181 research outputs found

    The fundamental role of behavioral skills in crystalizing the budding managers

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    The mission and vision of Management education system had been exemplary in terms of evolving a true professional and efficient leader in every student and this pristine vision had been materialized and conceptualized in the vibrant ambience of a Gurukula. In continuation, the pupils were taught not only to earn their livelihood but also the humane principles for lifetime. Indeed, the Gurukulas adopted their own experiential learning pedagogy in order to train their pupils on various domains like interpersonal skills, intrapersonal skills, and professional skills, and so on… However, their pedagogical delivery was never constrained only for creating monetary machines but to evolve a human being.To interpret in the words of Swami Vivekananda, “Man making was the mission of education but not machine making”. In this contemporaneous world of monetary appetite, the lives of the people are completely saturated and engulfed by the monetary avarice. Accordingly, the precious dimensions of life have been monopolized by the dominating dimension called the economic status.Consequently, the same tendency is percolated into the younger generation wherein their success rate is measured by the yardstick of economic success and having no consideration for the true professional fiber.Interestingly, the academic role, which is responsible for evolving holistic personality in a student, has been redefined and drifted towards the metamorphosed role of building monetary generating humanoids.In continuation, the students who witness the transit of student-hood to professional-hood invariably witness a serious crisis in the role-adoption.Moreover, their theoretical or knowledge expertise may not encompass the vast corporate dimension that include interpersonal skills, intrapersonal skills, emotional intelligence, efficacy of communication skills, leadership skills and so on… Considering the subtle deficiencies and requirements of a professional, the paper suggests a few astute practices that are derived from the philosophies of Swami Vivekananda and other management gurus.Besides, the thoughts have been linked to the contemporaneous nomenclatures like emotional intelligence, transactional analysis, self-esteem etc… Moreover, the sagacious practices that are widely observed in the corporate corridors have been suggested in order to bridge the gap

    Hox Genes Regulate Muscle Founder Cell Pattern Autonomously and Regulate Morphogenesis Through Motor Neurons

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    The differentiation of myoblasts to form functional muscle fibers is a consequence of interactions between the mesoderm and ectoderm. The authors examine the role of segment identity in directing these interactions by studying the role of Hox genes in patterning adult muscles in Drosophila. Using the `four-winged fly' to remove Ultrabithorax function in the developing adult, the authors alter the identity of the ectoderm of the third thoracic segment towards the second and show that this is sufficient to inductively alter most properties of the mesoderm—myoblast number, molecular diversity, and migration pattern—to that of the second thoracic segment. Not all aspects of myogenesis are determined by the segment identity of the ectoderm. The autonomous identity of the mesoderm is important for choosing muscle founder cells in the correct segmental pattern. The authors show this by removal of the function of Antennapedia, the Hox gene expressed in the mesoderm of the third thoracic segment. This results in the transformation of founder cells to a second-thoracic pattern. The authors also report a role for the nervous system in later aspects of muscle morphogenesis by specifically altering Ultrabithorax gene expression in motor neurons. Thus, ectoderm and mesoderm segment identities collaborate to direct muscle differentiation by affecting distinct aspects of the process


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    Objective: The present study evaluated the effectiveness of Spirulina mouthwash on the reduction of dental plaque and gingivitis.Methods: A single-blind clinical trial was conducted among thirty patient's aged 18-40 y visiting dental college and hospital in Bangalore city. Mouthwash was prepared using 0.5% Spirulina. Intervention protocol consisted of instructing the patients to rinse with 10 ml of mouthwash for 1 minute twice daily for 7 d. Plaque index and Gingival index were used to assess the variables at the baseline and after the intervention. The perception of the individual subjects with regard to the use of mouthwash was assessed using 10 cm long visual analog scale (VAS). Statistical analysis was carried out using Wilcoxon signed rank test for mean pre and post plaque and gingival scores respectively. Descriptive statistics was performed for VAS questionnaireResults: The results showed a highly significant difference (p<0.001) between the mean plaque scores at the baseline (2.16±0.34) and at the follow up (1.27±0.46). The mean gingival scores at the baseline (1.86±0.38) and at the follow-up (1.05±0.43) also showed a highly significant difference (p<0.001). Regarding the Visual Analog Scale, the mean values of 5 or greater than suggested the responses to be favourable as the values were reflectedConclusion: The study showed that Spirulina mouthwash resulted in significant reduction in dental plaque and gingivitis. Also, the mouthwash was convenient to use without any adverse effects. Hence, the use of herbal mouth rinses such as Spirulina should be supported

    A questionnaire based study to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of pharmacovigilance among exam going second year undergraduate medical students in a South Indian teaching hospital

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    Background: Pharmacovigilance not only helps in the early detection of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) but also facilitates the identification of both, risk factors and the underlying mechanism. To increase the reporting rate, it is essential to improve the knowledge, attitude, and practices (KAP) of healthcare professionals regarding ADR reporting and pharmacovigilance, especially during undergraduate and postgraduate education. The objective of this study was to assess the KAP about pharmacovigilance among exam-going second-year undergraduate medical students.Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted among 150 exam-going second-year undergraduate students from Mysore Medical College and Research Institute, Mysore from April 2022 to June 2022. A validated questionnaire consisting of 22 questions divided into 3 sections; knowledge, attitude, and practice was used. Statistical analysis of data was done using an MS excel spreadsheet.Results: Out of the 150 participants 133 had good knowledge about ADR and pharmacovigilance. Majority of the students agreed that reporting of ADRs is necessary (95.3%), mandatory (95.3%), and should be included in pharmacology practicals (94.7%). Only 29.3% of the students had witnessed an ADR and none of the participants had ever reported an ADR indicating poor practice among the undergraduate students.Conclusions: Students had good knowledge and positive attitude towards ADR reporting and pharmacovigilance. Practice regarding pharmacovigilance was found to be poor, indicating the need for training the undergraduate students in ADR reporting by including ADR recognition and reporting as a part of clinical posting curriculum


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    Objectives: To adapt the LittlEARS Questionnaire in Tamil language and evaluate it in Tamil speaking cochlear implant children. Methods: LEAQ was translated to the Tamil language by a back-translation method following the guidelines of the World Health Organisation. The translated version was later administered to 100 randomly selected parents of cochlear implantees, scoring was done out of 35 for each child. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS software version 20.0 were descriptive statistics were carried out extracting the mean, standard deviation and range. Results: The results got did not significantly deviate from the normative, thus being able to quantify hierarchical auditory development skills and performance of children. Conclusion: LEAQ is a good subjective tool that can measure the outcome of cochlear implant/hearing aids, it must be translated and validated based on cultural and linguistic background.  Article visualizations

    Analysis of Metallised Propellant Ignition Process under Conductive Heating

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    Ignition of a composite aluminised propellant (AP-HTPB-Al) in stagnant hot air is analysed theoretically, based on solid phase and gas phase theories. According to solid phase theory, ignition is due to reaction of the propellant in the solid phase at elevated temperatures. One-dimensional transient solid phase energy equation is solved to obtain the surface temperature profile of the propellant. By gas phase theory, an exothermic gas phase reaction, adjacent to the propellant surface, is considered responsible for the ignition. The changes in temperature and concentrations in the gas phase and the temperature profile below the propellant surface during the pre-ignition induction period are considered. Equations of energy and concentrations of reactants have been solved to obtain the species concentration and temperature profiles in the gas phase. An experimental investigation of the ignition of AP-HTPB-Al propellant is also carried out in a shock tube under end-mount conditions. Pressure and temperature ranges were 6-16 bar and 1500-3000 K, respectively. A comparison of the experimental data with predicted results shows that the ignition in an oxidizing atmosphere is by gas phase reaction, whereas in an inert atmosphere, solid phase reaction may be predominant

    Bearing Capacity of A Strip Footing Resting On Treated And Untreated Soils

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    Expansive soils are highly susceptible to volumetric changes leading to rapid loss in the bearing capacity of footings resting on them. Among several techniques available to treat expansive soils, lime or fly ash stabilization gained prominence during the past few decades due to its abundance and adaptability. Chemical stabilization is widely used to treat expansive soils as it develops base exchange and cementation processes between clay particles.When expansive soils are treated with chemicals, it is essential to obtain the load-settlement response of footing resting on stabilized ground. In this study, Finite Element Analysis is performed using the commercial software, PLAXIS 2D, to obtain the load-settlement response of a strip footing resting on untreated and treated expansive soil. The bearing capacity of strip footing resting on treated soil is found to be about 150% higher than that of footing resting on untreated soil

    Comparison of vaginal and oral misoprostol, for the induction of labour in women with intra-uterine foetal death

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    Background: Misoprostol is a prostaglandin E1 analogue, a methyl-ester of prostaglandin E1 additionally methylated at C-16. Misoprostol is an effective myometrial stimulant of pregnant uterus, selectively binding to prostanoid receptors. The objective of the study was to compare the efficacy of vaginal and oral misoprostol for the induction of labour in women with intra-uterine foetal death (IUFD).Methods: A prospective randomised clinical trial, comparing 50µg oral and 50µg vaginal misoprostol, six hourlies for a maximum of four doses for the induction of labour in women with IUFD. All patients with IUFD after 28 weeks without previous uterine surgeries, without contraindications for prostaglandins are included in the study. The study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology MVJ Medical College and Research Hospital, Hoskote. Bangalore from June 2012 to June 2015. It is a tertiary institution serving predominantly rural population. The primary outcome measure was the induction to delivery time, secondary all complications were noted.Results: Twenty-five women were randomised to the vaginal route and twenty-five to the oral route. The induction to delivery time was longer with vaginal misoprostol 10.5±4.03 compared to oral misoprostol (9.58±4.9). There was no significant difference in the amount of misoprostol needed to achieve successful induction in the two groups. 3 patients needed oxytocin augmentation to complete the induction of labour. There were no cases of failed induction. The systemic side effects (shivering, diarrhoea, vomiting and pyrexia) were more common with oral misoprostol (44.5%) compared to vaginal misoprostol (20%).Conclusions: Oral misoprostol achieved successful induction of labour in women with IUFD in a shorter time than vaginal misoprostol. Both routes are equally effective in termination of pregnancy. Sublingual route is easy to administer, patient compliant, no need for internal examination, less chance of labour dysfunction, less chance of post-partum sepsis

    Spontaneous heterotopic pregnancy with tubal rupture

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    Heterotopic pregnancy is the coexistence of intrauterine pregnancy (IUP) and extrauterine gestation. It is a rare and dangerous life-threatening condition that is difficult to diagnose and easily missed. The incidence in the general population is estimated to be 1 in 30,000. We report a case of a 24-year-old multigravida who was seen in the emergency department with a diagnosis of a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. A careful ultrasound assessment led to the diagnosis of a heterotopic pregnancy despite lack of any notable risk factors. Immediate surgical intervention with supportive measures resulted in a successful outcome. An obstetrician should keep in mind the occurrence of a heterotopic pregnancy while dealing with pregnant females. It also demonstrates that early diagnosis is essential in order to salvage the intrauterine pregnancy and avoid maternal morbidity and mortality


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    Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular parasite that infects homoeothermic animals. It is also the major cause of retinochoroiditis in humans.Drugs targeting T. gondii proteins involved in the establishment of host-pathogen interactions is well documented to be an efficient way to combatthe infections. Basically, parasitic invasion of T. gondii occurs by the sequential secretion of apical membrane antigen 1 and rhoptry neck proteins onthe parasite and host cell surfaces, respectively. These proteins operate synergistically and form the moving junction (MJ) complex, thereby, enablingattachment and penetration of the parasite into the host cell. Better understanding of molecular interactions of these proteins is essential to develophighly efficient therapeutic modalities. Hence, by this review it is intended to update the current status of rhoptry and other MJ complex proteins asideal candidates for targeting T. gondii.Keywords: Toxoplasma gondii, Rhoptry proteins, Moving junction complex, Toxoplasmosis