1,646 research outputs found
Pengembangan Multimedia dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) untuk Perolehan Belajar Menghubungkan Konsep pada Siswa Kelas VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri I Pontianak
Multimedia pembelajaran merupakan salah satu media yang memiliki kelebihan dalam proses pembelajaran yang bersifat dinamis dan interaktif. Sehingga penyampaian konsep dalam pembelajaran yang menyangkut hal-hal yang abstrak akan mudah tersampaikan karena pebelajar terlibat langsung dalam keadaan yang konkrit. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang bersifat penelitian pengembangan. Sedangkan teknik dan alat pengumpul data yang dipergunakan adalah: Survei, wawancara, observasi, angket, dokumentasi, rekaman dan daftar penilaian. Pengembangan multimedia dilakukan dengan 2 tahap yaitu desain pembelajaran dan desain produk. Kata Kunci : Pengembangan, Multimedia Pembelajaran, Perolehan Belajar Konsep. ABSTRACT: Learning Multimedia is as one of media which has dynamic and interactive excess in learning process. As the result that the teaching of abstract concept can be more easily because the learners are getting involve in concrete situation. The method of this research is qualitative descriptive which apply development research. The technique and collecting data are survey, interview, observation, questionnaire, documentation, record and scoring table. The multimedia development is conducted in 2 phases; they are the learning design and product design
Dynamical deformation effects in subbarrier fusion of Ni+Sn
We show that dynamical deformation effects play an important role in fusion
reactions involving the Ni nucleus, in particular the
Ni+Sn system. We calculate fully microscopic interaction
potentials and the corresponding subbarrier fusion cross sections.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure
Pengembangan Multimedia dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Mandarin untuk Kecakapan Menulis Kosakata di Kelas X SMA
One foreign language option in the national education curriculum is mandarin. The highest level of difficulty experienced by students is the writing competence. Therefore, the developmental research aimed at producing mandarin instructional multimedia to enhanced students competences in writing. The approach used in the developmental research emloyed a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques such as interviews, observation, and study documents. Analysis of the data by calculating the percentage of indicators and qualitative descriptions. Developmental Multimedia begins with preparing prescriptions of learning task in learning design based on characteristic and learning behavior of students, then design the storyboard, and continued with the development of instructional multimedia
Pendekatan Pembelajaran Kontekstual untuk Kecakapan Menulis Pantun pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia
Issues raised in this research is the application of contextual learning approach to writing rhymes prowess in Class VII SMP 6 Ketapang. Contexstual learning approach is the concept of learning that helps teachers link between the material being taught to real world situations students and encourage students to make connections between the knowledge he has with the application in their lives. With this concept, the learning outcomes expected to be more meaningful for students. This study is a qualitative descriptive study aimed to determine the application of contextual learning approach for poem writing skills in Grade VII SMP 6 Ketapang. The subjects were students and teachers Indonesian Junior High School seventh grade 6 Ketapang Engineering Data collection in this study using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Analysis of the data in this study using the qualitative data analysis procedures of data reduction, data display and conclusion / verification. The results based on the general formulation of the problem that the application of contextual learning approach to writing prowess poem in class VII SMP 6 Ketapang is good. Planning learning with contextual approach prepared by an excellent teacher
Pemanfaatan Media Compact Disc ( Cd ) Dalam Pembelajaran Akhlak Mulia Taman Kanak-kanak Islam Al Azhar 21 Pontianak
Improving the qualityof human resourcesis importantto anticipate thedevelopment of science and technolog yisgro wing rapidly in manyareas of life and global competition today.Qualified human resourcesare expected totake advantage of opportunities to achievea better life. Quality of human resources can berealized through the implementation ofquality education, in cluding school education. Honoris one ofthe moralteaching and learning program contained in the school curriculum kind ergartento equip students withthe knowledge, attitudes and skill slead to national education goals. Kindergarten educationis expected tobe avehicle fo rstudentsto learn about them selves andthe environment,as well asprospects forfurther developmentin applying i tin everyday life. In fact, based onthe observation ofteachinggood values??in onekindergartenin Pontiana obtained information tha tthe majority of learning good values??in particularare stil using conventional learning with lecture method, more focused an lessmastery of subject matter experience,skill spractice. Interviews were conducted with one of the teachers was obtained that the activities and motivations of students kindergartenis stilllow, and studentstend to beless enthusiasticduring the lessoninclass. As a result, the concept of mastery students a chieved good values??arestill low. Based onthe above considerations, an attempttoun covero nthe use of CD media a reimplemen tedin learnin ggood values??teachers perceivedrational enough to do. CD media utilizationin teaching good values ??necessary to obtain the information through research
Pengaruh Peningkatan Jumlah Pembawa Pesan terhadap Tingkat Kognitif Responden pada Media Audio
In the advertising, a certain style of executing messages can be encountered based on testimonial evidence. As regards testimonial evidence, the marketing party involved can employ several endorsers or make use of only one in advertisements to deliver the message. The focus of study is on the extent to which people's cognitive response are affected by an increase in the number of endorsers and by the differentiation in the perceived quality of the commercials presented in audio-based commercials, a type of commercial that can only be heard by the respondents who cannot see the actual speaker's face
Peran Penambahan Jumlah Endorser terhadap Perubahan Persepsi Responden Akan Kekuatan Iklan (suatu Studi Kasus pada Media Audio)
In the advertising, a certain style of executing messages can be encountered based on testimonial evidence. As regards testimonial evidence, the marketing party involved can employ several endorsers or make use of only one in advertisements to deliver the message. The focus of study is on the extent to which messages' strength in term of attractiveness, convincingness, believability and persuasiveness can be altered by an increase in the number of endorsers. The research will test both messages that are perceived of having low quality persuasion and those are perceived of having high quality. The messages of the commercials are presented in audio-based commercials, a type of commercial that can only be heard by the respondents who cannot see the actual speaker's face
Pengembangan Multimedia untuk Perolehan Belajar Konsep Reproduksi Manusia dalam Mata Pelajaran Biologi Kelas XI
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak is a school which has high integrity to do innovation in learning through multimedia. This condition is supported by adequate facilities to apply an obtaining concept of learning. The focus of this research is How is media profile fit for obtaining concept of human reproduction learning in Biology subject for eleven grades, SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak. The research is categorized of development research which focuses on finding a procedural model through multimedia for obtaining human reproduction concept of learning in Biology subject eleven grades, SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Pontianak
Karakteristik Buah Pisang Lahan Rawa Lebak Kalimantan Selatan Serta Upaya Perbaikan Mutu Tepungnya
Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik buah pisang mentah dari pertanaman di lahan rawa lebak Kalimantan Selatan, serta teknologi perbaikan mutu dan daya simpan gaplek dan tepung pisang. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Fisiologi Hasil, Balai Penelitian Pertanian Lahan Rawa, Banjarbaru, pada bulan Juli-Desember 2002. Rancangan percobaan acak kelompok faktorial. Faktor I adalah dua varietas pisang (kepok dan awa). Faktor II adalah teknik pengirisan buah pisang, yaitu (1) sawut membujur, bagian tengah dibuang (cara petani), (2) iris tipis membujur, (3) sawut melintang, (4) iris tipis melintang, (5) iris tipis diagonal. Buah pisang dipilih pada tingkat kemasakan mature green (hijau tapi tua), buah masih keras dan kulit hijau. Setelah karakterisasi mutu buah pisang, dilakukan pembuatan gaplek dan tepung pisang serta penyimpanan dalam bentuk gaplek dan tepung menggunakan pengemas kantong plastik PE tebal 0,04 mm rangkap dua, selama 5 bulan penyimpanan pada kondisi kamar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pisang kepok dan awa dari pertanaman di lahan rawa lebak, mempunyai berat tandan antara 4,12-18,5 kg (pisang kepok), lebih besar daripada awa (2,1-8,8 kg). Namun, pisang kepok mempunyai kulit lebih tebal (44,35%) daripada pisang awa (33,28%), sehingga persentase daging buah (55,65%) lebih sedikit daripada awa (66,72%). Kadar air, pati, gula total buah pisang kepok masing-masing sebesar 59,83; 24,01 dan 4,16% bb (basis basah), pisang awa masing-masing sebesar 62,87; 20,07; dan 9,99% bb. Teknik iris tipis diagonal menghasilkan rendemen lebih tinggi dan meningkat sebesar 7,88% dari cara petani dengan teknik sawut bagian tengah dibuang. Selama 5 bulan penyimpanan, terjadi peningkatan kadar air sebesar 3,19% bb untuk gaplek dan 1,07% bb untuk tepung. Implikasinya, guna pengembangan industri tepung pisang khususnya di lahan rawa lebak Kalimantan Selatan, pengolahan tepung pisang disarankan pengirisan buah dengan teknik iris tipis, kemudian tepung pisangnya dapat disimpan cukup lama dalam kantong plastik.Characteristic of banana fruit origin from monotonous swampland in South Kalimantan and the efforts to improve the quality of banana flour. The objectives of the research were to find out the characteristics of mature green banana fruit origin from banana plantation in monotonous swampland in South Kalimantan, and technology to improve the quality and storage of dried banana chip (gaplek) and banana flour. This research conducted in Postharvest Laboratory, Research Institute for Swampland Agriculture, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, on July-December 2002. The treatment arranged in factorial randomized block design, with three replications. The first factor was two banana varieties (kepok and awa). The second factor was slicing techniques of banana fruit, they are (1) shredded in lengthwise, discard the fruit core (farmer technique); (2) sliced in lengthwise; (3) shredded in crosswise; (4) sliced in crosswise; and (5) sliced in diagonal shape. Mature green banana fruit was choosen for flour processing. After characterization, the fruit was processed to dried banana and flour. The dried banana and flour were stored using double PE plastic bag 0.04 mm thickness for 5 months at ambient conditions. The results showed that, fruit bunch weight of kepok was 4.12-18.5 kg, heavier than awa (2.1-8.8 kg). Kepok has thicker fruit skin (44.35%) compared to awa (33.28%). Therefore the flesh of kepok is 55.65% lower than awa (66.72%). The moisture, starch, and total sugar of kepok were 59.83; 24.01, and 4.16% wb (wet basis), respectively, and awa were 62.87; 20.07, and 9.99% wb, respectively. Diagonal shape of slicing technique produced higher yield recoveries of banana flour 7.88% higher compare to farmer technique. The quality of dried banana and flour on 5 months storage, still moderately good, and the moisture content increased as much as 3.19% wb for dried banana and 1.07% wb for banana flour. The implication is to develop banana flour industry espesialy at monotonous swampland area in South Kalimantan, it is suggested to use diagonal slices technique, and store the banana flour in plastic bag
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