126 research outputs found

    <i>P. falciparum</i> malaria – CTX resistance or CTX resistance versus SP resistance.

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    *<p> = Year of study.</p><p>CTX = Cotrimoxazole, DHFR = Dihydrofolate reductase, DHPS = Dihydropteroate synthetase, E. coli =  Escherichia coli, FU = Follow up, HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus, IRR = Incidence Rate Ratio, PLHIV = people living with HIV/AIDs, RCT = Randomized clinical trial, SP = sulfadoxine pyrimethamine.</p

    Cotrimoxazole for malaria prophylaxis during pregnancy in HIV positive population.

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    *<p> = Year of study (if not available P  = Year of publication).</p><p>CTX = Cotrimoxazole, HIV = Human Immunodeficiency virus, PCR = Polymerase Chain Reaction, PLHIV = people living with HIV/AIDs, SP-IPT = sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine-Intermittent Preventive Treatment.</p

    Cotrimoxazole for malaria prophylaxis in non pregnant HIV positive population.

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    *<p> = Year of study.</p><p>ART =  Anti-Retroviral Therapy, CTX = Cotrimoxazole, DART = Development of Anti-Retroviral Therapy, HAART = Highly Active Anti-retroviral Therapy, HRP = histidine rich protein, HIV = Human Immunodeficiency virus, IRR = Incidence rate ratio, ITNs = Insecticide Treated Nets, PLHIV = people living with HIV/AIDs, PMTCT = prevention of mother to child HIV transmission.</p

    Experiments for developing a flytrap for collecting <i>C. putoria</i>.

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    a<p>Standard trap design consisted of 10 entrance holes, each 1.6 cm in diameter, in a white lid of a 3 L polypropylene box, with transparent sides. 50 g of raw fish was placed in a 9 cm diameter white pot, covered with cotton netting.</p

    Baseline characteristics and prevalence of malaria infection, anaemia and malaria antibodies by school.

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    <p>IRS*: Indoor residual spray (data from 4117 respondents) Hb Haemoglobin.</p><p>§ Haemoglobin <11 g/dl SD Standard deviation.</p><p># Data available for 3640 children.</p><p>Baseline characteristics and prevalence of malaria infection, anaemia and malaria antibodies by school.</p

    Crude and adjusted estimates for the odds of being positive for antimalarial antibodies.

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    <p>*Adjusted odds ratios are derived from a logistic regression model including all variables.</p><p>Crude and adjusted estimates for the odds of being positive for antimalarial antibodies.</p

    Additional file 1 of The effect of physical barriers under a raised house on mosquito entry: an experimental study in rural Gambia

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    Additional file 1: Table S1. Replicated Latin rectangle design for experimental huts heights. Table S2. Insect collection for all experimental nights. Table S3. Maximum and mean relative humidity levels in huts at different heights. Figure S1. Position of light trap (shown as x), data loggers (red) and sleepers. Figure S2. Experimental huts showing position of staircases. Figure S3. Wind direction and speed (10-1 ms−1) mosquito collection nights. A= 21.00 h to 23.59 h and B= 00.00 h to 06.59 h

    Slide positivity and seroprevalence rates for sampled schools.

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    <p>Circles represent schools location and colour graded according to the inset showing the prevalence of individuals with a positive blood slide for P. falciparum (A) and positive for antibodies to MSP1<sub>19</sub> (B).</p
