56 research outputs found

    Strong diffusion gradients allow the separation of intra- and extra-axonal gradient-echo signals in the human brain

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    The quantification of brain white matter properties is a key area of application of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), with much effort focused on using MR techniques to quantify tissue microstructure. While diffusion MRI probes white matter (WM) microstructure by characterising the sensitivity of Brownian motion of water molecules to anisotropic structures, susceptibility-based techniques probe the tissue microstructure by observing the effect of interaction between the tissue and the magnetic field. Here, we unify these two complementary approaches by combining ultra-strong () gradients with a novel Diffusion-Filtered Asymmetric Spin Echo (D-FASE) technique. Using D-FASE we can separately assess the evolution of the intra- and extra-axonal signals under the action of susceptibility effects, revealing differences in the behaviour in different fibre tracts. We observed that the effective relaxation rate of the ASE signal in the corpus callosum decreases with increasing b-value in all subjects (from at to at ), while this dependence on b in the corticospinal tract is less pronounced (from at to at ). Voxelwise analysis of the signal evolution with respect to b-factor and acquisition delay using a microscopic model demonstrated differences in gradient echo signal evolution between the intra- and extra-axonal pools

    Improving the predictions of computational models of convection-enhanced drug delivery by accounting for diffusion non-gaussianity

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    Convection-enhanced delivery (CED) is an innovative method of drug delivery to the human brain, that bypasses the blood-brain barrier by injecting the drug directly into the brain. CED aims to target pathological tissue for central nervous system conditions such as Parkinson's and Huntington's disease, epilepsy, brain tumors, and ischemic stroke. Computational fluid dynamics models have been constructed to predict the drug distribution in CED, allowing clinicians advance planning of the procedure. These models require patient-specific information about the microstructure of the brain tissue, which can be collected non-invasively using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pre-infusion. Existing models employ the diffusion tensor, which represents Gaussian diffusion in brain tissue, to provide predictions for the drug concentration. However, those predictions are not always in agreement with experimental observations. In this work we present a novel computational fluid dynamics model for CED that does not use the diffusion tensor, but rather the diffusion probability that is experimentally measured through diffusion MRI, at an individual-participant level. Our model takes into account effects of the brain microstructure on the motion of drug molecules not taken into account in previous approaches, namely the restriction and hindrance that those molecules experience when moving in the brain tissue, and can improve the drug concentration predictions. The duration of the associated MRI protocol is 19 min, and therefore feasible for clinical populations. We first prove theoretically that the two models predict different drug distributions. Then, using in vivo high-resolution diffusion MRI data from a healthy participant, we derive and compare predictions using both models, in order to identify the impact of including the effects of restriction and hindrance. Including those effects results in different drug distributions, and the observed differences exhibit statistically significant correlations with measures of diffusion non-Gaussianity in brain tissue. The differences are more pronounced for infusion in white-matter areas of the brain. Using experimental results from the literature along with our simulation results, we show that the inclusion of the effects of diffusion non-Gaussianity in models of CED is necessary, if reliable predictions that can be used in the clinic are to be generated by CED models

    Noninvasive quantification of axon radii using diffusion MRI

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    Axon caliber plays a crucial role in determining conduction velocity and, consequently, in the timing and synchronization of neural activation. Noninvasive measurement of axon radii could have significant impact on the understanding of healthy and diseased neural processes. Until now, accurate axon radius mapping has eluded in vivo neuroimaging, mainly due to a lack of sensitivity of the MRI signal to micron-sized axons. Here, we show how – when confounding factors such as extra-axonal water and axonal orientation dispersion are eliminated – heavily diffusion-weighted MRI signals become sensitive to axon radii. However, diffusion MRI is only capable of estimating a single metric, the effective radius, representing the entire axon radius distribution within a voxel that emphasizes the larger axons. Our findings, both in rodents and humans, enable noninvasive mapping of critical information on axon radii, as well as resolve the long-standing debate on whether axon radii can be quantified

    A comparative study of gradient nonlinearity correction strategies for processing diffusion data obtained with ultra-strong-gradient MRI scanner

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    Purpose: The analysis of diffusion data obtained under large gradient nonlinearities necessitates corrections during data reconstruction and analysis. While two such preprocessing pipelines have been proposed, no comparative studies assessing their performance exist. Furthermore, both pipelines neglect the impact of subject motion during acquisition, which, in the presence of gradient nonlinearities, induces spatio‐temporal B‐matrix variations. Here, spatio‐temporal B‐matrix tracking (STB) is proposed and its performance compared to established pipelines. Methods: Diffusion tensor MRI (DT‐MRI) was performed using a 300 mT/m gradient system. Data were acquired with volunteers positioned in regions with pronounced gradient nonlinearities, and used to compare the performance of six different processing pipelines, including STB. Results: Up to 30% errors were observed in DT‐MRI parameter estimates when neglecting gradient nonlinearities. Moreover, the order in which b0 inhomogeneity, eddy current and gradient nonlinearity corrections were performed was found to impact the consistency of parameter estimates significantly. Although, no pipeline emerged as a clear winner, the STB approach seemed to yield the most consistent parameter estimates under large gradient nonlinearities. Conclusions: Under large gradient nonlinearities, the choice of preprocessing pipeline significantly impacts the estimated diffusion parameters. Motion‐induced spatio‐temporal B‐matrix variations can lead to systematic bias in the parameter estimates, that can be ameliorated using the proposed STB framework

    Estimating axon conduction velocity in vivo from microstructural MRI

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    The conduction velocity (CV) of action potentials along axons is a key neurophysiological property central to neural communication. The ability to estimate CV in humans in vivo from non-invasive MRI methods would therefore represent a significant advance in neuroscience. However, there are two major challenges that this paper aims to address: (1) Much of the complexity of the neurophysiology of action potentials cannot be captured with currently available MRI techniques. Therefore, we seek to establish the variability in CV that can be captured when predicting CV purely from parameters that have been reported to be estimatable from MRI: inner axon diameter (AD) and g-ratio. (2) errors inherent in existing MRI-based biophysical models of tissue will propagate through to estimates of CV, the extent to which is currently unknown. Issue (1) is investigated by performing a sensitivity analysis on a comprehensive model of axon electrophysiology and determining the relative sensitivity to various morphological and electrical parameters. The investigations suggest that 85% of the variance in CV is accounted for by variation in AD and g-ratio. The observed dependency of CV on AD and g-ratio is well characterised by the previously reported model by Rushton. Issue (2) is investigated through simulation of diffusion and relaxometry MRI data for a range of axon morphologies, applying models of restricted diffusion and relaxation processes to derive estimates of axon volume fraction (AVF), AD and g-ratio and estimating CV from the derived parameters. The results show that errors in the AVF have the biggest detrimental impact on estimates of CV, particularly for sparse fibre populations (AVF <0.3 ). For our equipment set-up and acquisition protocol, CV estimates are most accurate (below 5% error) where AVF is above 0.3, g-ratio is between 0.6 and 0.85 and AD is high (above 4μm ). CV estimates are robust to errors in g-ratio estimation but are highly sensitive to errors in AD estimation, particularly where ADs are small. We additionally show CV estimates in human corpus callosum in a small number of subjects. In conclusion, we demonstrate accurate CV estimates are possible in regions of the brain where AD is sufficiently large. Problems with estimating ADs for smaller axons presents a problem for estimating CV across the whole CNS and should be the focus of further study

    Improving the Predictions of Computational Models of Convection-Enhanced Drug Delivery by Accounting for Diffusion Non-gaussianity

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    Convection-enhanced delivery (CED) is an innovative method of drug delivery to the human brain, that bypasses the blood-brain barrier by injecting the drug directly into the brain. CED aims to target pathological tissue for central nervous system conditions such as Parkinson's and Huntington's disease, epilepsy, brain tumors, and ischemic stroke. Computational fluid dynamics models have been constructed to predict the drug distribution in CED, allowing clinicians advance planning of the procedure. These models require patient-specific information about the microstructure of the brain tissue, which can be collected non-invasively using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pre-infusion. Existing models employ the diffusion tensor, which represents Gaussian diffusion in brain tissue, to provide predictions for the drug concentration. However, those predictions are not always in agreement with experimental observations. In this work we present a novel computational fluid dynamics model for CED that does not use the diffusion tensor, but rather the diffusion probability that is experimentally measured through diffusion MRI, at an individual-participant level. Our model takes into account effects of the brain microstructure on the motion of drug molecules not taken into account in previous approaches, namely the restriction and hindrance that those molecules experience when moving in the brain tissue, and can improve the drug concentration predictions. The duration of the associated MRI protocol is 19 min, and therefore feasible for clinical populations. We first prove theoretically that the two models predict different drug distributions. Then, using in vivo high-resolution diffusion MRI data from a healthy participant, we derive and compare predictions using both models, in order to identify the impact of including the effects of restriction and hindrance. Including those effects results in different drug distributions, and the observed differences exhibit statistically significant correlations with measures of diffusion non-Gaussianity in brain tissue. The differences are more pronounced for infusion in white-matter areas of the brain. Using experimental results from the literature along with our simulation results, we show that the inclusion of the effects of diffusion non-Gaussianity in models of CED is necessary, if reliable predictions that can be used in the clinic are to be generated by CED models

    Relax! Diffusion is not the only way to estimate axon radius in vivo

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    Axon radius is a potential biomarker for brain diseases and a crucial tissue microstructure parameter that determines the speed of action potentials. Diffusion MRI (dMRI) allows non-invasive estimation of axon radius, but accurately estimating the radius of axons in the human brain is challenging. Most axons in the brain have a radius below one micrometre, which falls below the sensitivity limit of dMRI signals even when using the most advanced human MRI scanners. Therefore, new MRI methods that are sensitive to small axon radii are needed. In this proof-of-concept investigation, we examine whether a surface-based axonal relaxation process could mediate a relationship between intra-axonal T2 and T1 times and inner axon radius, as measured using postmortem histology. A unique in vivo human diffusion-T1-T2 relaxation dataset was acquired on a 3T MRI scanner with ultra-strong diffusion gradients, using a strong diffusion-weighting (i.e., b=6000 s/mm2) and multiple inversion and echo times. A second reduced diffusion-T2 dataset was collected at various echo times to evaluate the model further. The intra-axonal relaxation times were estimated by fitting a diffusion-relaxation model to the orientation-averaged spherical mean signals. Our analysis revealed that the proposed surface-based relaxation model effectively explains the relationship between the estimated relaxation times and the histological axon radius measured in various corpus callosum regions. Using these histological values, we developed a novel calibration approach to predict axon radius in other areas of the corpus callosum. Notably, the predicted radii and those determined from histological measurements were in close agreement.Comment: 48 pages, 10 figure

    Physiological effects of human body imaging with 300 mT/m gradients

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    Purpose The use of high-performance gradient systems (i.e., high gradient strength and/or high slew rate) for human MRI is limited by physiological effects (including the elicitation of magnetophosphenes and peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS)). These effects, in turn, depend on the interaction between time-varying magnetic fields and the body, and thus on the participant’s position with respect to the scanner’s isocenter. This study investigated the occurrence of magnetophosphenes and PNS when scanning participants on a high-gradient (300 mT/m) system, for different gradient amplitudes, ramp times, and participant positions. Methods Using a whole-body 300 mT/m gradient MRI system, a cohort of participants was scanned with the head, heart, and prostate at magnet isocenter and a train of trapezoidal bipolar gradient pulses, with ramp times from 0.88 to 4.20 ms and gradient amplitudes from 60 to 300 mT/m. Reports of magnetophosphenes and incidental reports of PNS were obtained. A questionnaire was used to record any additional subjective effects. Results Magnetophosphenes were strongly dependent on participant position in the scanner. 87% of participants reported the effect with the heart at isocenter, 33% with the head at isocenter, and only 7% with the prostate at isocenter. PNS was most widely reported by participants for the vertical gradient axis (67% of participants), and was the dominant physiological effect for ramp times below 2 ms. Conclusion This study evaluates the probability of eliciting magnetophosphenes during whole-body imaging using an ultra-strong gradient MRI system. It provides empirical guidance on the use of high-performance gradient systems for whole-body human MRI

    Estimating axon radius using diffusion-relaxation MRI: calibrating a surface-based relaxation model with histology

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    Axon radius is a potential biomarker for brain diseases and a crucial tissue microstructure parameter that determines the speed of action potentials. Diffusion MRI (dMRI) allows non-invasive estimation of axon radius, but accurately estimating the radius of axons in the human brain is challenging. Most axons in the brain have a radius below one micrometer, which falls below the sensitivity limit of dMRI signals even when using the most advanced human MRI scanners. Therefore, new MRI methods that are sensitive to small axon radii are needed. In this proof-of-concept investigation, we examine whether a surface-based axonal relaxation process could mediate a relationship between intra-axonal T2 and T1 times and inner axon radius, as measured using postmortem histology. A unique in vivo human diffusion-T1-T2 relaxation dataset was acquired on a 3T MRI scanner with ultra-strong diffusion gradients, using a strong diffusion-weighting (i.e., b = 6,000 s/mm2) and multiple inversion and echo times. A second reduced diffusion-T2 dataset was collected at various echo times to evaluate the model further. The intra-axonal relaxation times were estimated by fitting a diffusion-relaxation model to the orientation-averaged spherical mean signals. Our analysis revealed that the proposed surface-based relaxation model effectively explains the relationship between the estimated relaxation times and the histological axon radius measured in various corpus callosum regions. Using these histological values, we developed a novel calibration approach to predict axon radius in other areas of the corpus callosum. Notably, the predicted radii and those determined from histological measurements were in close agreement

    Estimating axial diffusivity in the NODDI model

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    To estimate microstructure-related parameters from diffusion MRI data, biophysical models make strong, simplifying assumptions about the underlying tissue. The extent to which many of these assumptions are valid remains an open research question. This study was inspired by the disparity between the estimated intra-axonal axial diffusivity from literature and that typically assumed by the Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI) model ( d ∥ = 1.7 μ m 2 /ms ). We first demonstrate how changing the assumed axial diffusivity results in considerably different NODDI parameter estimates. Second, we illustrate the ability to estimate axial diffusivity as a free parameter of the model using high b-value data and an adapted NODDI framework. Using both simulated and in vivo data we investigate the impact of fitting to either real-valued or magnitude data, with Gaussian and Rician noise characteristics respectively, and what happens if we get the noise assumptions wrong in this high b-value and thus low SNR regime. Our results from real-valued human data estimate intra-axonal axial diffusivities of ∼ 2 − 2.5 μ m 2 /ms , in line with current literature. Crucially, our results demonstrate the importance of accounting for both a rectified noise floor and/or a signal offset to avoid biased parameter estimates when dealing with low SNR data