4 research outputs found

    Csms Implementation and Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Contractor Safety Performance in PT Vale Indonesia

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    Safety of life and work (safety) is the main value that must be owned by every company, not least PT Vale Indonesia (PTVI) as a nickel mining and processing company operating in Sorowako, South Sulawesi. This study aims to examine the implementation and effectiveness of CSMS, including the factors that affect the safety performance of contractors at PT Vale Indonesia in Sorowako. This study was conducted by analyzing the significance and correlation between CSMS implementation and its effectiveness as well as the influencing factors: culture and behavior, work conditions, resources, communication and training. The analytical tool used is Chi Square and Kendall's Tau with primary data obtained from the questionnaire survey to the parties related to CSMS that are contractors and stakeholders in PT Vale Indonesia and secondary data in the form of data safety record in EHS department of PT Vale Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the CSMS program in PT Vale Indonesia has been implemented well and sufficiently, so the effects of the program have been in accordance with its objectives and lead to targets determined on the quantity side, but in terms of quality needs to be improved further by increasing fulfillment of CSMS implementation and significant influencing factors are: improvement of training, communication and culture and safety behavior

    The Effect of the Work, Training and Motivation to Employee Productivity at PT. Bank Sulselbar Major Branch of Makassar

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    Quality human resources is one of the strengths owned by a company to achieve goals, one of which is to improve employee productivity. This study aims to analyze the extent to which influence factors work, training, and motivation to optimize work productivity achieved by employees at PT. Bank Sulselbar Main Branch of Makassar. The research method used is descriptive, validity, and multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS softaware. From the calculation results obtained t value for the variable Working Period is equal to 10,818 and by using the significance level (significance level) of 5% obtained t table of 1.671 while the sig value in the table of 0.000 because sig smaller than 0.05 that shows that Masa Work (X1) has a positive and significant effect on Work Productivity (Y). The value of t arithmetic for the training variable is 2,360 while the sig value in the table is 0,021 so it shows that Training (X1) has a positive and significant influence on Work Productivity (Y). The t value for the Motivation variable is 4,172 and by using the significance level (significance level) of 5% obtained t table equal to 1.671 while the sig value in the table is 0.000 so that the Motivation (X3) has a positive and significant effect to the Work Productivity (Y) . While simultaneously, the calculation results obtained F-count larger than the F-table is 390.687> 2.53 While the sig value in the table of 0.000 is smaller than 0.005 indicates that the variable Working Period (x1), Training (x2), Motivation (X3) effect simultaneously or together to work productivity variable