1 research outputs found

    Rapid Assessment of Third Round of Sub PIN Diphteria at Tambakrejo Village Jombang

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    The third round of Sub PIN diphteria in Tambakrejo village has the lowest coverage and did not reach the target at age 2-36 months (61,77%) and age 3-7 years (82,39%). The aim of this study to describe more about implementation of third round of Sub PIN diphteria in November 2013. This study is descriptive research with Cross Sectional study design. Population is all of parents whose children\u27s ages 2 month to 15 years old when third round of Sub PIN diphteria are conducted in Kelurahan Tambakrejo. Samples on this research are 150 people were taken from two stages, the first stage is specifiying to 30 clusters (RT) and each cluster are taken 5 respondens. The variables examined in this study are immunization status, the reason not joining Sub PIN, source of information, characteristics of the respondents including age, educational level, occupation, number of children, parent\u27s knowledge and children\u27s age. The results showed that 26% of respondents did not covered by the third round of Sub PIN diphteria with the most reason is the children are not willing or crying (56,4%). If seen from respondents whose their children did not covered by the Sub PIN can be known most of them got information (92,3%) and characterictic of respondents most of them have age above 30 years old (66,7%), high level of education from SMA (61,5%), do not work (66,7%) with the number of children that they had 2 childs or under it (61,5%),high level of knowledge (76,9%), most of children\u27s age is 2 months up to 36 months (43,6%) and 7 years old up to 15 years old (43,6%). Concelling anda approach personally is needed by medics to inform about the benefits of Sub PIN and the danger if did not immunization especially to a pent whose child refuse immunized