7 research outputs found

    Variasi Pengaruh Penggunaan Limbah Kulit Kopi Arabika Terhadap Pertumbuhan Azolla Microphylla

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    This research aimed to analyze the influence of the use of the Arabica coffee leather waste toward the growth of Azolla microphylla, and to know the best treatment on A. microphylla. This research was conducted in the UPT-BBI Lukup Badak, Aceh Tenggah. This study used a randomized complete design (RAL) consisting of 5 treatments, namely granting fertilizer A:0 g/m2, B:100 g/m2, C: 200 g/m2, D: 300 g/m2 and E: 400 g/m2 with 3 replicates. ANOVA test results showed that the granting of Arabica coffee leather waste fertilizer had significant effect toward the relative growth rate, increasing biomass, doubling time and a density of A. microphylla (p < 0.05). The relative growth rate, increasing biomass, doubling time, and the density of A. microphylla by granting the best Arabica coffee leather waste fertilizer can be found on the treatment E with dose 400 g/m2. Analysis of the highest protein content on A. microphylla can be found on granting treatment E namely 28.89% and lowest in treatment A namely 21.89% of dry weight

    Pengaruh Gradasi Pasir dan Kadar Lempung terhadap Kuat Geser Tanah

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    Clayey sand\u27s shear strength is influenced by several factors, for examples sand and clay soil fraction, soil properties, density, moisture content, and gradation. Sand and clay mixture with same composition may different in shear strength. It is influenced by moisture content, density and gradation. This research aims to study the effect of clay content in sand that change the Shear strength of soil. Variation of clayey sand soil distinguished based on percentage, every variation have different gradation from well-graded sand to poorly-graded sand. Each sample variation is mixed with a certain moisture content, preloading created in order to represent overburden pressure. Samples was tested of gradation, density and shear strength. Relationship between gradation and shear strength value expressed by the value of Cc, Cu and cohesion, internal friction angle shows specific graphs in particular trends. The results showed effect of gradation and density on soil shear strength. Soil with well-graded sand and dense has good shear strength, in the other hand shear strength decreased when the gradation and density became lower. The addition of clay will increase cohesion and decrease internal friction angle

    Penyempurnaan Tahan Api dan Antibakteri pada Kain Kapas dengan N-metilol Dimetilfosfonopropionamida (Pyrovatex Cp New) dan Kitosan Menggunakan Plasma Lucutan Korona

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    Plasma lucutan korona dengan konfigurasi elektroda multi titik-bidang telah digunakan pada studi ini untuk proses penyempurnaan tahan api dan antibakteri pada kain kapas menggunakan N-metilol dimetilfosfonopropionamida (MDFPA, Pyrovatex CP New) dan kitosan. Kain kapas diberi perlakuan dengan campuran Pyrovatex CP New 400 g/L, asam fosfor 80% 20 g/L, dan kitosan 10 g/L menggunakan metode benam peras-plasma, plasma-benam peras dan plasma-perendaman dengan variasi waktu pajanan plasma 5 – 30 menit. Ketiga metode tersebut menghasilkan kain kapas yang tidak meneruskan pembakaran dengan panjang arang bervariasi antara 9,5 – 12,2 cm tergantung waktu pemajanan. Sebagai perbandingan, kain kapas yang tidak diberi perlakuan memiliki waktu nyala dan bara masing-masing 7 dan 20 detik serta panjang arang 30 cm, sedangkan cara benam peras-pemanaswetan menghasilkan kain yang juga tidak meneruskan pembakaran tapi dengan panjang arang 16 cm. Hingga batas tertentu, arang yang tersisa semakin pendek dengan semakin lamanya waktu pajanan plasma karena waktu pemajanan yang terlalu lama justru menambah panjang arang. Cara plasma-perendaman menghasilkan aktifitas antibakteri yang relatif lebih tinggi dengan diameter daya hambat sebesar 14 mm daripada plasma-benam peras dan benam peras-plasma yang hanya menghasilkan daya hambat sebesar 13 mm. Meskipun belum maksimum, perlakuan kain kapas dengan Pyrovatex CP New dan kitosan menggunakan plasma lucutan korona telah memberikan sifat tahan api dan antibakteri yang cukup signifikan dan menjanjikan

    Pengaruh Dosis Alam terhadap Persepsi Nilai dan Loyalitas Pelanggan Kedai Kopi Era New Normal Live

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    This study aims to test the dose of nature (manicured gardens, fountains, and trendy entertainment) as a green design in the coffee shop on the perception of value that will ultimately determine the level of loyalty for customers in the direction of new normal life. Data were obtained from a sample of 500 respondents who visited coffee shops in Surabaya. By using AMOS 18.0, the following results were found, first, the green design significantly influenced the perception of utilitarian values, the second the green design significantly influenced the perception of hedonic values, the three utilitarian values significantly influenced loyalty and finally, hedonic values significantly affected loyalty on a coffee shop