570 research outputs found

    Scattering of Bunched Fractionally Charged Quasiparticles

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    The charge of fractionally charged quasiparticles, proposed by Laughlin to explain the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE), was recently verified by measurements. Charge q=e/3 and e/5 (e is the electron charge), at filling factors nu=1/3 and 2/5, respectively, were measured. Here we report the unexpected bunching of fractional charges, induced by an extremely weak backscattering potential at exceptionally low electron temperatures (T<10 mK) - deduced from shot noise measurements. Backscattered charges q=nu e, specifically, q=e/3, q=2e/5, and q<3e/7, in the respective filling factors, were measured. For the same settings but at an only slightly higher electron temperature, the measured backscattered charges were q=e/3, q=e/5, and q=e/7. In other words, bunching of backscattered quasiparticles is taking place at sufficiently low temperatures. Moreover, the backscattered current exhibited distinct temperature dependence that was correlated to the backscattered charge and the filling factor. This observation suggests the existence of 'low' and 'high' temperature backscattering states, each with its characteristic charge and characteristic energy.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Analysis of plasma instabilities and verification of the BOUT code for the Large Plasma Device

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    The properties of linear instabilities in the Large Plasma Device [W. Gekelman et al., Rev. Sci. Inst., 62, 2875 (1991)] are studied both through analytic calculations and solving numerically a system of linearized collisional plasma fluid equations using the 3D fluid code BOUT [M. Umansky et al., Contrib. Plasma Phys. 180, 887 (2009)], which has been successfully modified to treat cylindrical geometry. Instability drive from plasma pressure gradients and flows is considered, focusing on resistive drift waves, the Kelvin-Helmholtz and rotational interchange instabilities. A general linear dispersion relation for partially ionized collisional plasmas including these modes is derived and analyzed. For LAPD relevant profiles including strongly driven flows it is found that all three modes can have comparable growth rates and frequencies. Detailed comparison with solutions of the analytic dispersion relation demonstrates that BOUT accurately reproduces all characteristics of linear modes in this system.Comment: Published in Physics of Plasmas, 17, 102107 (2010

    Israel Isidor Mattuck: Architect of Liberal Judaism

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    Passover Seder Experience 1996

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    Campus Ministry, Kadima & Judaic Studies invite all members of the Fairfield University Community to a Passover Seder Experience with Dr. Ellen Umansky, the Bennett Chair in Judaic Studies.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/bennettcenter-posters/1188/thumbnail.jp

    Entanglement, Dephasing, and Phase Recovery via Cross-Correlation Measurements of Electrons

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    Determination of the path taken by a quantum particle leads to a suppression of interference and to a classical behavior. We employ here a quantum 'which path' detector to perform accurate path determination in a two-path-electron-interferometer; leading to full suppression of the interference. Following the dephasing process we recover the interference by measuring the cross-correlation between the interferometer and detector currents. Under our measurement conditions every interfering electron is dephased by approximately a single electron in the detector - leading to mutual entanglement of approximately single pairs of electrons.Comment: 13 Pages, 5 Figure

    Influence of point defects on magnetic vortex structures

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    We employed micro-Hall magnetometry and micromagnetic simulations to investigate magnetic vortex pinning at single point defects in individual submicron-sized permalloy disks. Small ferromagnetic particles containing artificial point defects can be fabricated by using an image reversal electron beam lithography process. Corresponding micromagnetic calculations, modeling the defects within the disks as holes, give reasonable agreement between experimental and simulated pinning and depinning field values

    Controlled dephasing of a quantum dot in the Kondo regime

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    Kondo correlation in a spin polarized quantum dot (QD) results from the dynamical formation of a spin singlet between the dot's net spin and a Kondo cloud of electrons in the leads, leading to enhanced coherent transport through the QD. We demonstrate here significant dephasing of such transport by coupling the QD and its leads to potential fluctuations in a near by 'potential detector'. The qualitative dephasing is similar to that of a QD in the Coulomb Blockade regime in spite of the fact that the mechanism of transport is quite different. A much stronger than expected suppression of coherent transport is measured, suggesting that dephasing is induced mostly in the 'Kondo cloud' of electrons within the leads and not in the QD.Comment: to be published in PR
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