini sejalan dengan tujuan pembelajaran dari sekolah dasar yaitu membentuk manusia intelektual, mampu memecahkan permasalahan serta mampu berpikir/bernalar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa penggunaan strategi metakognitif problem solving merupakan alternatif strategi pembelajaran yang dipertimbangkan dan mampu mengembangkan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi siswa. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari skor rerata skor tes awal adalah 27,94; rerata skor akhir 71,54, dan N-Gain 61 (100%) dalam kategori sedang

    Advanced strategies for cognitive and emotional coping among high school students

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    Adolescence represents a pivotal stage in human development marked by numerous challenges and stressors. This research delves into the cognitive-emotional coping strategies deployed by adolescent girls and boys, with a particular focus on gender disparities. Our study aligns with prior research, affirming substantial gender-based distinctions in coping strategies. Adolescent girls predominantly employ maladaptive strategies, notably catastrophizing and rumination, underscoring a proclivity for negative thought patterns amidst stressors. Conversely, boys demonstrate a more equitable distribution of coping mechanisms, encompassing both maladaptive and adaptive strategies, implying heightened coping versatility. Engaging in a scholarly debate, we discuss the implications of this gender divergence in coping strategies. While diverse coping repertoires, as seen in boys, may contribute to resilience, the noteworthy prevalence of maladaptive strategies among adolescents, regardless of gender, raises concerns regarding emotional well-being. This study not only advances our comprehension of adolescent coping but also holds implications for mental health interventions

    The Moderating Effect on Community Intention to Believe in Excellent Islamic Schools Education

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    This research aims to describe and test the independent variables of attitude, subjective norms and self-efficacy, which can influence people's motivation to send their children to excellent Islamic primary and secondary Schools with two moderating variables, Trust and Service involvement. The research design is quantitative survey research. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. The research respondents were a community in Klaten Regency who intended to send their children to a number of excellent Islamic primary and secondary Schools, with a total number of 110 respondents. The Structural Equation Model test is used in research to simultaneously test the relationship between variables. The results of the validity, reliability and goodness of model tests are declared fit and proven that there is a direct influence of attitude values, subjective norms and cell-efficacy on intentions. The moderating test of the trust and service-involvement variables can strengthen the emotional norm attitude and self-efficacy variables on parents' choices to send their children to excellent Islamic schools. In the future, excellent Islamic schools must maintain or further increase public trust in the quality of learning services. The increasing rate of excellent Islamic primary and secondary education services leads to increasing competitive excellence


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    The research was aimed to determine the correlation between dual role conflict and social support with job stress. The subjects this research were 120 nurses of a Hospital in Yogyakarta. The sampling method was non random purposive technique. The subjects were given three scales: job stress scale, dual role conflict scale and social support scale. The method used to analyze data was regression multiple with assistance of statistic program SPSS 13.00 version for Windows. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between dual role conflict and social support with job stress that shown by F = 39,050, r = 0,633 and p = 0,000 (p < 0,05). The contribution of dual role conflict and social support in predicting job stress is 40%